Exclude [JsonProperty] from Obfuscar - json.net

I am using Json.NET and Obfuscar what used to result into some troubles.
I know how to exclude elements from Obfuscar manually.
How can I automatically exclude all with [JsonProperty] annotated elements from being obfuscated?


D365FO x++ syscomputedcolumn table name

How can you use the syscomputedcolumn class to retrieve a table or field name for an entity? this is fairly easy using virtual field entity postload method something like
public class SysDatabaseLogHeaderEntity extends common
public void postLoad()
this.TableName = tableId2Name(this.table);
but there's a rumour that virtual fields won't be supported in upcoming synapse link for D 365 FnO so want to know how to do this with computed columns...
SysComputedColumn is used to help create computed columns in views.
Supposing for some reason you want a column in which every row contains the string value "CustTable", you'd create create a method (AX 2012 syntax):
public static server string TableNameColumn()
return SysComputedColumn::returnLiteral(tableStr(CustTable));
and then you'd add a computed column to the view as outlined here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamicsax-2012/developer/walkthrough-add-a-computed-column-to-a-view
Note: hopefully this is a toy example, there is no reason to ever actually do this particular column. Or really any fully static columns.
View computed columns are essentially based on static server methods which return the SQL definition for the computed column, and then the SysComputedColumn class has a bunch of helper methods to let you build those SQL string statements without using specific implementation knowledge of the backend database such as column names.
A complete description is beyond the scope of this comment, but the big one you'll use is SysComputedColumn::returnField(view,datasource,field) which gets the specified field from the specified datasource in the specified view. You want to use intrinsic functions for these parameters to keep your cross references valid (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamicsax-2012/developer/intrinsic-functions).
There will be a lot you can't do though. These are sql only so they cannot send individual rows into X++ business logic. You need to reconstruct said business logic in SQL which can't always be done easily.
I like to keep those methods public so I can info them out and test them in SQL directly. I'm guessing you can't access the sql in d365, but looking at the string returned from your method can still help in troubleshooting.

How to make changes in POCO file in Entity Framework so changes are retained

I am using Database First approach in Entity Framework. I have a table which contain one field called CustomerName and it is NOT NULL.
The generated POCO is given below.
public partial class Customers
public string CustomerName {get; set;}
I have two questions.
How can I make this a required field so my code would become like this (shown below). As you know POCO is automatically generated so after I do this and update model from database, all my code is removed.
public partial class Customers
public string CustomerName {get; set;}
Second question is why EF automatically doesn't apply [Required] with this field when generating code? The field is NOT NULL in database so shouldn't this be done automatically without having to manually write [Required]?
Here's the answer if you're using EF6:
Notice that the generated Customers class is partial, we're going to leverage that. First, we'll need to create a new Customers partial class with the exact same name within the exact same namespace:
namespace WebApp.TheSameNamespaceAsTheGeneratedCustomersClass
public partial class Customers
Now both of these partials make up the same class it's just that the source code of this class is now split in different files, one of which is generated by the tool and one that you wrote by hand. The difference of course is that you can change the latter without it getting rewritten all the time.
Note that the namespace has to match but the folder that contains the class file doesn't.
Now we need to create the metadata class that contains all the necessary attributes and decorate our Customers partial with it, like so:
namespace WebApp.TheSameNamespaceAsTheGeneratedCustomersClass
[MetadataType(typeof(CustomersMetadata))] //decorating the entity with the metadata
public partial class Customers
public class CustomersMetadata //metadata class
[Required] //your data annotations
public string CustomerName { get; set; } //the property name has to match
and that's it.
Is it verbose? Yeah, but that decision was made when db first was chosen.
A word of caution:
If you're doing this to use entity classes as data models in MVC, generally speaking, that's considered a bad practice. The recommended way is to create separate model classes and map data from and to entities. There are some security reasons for that, which you should research before you make the final decision.
If you are using ef core then try adding --data-annotations flag in your scaffold command.
Please refer for more info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/scaffolding?tabs=dotnet-core-cli#fluent-api-or-data-annotations
EF doesn't have any means of validating your data in your POCO classes when it generates sql. That is why it is recommended that we should have a corresponding model object layer (corresponding model classes for your entities) that your application can manipulate. You can use something like AutoMapper for mapping between models and entities. In this way you can modify your model classes without impacting your EF entities.

Is there a way to map differently named environment variables to an IOptions<T> implementation pattern?

Given a .NET Core project using a HostBuilder, with the options pattern, is there a way to map specific environment variables to my options' properties.
Let's say my options class looks like this:
class MyOptions
public string MyFirstValue { get; set; }
public string MySecondValue { get; set; }
My appsettings.json files can now contain values named MyFirstValue and MySecondValue (case insensitive), and also be located in sub sections. But what if optional environment variables can override these values, but their name doesn't match the properties? Let's say the first one can be overridden by a MY_SPECIAL_FIRST_VALUE? Is there any way to configure my builders to consider this?
Out of the box there is no way to do this because the environment variable provider doesn't support it. It requires a pattern to the environment variable name where each level is separated by a double underscore, e.g. SOME__THING__PROPERTY.
You could, at a point in the startup before the environment variable provider kicks in, read the value of your custom environment variable and set the appropriate underscored variable, or you could use a delegate as suggested in the comments.
Another option would be to write your own provider, perhaps subclassing the existing one but allowing for custom environment variables. That's obviously a bit more involved.

Initiate Properties automatically using StructureMap

If i have N numbers of classes on each of them i am declaring for example property which contains some app setting values from config file.
public static IAppSettings AppSettings { get; set; }
I want to populate this property automatically when class is created.
I am thinking to achieve this goal using StructureMap.
I want to "say" somehow only in one place, that if class contain this property populate it.
May be some one came across this and have any ideas?
ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC, ConsoleApp/WinForms
If i have N numbers of classes on each
of them i am declaring for example
property which contains some app
setting values from config file.
You should consider having those N classes derive from a base class which contains this property:
public abstract Base
public IAppSettings AppSettings { get; set; }
then if you want to have this property automatically populated by StructureMap you should no longer instantiate them manually but always ask the container for a value.
For example in a ASP.NET MVC application I would use constructor injection to pass the value of IAppSettings to all the controllers that need it.
It sounds like you want a variation of the SettingsScanner described in this post: http://lostechies.com/joshuaflanagan/2009/07/13/how-we-handle-application-configuration/
You can get the full code for the scanner and ISettingsProvider from The FubuMVC source code:

Remove field in wsdl in Asp.net webservice

I'm generating dto classes with a template engine and would like to exclude some properties in an asmx webservice, what, if possible, is the best way to do this?
public ProductPackages GetPackages()
ProductPackages packages = new ProductPackages();
packages.Packages.add(new PackageDTO());
return packages;
The PackageDTO contains some properties that's not relevant for this service.
But as the class can be regenerated any time i can't apply [XmlIgnore] to the fields.
So I'm looking for a way to apply a "exclude list" without touching the actual class.
Above is just an example, the template engine generates dto's for all tables in a given project, and I would like to be able to use them in services without needing to maintain a big bunch of nearly identical classes.
Just hit the same problem. You can exclude fields by marking them as internal.
public class Order
public double OrderPrice;
internal double ProfitMargin;
internal string TheTruthAboutThisCustomer;
If you don't want to return a field or property, then don't have it in the object you return! It's as simple as that.
