How to associate a telegram user with user in my system - telegram

I have a membership website, and I want to add a telegram group for members, but be able to remove people from the group if they stop being a member.
I can't figure out how to associate the users on telegram with my users via the Telegram API.
The existing Membership bots for Telegram aren't helpful as they create new users, and I can't use them with the existing members of my web app.
Is this even possible?


How can I programatically get a Telegram Bot's info

As per the Telegram Bot API's documentation I see it is possible to retrieve a bot's name (using getMe).
It is also possible to retrieve a botpic of a specific bot (using getUserProfilePhotos).
I've read Telegram's documentation again and again and I cannot find a way to obtain either of a Telegram bot's Description, About or Commands.
Also I cannot find any way to check what a specific bot's allow groups, group privacy and domain are set to.
Are Telegram Bots in some alpha/experimental state ?
It's a powerful idea but I see they lack most of the features you (as a developer) would expect them to have.
I see there are a lot of random features instead.
How could I retrieve the upper properties (Description, About, Commands) for a specific bot using the Telegram Bot API ?
How could I retrieve a specific bot owner account's info, phone number Telegram Bot API ?
P.S: I have all the tokens of the bots I am about to retrieve the upper information for.
You can't with the bots API but it will be possible with userbot (a bot running as regular telegram account) using client API.
Obtaining number and information of the bot owner would be leaking of private data, privacy...

How to create a membership channel?

It's the first time that I used Telegram Bot and I'm looking for a way to create a membership channel, in particular:
I have a website where the users can subscribe a specific mebership level and this give access to a specific feature of the site. Actually I was able to create a bot and establish a communication with the site through the channel (where the bot is linked). In this way, each time that I publish an article on my Wordpress site the users of the Telegram Channel can see the article.
The problem
In this way, all the users of the cannel can see the article, I want show the message that contains the article only to the users which have subscribed a membership on my WordPress site. Is there a way to achieve this?
Adding a channel to your solution adds extra complexity. Suggested solution as your requirement:
Add telegram web login to your website. After that you will have access to those users to send them a message via your bot.
Send your messages only to whom have an active subscription.
This way you can also remind individual users in case of expiration of their subscription

Get telegram user id without chat

I have user's id in telegram. Outside bot. Just ids. Can I somehow get rest information about these users without chat with them?

Telegram group ban/boot/kick user

I need to create a Telegram bot to moderate a group and be able to ban/boot/kick users from the group.
I could not find anything in the Telegram API to boot a user from a group, how can a bot do this through the API?
You can use banChatMember to remove a user from a group.
The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights.
To remove a user without banning them, use unbanChatMember.
this method guarantees that after the call the user is not a member of the chat, but will be able to join it. So if the user is a member of the chat they will also be removed from the chat.

LinkedIn API: Retrieving a user's group memberships

We are planning to integrate the LinkedIn login for users to be able to easily access restricted content on a large website.
While in general the integration approach is clear we are unable to find some specific documentation of the API capabilities.
Specifically we are interested to know whether it is possible to access a person's group memberships to be able to tie restricted access on our website to specific LinkedIn groups.
The idea is to give LinkedIn users of a certain group access to restricted pages on our website.
To achieve this we would:
- Authenticate the user using LinkedIn oAuth
- Retrieve the user's LinkedIn group memberships
- Allow access to certain content in case the user is member of the respective group
Is this possible?
Thanks for your help!
