WordPress WooCommerce mails are blocked - wordpress

I have an issue with the Wordpress Plugin WooCommerce. There are some automatically sent mails going out the system.
Some of the recipients don't get the mails. I think that the mails are sent but blocked by the provider they are using.
Do anybody have some experinces with that issue? Is there any log I can search for errors or warnings?
I have already contacted the support of VideoWhisper but haven't got any feedback since yet. And I have already tried a SMTP plugin.


contact form not connecting to email

I am not techy, but I have built my own website using WordPress, via BlueHost as the hosting platform. I followed the Astra theme for my website. Everything works fine and the website is ready to go live apart from the contact form. When I test it, the message does not come through to my linked email address (Outlook email address). I am using WP forms for the contact form and I have downloaded the WP Mail SMTP plug-in as advised in an article I read. The notification emails are all set correctly to the email where I want to received etc. The exact error message I am receiving is "SMTP connect() failed", I have also had messages about authentication when trying to resolve this. I contacted Blue Host chat support, but they were not very helpful. Can anyone help?

Failure to set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin to use the Gmail API in my WordPress website

I am trying to set up emails on my WordPress website using the WP Mail SMTP plugin and the Gmail API. (WordPress version 5.5.1; WP Mail SMTP Version 2.4.0)
The website I am trying to set this up on, https://souheganvalleychorus.org/ is part of a GSuite for non-profits domain.
I have followed the WP Mail SMTP setup instructions on:
with meticulous care. However, when I get to the final step, where I click on the WP Mail SMTP plugin's setup page, and click on "Allow plugin to send emails using your Google account", get prompted with some dialog boxes, choose the email address that I used to set up the Gmail API, it finally comes back with a webpage that says simply:
Back {a link}
the URL for this page is:
I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is happening, and what I can do to fix it. The 'Unauthorized' provides absolutely no additional information.
I have previously set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin to use the Gmail API, on another website (also a GSuite for non-profits domain, but a different one), and succeeded in that case. I seem to recall having had some problems setting that one up, too, but don't remember how I resolved the issue. When you do something (especially with such an arcane interface as the Google API interface) once in a blue moon, you tend to forget the details. I have tried to compare the two Gmail API setups, and can find no difference that would explain the failure in the current case.
I sure would appreciate anyone's help in resolving this. Until I do, I can't send email from the website. I've also tried using WP Mail SMTP's "Other SMTP" option, with the Gmail SMTP credentials, but that fails to authorize, so I'm stuck...
Help! (and thanks!)

Registering as a new user not getting verification email in wordpress

I am using "RealHomes Theme" for my project but the problem is while registering as a new user it is successfully adding but unable to get an email verification for the user.
Try disabling all of your plugins and using the default theme.
If you're able to register and get the email, turn on all plugins and try again.
If you still get it, it's an issue with the theme and you should take it up with the developer.
If not, disable all plugins and change back to your RealHomes theme.
If you get it from there, it's a plugin conflict and you'll have to diagnose that and remove/fix the plugin causing the issue.
However, if you can't get it at all, even with the theme/plugins disabled; it's probably because all-to-often WordPress emails get sent into spam or the void, and it's then an email issue which is harder to diagnose (is it your server, potential blacklisting [use MXToolbox to confirm], email provider issue?).
We had this issue a lot, and to mitigate we started to use wpMandrill and enabled DKIM and SPF on all domains we send from which increased out WP email delivery rate to almost 100%.
Make sure you have DKIM and SPF records for your domain, and are sending from an account that exists on the same domain such as:
https://example.com/ should be sending emails from something like WordPress#example.com

WordPress Form E-Mail delivering

I 'm trying to fix a problem here in a wordpress eviremont which I'm also new to. I want to get a form running but it isn't sending emails. Currently I'm using Caldera Forms with the WordPress email system. What I want to do is that everytime somebody applies a form, I want to get a email with the content of the form and the user who applied to the form should get a normal autoresponder email. I think this should work without any email plugin or something else, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to fix a probleme here on a wordpress site which crashed after too many people visited this page. Now, the email system espacially the send and receive a email if somebody applied on a form, is not working anymore.. As mentinoed, I don't think that you need a email plugin to do that. I'm right?
Further, the emails get hostet by CrazyDomains. If I use the webmailer, I can receive and send emails from the emails on CrazyDomains.
Where could be the problem?
A plugin called Postman SMTP generates a log which also logs the form emails. This log says:
"250 OK" (I shorted the log). So, it means, the email should be send. For no reason, as already written, I do not receive and get emails with the form...
This plugin is connected with GMAIL API. I don't know why and for what that is...
I already deactivated all email plugins and tried different form plugins like Gravity Form or Contact Form. But same result...
How can I figure out whats the problem and how can I solve it?
I would be very happy about help.
Greetings and Thank You!
Here you can find a Quick config smtp https://www.crazydomains.com.au/help/getting-started-guide-email-hosting/#SDj5xkUTdbsVJ4mL.97.
Maybe email went in the spam section, or you had not configured good the smtp.
You can try to install https://it.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/ and configure email sent from wordpress as say the crazydomains guide, so with the port 587 etc.

wordpress registration email

I am using wp_mail along with the plugin WP Mail SMTP, and the filter wpmu_signup_user_notification to send notification email to new users. The problem is some users are getting the emails and others are not getting the emails. The issue is not restricted to a specific domains: for example some gmail users are getting the notifications and others are not.
If anyone knows what might be causing this, I'll appreciate any help.
Thank you
