What can I leverage (from R) to convert expressions with nested fractions from infix-notation to LaTeX? - r

I'd like something to convert pretty basic math expressions, having nested parentheses and fractions, to LaTeX notation. Like mathquill, but a function (or even the building blocks of one).
There seem to be some Lua and Haskell solutions in a pandoc/Rmarkdown context, but I can't use those, because (a) I'm scared of real languages, and (b) I'm generating PNGs (via webtex) to be featured in a flextable table, outside of a rendered document.
I'm inexperienced with regular expressions, so I don't know how to leverage something like this, but I'd appreciate any pointers if that seems like a productive path.
"Write a parser" is something best left to others, at least in my case!
Example expression below. Just a few levels of nesting, no big deal. I can bound it at, say, 5 levels, if that helps. And the input is parseable as an R expression—I can guarantee matched parentheses, for example.
(y0 - (y0/((1-y0)*exp(B*dx)+y0)))*Pop
Here's what I'd want in the case above. The \cdots are sugar; I can handle those.
\left(y0-\frac{y0}{\left(1-y0\right)\cdot\exp\left(B\cdot dx\right)+y0}\right)\cdot Pop


gsub >=2 white space with tab in R [duplicate]

I've seen regex patterns that use explicitly numbered repetition instead of ?, * and +, i.e.:
Explicit Shorthand
(something){0,1} (something)?
(something){1} (something)
(something){0,} (something)*
(something){1,} (something)+
The questions are:
Are these two forms identical? What if you add possessive/reluctant modifiers?
If they are identical, which one is more idiomatic? More readable? Simply "better"?
To my knowledge they are identical. I think there maybe a few engines out there that don't support the numbered syntax but I'm not sure which. I vaguely recall a question on SO a few days ago where explicit notation wouldn't work in Notepad++.
The only time I would use explicitly numbered repetition is when the repetition is greater than 1:
Exactly two: {2}
Two or more: {2,}
Two to four: {2,4}
I tend to prefer these especially when the repeated pattern is more than a few characters. If you have to match 3 numbers, some people like to write: \d\d\d but I would rather write \d{3} since it emphasizes the number of repetitions involved. Furthermore, down the road if that number ever needs to change, I only need to change {3} to {n} and not re-parse the regex in my head or worry about messing it up; it requires less mental effort.
If that criteria isn't met, I prefer the shorthand. Using the "explicit" notation quickly clutters up the pattern and makes it hard to read. I've worked on a project where some developers didn't know regex too well (it's not exactly everyone's favorite topic) and I saw a lot of {1} and {0,1} occurrences. A few people would ask me to code review their pattern and that's when I would suggest changing those occurrences to shorthand notation and save space and, IMO, improve readability.
I can see how, if you have a regex that does a lot of bounded repetition, you might want to use the {n,m} form consistently for readability's sake. For example:
But I can't recall ever seeing such a case in real life. When I see {0,1}, {0,} or {1,} being used in a question, it's virtually always being done out of ignorance. And in the process of answering such a question, we should also suggest that they use the ?, * or + instead.
And of course, {1} is pure clutter. Some people seem to have a vague notion that it means "one and only one"--after all, it must mean something, right? Why would such a pathologically terse language support a construct that takes up a whole three characters and does nothing at all? Its only legitimate use that I know of is to isolate a backreference that's followed by a literal digit (e.g. \1{1}0), but there are other ways to do that.
They're all identical unless you're using an exceptional regex engine. However, not all regex engines support numbered repetition, ? or +.
If all of them are available, I'd use characters rather than numbers, simply because it's more intuitive for me.
They're equivalent (and you'll find out if they're available by testing your context.)
The problem I'd anticipate is when you may not be the only person ever needing to work with your code.
Regexes are difficult enough for most people. Anytime someone uses an unusual syntax, the question
arises: "Why didn't they do it the standard way? What were they thinking that I'm missing?"

What does the jq notation <function>/<number> mean?

In various web pages, I see references to jq functions with a slash and a number following them. For example:
I found the above notation used on a stackoverflow page.
I could not find in the jq Manual page a definition as to what this notation means. I'm guessing it might indicate that the walk function that takes 1 argument. If so, I wonder why a more meaningful notation isn't used such as is used with signatures in C++, Java, and other languages:
<function>(type1, type2, ..., typeN)
Can anyone confirm what the notation <function>/<number> means? Are other variants used?
The notation name/arity gives the name and arity of the function. "arity" is the number of arguments (i.e., parameters), so for example explode/0 means you'd just write explode without any arguments, and map/1 means you'd write something like map(f).
The fact that 0-arity functions are invoked by name, without any parentheses, makes the notation especially handy. The fact that a function name can have multiple definitions at any one time (each definition having a distinct arity) makes it easy to distinguish between them.
This notation is not used in jq programs, but it is used in the output of the (new) built-in filter, builtins/0.
By contrast, in some other programming languages, it (or some close variant, e.g. module:name/arity in Erlang) is also part of the language.
There are various difficulties which typically arise when attempting to graft a notation that's suitable for languages in which method-dispatch is based on types onto ones in which dispatch is based solely on arity.
The first, as already noted, has to do with 0-arity functions. This is especially problematic for jq as 0-arity functions are invoked in jq without parentheses.
The second is that, in general, jq functions do not require their arguments to be any one jq type. Having to write something like nth(string+number) rather than just nth/1 would be tedious at best.
This is why the manual strenuously avoids using "name(type)"-style notation. Thus we see, for example, startswith(str), rather than startswith(string). That is, the parameter names in the documentation are clearly just names, though of course they often give strong type hints.
If you're wondering why the 'name/arity' convention isn't documented in the manual, it's probably largely because the documentation was mostly written before jq supported multi-arity functions.
In summary -- any notational scheme can be made to work, but name/arity is (1) concise; (2) precise in the jq context; (3) easy-to-learn; and (4) widely in use for arity-oriented languages, at least on this planet.

Can I manipulate symbols like I manipulate strings?

Question: Can I divide a symbol into two symbols based on a letter or symbol?
Example: For example, let's say I have :symbol1_symbol2, and I want to split it on the _ into :symbol1 and :symbol2. Is this possible?
Motivation: A fairly common recommendation in Julia is to use Symbol in place of String or ASCIIString as it is more efficient for many operations. So I'm interested in situations where this might break down because there is no analogue for Symbol for an operation that we might typically perform on ASCIIString, e.g. anything to do with regular expressions.
No you can't manipulate symbols.
They are not a composite type (in logic, though they maybe in implement).
They are one thing.
Much like an integer is one thing,
or a boolean is one thing.
You can't manipulate the parts of it.
As I understand, it the reason they are fast is because thay are "one thing".
Symbols are not strings.
Symbols are the representation of a parsed token.
They exist for working with macros etc.
They are useful for other things.
Though one fo there most common alterate uses in 0.3 was as a standin for enumerations. Now that Enum is in 0.4, that use will decline.
They are still logically good for dictionary keys etc.
If for some reason you must.
Eg for interop with a 3rd party library, or for some kind of dynamic dispatch:
You can convert it to a String,
with string(:abc), (There is not currently a convert),
and back with Symbol("abc").
function symsplit(s_s::Symbol)
strings= split(combined_string_from, '_')
#show symsplit(:a)
#show symsplit(:a_b)
#show symsplit(:a_b_c);
but please don't.
You can find all the methods that operate on symbols by calling methodswith(Symbol) (though most just use the symbol as a marker/enum)
See also:
What is a "symbol" in Julia?

Excel-like toy-formula parsing

I would like to create a grammar for parsing a toy like formula language that resembles S-expression syntax.
I read through the "Getting Started with PyParsing" book and it included a very nice section that sort of covers a similar grammar.
Two examples of data to parse are:
Now, I have come up with a grammar that sort-of parses the formula but disregards
expanding the functions and operator precedence.
What would be the best practice to continue on with it: Should I add parseActions
for words that match oneOf the function names ( sum, avg ... ). If I build a nested
list, I could do a depth-first walking of parse results and evaluate the functions ?
It's a little difficult to advise without seeing more of your code. Still, from what you describe, it sounds like you are mostly tokenizing, to recognize the various bits of punctuation and distinguishing variable names from numeric constants from algebraic operators. nestedExpr will impart some structure, but only basic parenthetical nesting - this still leaves operator precedence handling for your post-parsing work.
If you are learning about parsing infix notation, there is a succession of pyparsing examples to look through and study (at the pyparsing wiki Examples page). Start with fourFn.py, which is actually a five function infix notation parser. Look through its BNF() method, and get an understanding of how the recursive definitions work (don't worry about the pushFirst parse actions just yet). By structuring the parser this way, operator precedence gets built right into the parsed results. If you parse 4 + 2 * 3, a mere tokenizer just gives you ['4','+','2','*','3'], and then you have to figure out how to do the 2*3 before adding the 4 to get 10, and not just brute force add 4 and 2, then multiply by 3 (which gives the wrong answer of 18). The parser in fourFn.py will give you ['4','+',['2','*','3']], which is enough structure for you to know to evaluate the 2*3 part before adding it to 4.
This whole concept of parsing infix notation with precedence of operations is so common, I wrote a helper function that does most of the hard work, called operatorPrecedence. You can see how this works in the example simpleArith.py and then move on to eval_arith.py to see the extensions need to create an evaluator of the parsed structure. simpleBool.py is another good example showing precedence for logical terms AND'ed and OR'ed together.
Finally, since you are doing something Excel-like, take a look at excelExpr.py. It tries to handle some of the crazy corner cases you get when trying to evaluate Excel cell references, including references to other sheets and other workbooks.
Good luck!

Efficiency of stack-based expression evaluation for math parsing

I have to write, for academic purposes, an application that plots user-input expressions like: f(x) = 1 - exp(3^(5*ln(cosx)) + x)
The approach I've chosen to write the parser is to convert the expression in RPN with the Shunting-Yard algorithm, treating primitive functions like "cos" as unary operators. This means the function written above would be converted in a series of tokens like:
1, x, cos, ln, 5, *,3, ^, exp, -
The problem is that to plot the function I have to evaluate it LOTS of times, so applying the stack evaluation algorithm for each input value would be very inefficient.
How can I solve this? Do I have to forget the RPN idea?
How much is "LOTS of times"? A million?
What kind of functions could be input? Can we assume they are continuous?
Did you try measuring how well your code performs?
(Sorry, started off with questions!)
You could try one of the two approaches (or both) described briefly below (there are probably many more):
1) Parse Trees.
You could create a Parse Tree. Then do what most compilers do to optimize expressions, constant folding, common subexpression elimination (which you could achieve by linking together the common expression subtrees and caching the result), etc.
Then you could use lazy evaluation techniques to avoid whole subtrees. For instance if you have a tree
/ \
where A evaluates to 0, you could completely avoid evaluating B as you know the result is 0. With RPN you would lose out on the lazy evaluation.
2) Interpolation
Assuming your function is continuous, you could approximate your function to a high degree of accuracy using Polynomial Interpolation. This way you can do the complicated calculation of the function a few times (based on the degree of polynomial you choose), and then do fast polynomial calculations for the rest of the time.
To create the initial set of data, you could just use approach 1 or just stick to using your RPN, as you would only be generating a few values.
So if you use Interpolation, you could keep your RPN...
Hope that helps!
Why reinvent the wheel? Use a fast scripting language instead.
Integrating something like lua into your code will take very little time and be very fast.
You'll usually be able byte compile your expression, and that should result in code that runs very fast, certainly fast enough for simple 1D graphs.
I recommend lua as its fast, and integrates with C/C++ easier than any other scripting language. Another good options would be python, but while its better known I found it trickier to integrate.
Why not keep around a parse tree (I use "tree" loosely, in your case it's a sequence of operations), and mark input variables accordingly? (e.g. for inputs x, y, z, etc. annotate "x" with 0 to signify the first input variable, "y" with 1 to signify the 2nd input variable, etc.)
That way you can parse the expression once, keep the parse tree, take in an array of inputs, and apply the parse tree to evaluate.
If you're worrying about the performance aspects of the evaluation step (vs. the parsing step), I don't think you'd do much better unless you get into vectorizing (applying your parse tree on a vector of inputs at once) or hard-coding the operations into a fixed function.
What I do is use the shunting algorithm to produce the RPN. I then "compile" the RPN into a tokenised form that can be executed (interpretively) repeatedly without re-parsing the expression.
Michael Anderson suggested Lua. If you want to try Lua for just this task, see my ae library.
Inefficient in what sense? There's machine time and programmer time. Is there a standard for how fast it needs to run with a particular level of complexity? Is it more important to finish the assignment and move on to the next one (perfectionists sometimes never finish)?
All those steps have to happen for each input value. Yes, you could have a heuristic that scans the list of operations and cleans it up a bit. Yes, you could compile some of it down to assembly instead of calling +, * etc. as high level functions. You can compare vectorization (doing all the +'s then all the *'s etc, with a vector of values) to doing the whole procedure for one value at a time. But do you need to?
I mean, what do you think happens if you plot a function in gnuplot or Mathematica?
Your simple interpretation of RPN should work just fine, especially since it contains
math library functions like cos, exp, and ^(pow, involving logs)
symbol table lookup
Hopefully, your symbol table (with variables like x in it) will be short and simple.
The library functions will most likely be your biggest time-takers, so unless your interpreter is poorly written, it will not be a problem.
If, however, you really gotta go for speed, you could translate the expression into C code, compile and link it into a dll on-the-fly and load it (takes about a second). That, plus memoized versions of the math functions, could give you the best performance.
P.S. For parsing, your syntax is pretty vanilla, so a simple recursive-descent parser (about a page of code, O(n) same as shunting-yard) should work just fine. In fact, you might just be able to compute the result as you parse (if math functions are taking most of the time), and not bother with parse trees, RPN, any of that stuff.
I think this RPN based library can serve the purpose: http://expressionoasis.vedantatree.com/
I used it with one of my calculator project and it works well. It is small and simple, but extensible.
One optimization would be to replace the stack with an array of values and implement the evaluator as a three address mechine where each operation loads from two (or one) location and saves to a third. This can make for very tight code:
struct Op {
enum {
add, sub, mul, div,
cos, sin, tan,
} op;
int a, b, d;
void go(Op* ops, int n, float* v) {
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
switch(ops[i].op) {
case add: v[op[i].d] = v[op[i].a] + v[op[i].b]; break;
case sub: v[op[i].d] = v[op[i].a] - v[op[i].b]; break;
case mul: v[op[i].d] = v[op[i].a] * v[op[i].b]; break;
case div: v[op[i].d] = v[op[i].a] / v[op[i].b]; break;
The conversion from RPN to 3-address should be easy as 3-address is a generalization.
