Cannot run infinispan server 13.0.8.Final on M1 Max - apple-m1

I downlaoded the Infinispan server package from Infinispan offical website. To create a local cluster and test out. The server starts perfectly fine, but it blows up when I try to create a user using the offical command as follows: ./bin/ user create admin -p "password".
I get the following error no matter what:
Error: Could not find or load main class Cache.infinispan-server-13.0.8.Final.boot.infinispan-server-runtime-13.0.8.Final-loader.jar
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cache.infinispan-server-13.0.8.Final.boot.infinispan-server-runtime-13.0.8.Final-loader.jar
I know it has to do with my processor arch, solely because I've tried exact same downlaod on an M1 MacBook Pro and Windows which works perfectly fine!
Please any help would be appreciated!


Grakn Error; trying to load schema for "phone calls" example

I am trying to run the example grakn migration "phone_calls" (using python and JSON files).
Before reaching there, I need to load the schema, but I am having trouble with getting the schema loaded, as shown here:
-Mac OS 10.15
-grakn-core 1.8.3
-python 3.7.3
The grakn server is started. I checked and the 48555 TCP port is open, so I don't think there is any firewall issue. The schema file is in the same folder (phone_calls) as where the json data files is, for the next step. I am using a virtual environment. The error is below:
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn server start
Storage is already running
Grakn Core Server is already running
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn console --keyspace phone_calls --file phone_calls/schema.gql
Unable to create connection to Grakn instance at localhost:48555
Cause: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
UNKNOWN: Could not reach any contact point, make sure you've provided valid addresses (showing first 1, use getErrors() for more: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=5f59fd46): com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.connection.ConnectionInitException: [JanusGraph Session|control|connecting...] init query OPTIONS: error writing ). Please check server logs for the stack trace.
I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
Nevermind -- I found the solution, in case any one else runs into a similar problem. The server configuration file needs to be edited: point the data directory to your project data files (here: the phone_calls data files) & change the server IP address to your own.

Demos not working on Windows 10

I have been trying to run all the examples and demos provided by R3 Corda on my local machine which has windows 10 in it.
While example 1 and 2 are working fine, but I am unable to run the demos. While the nodes are getting deployed, but once I run the nodes using runnodes command from command-line, they open in terminals and immediately close. Please can someone from #r3corda #corda team may help to sort this out.
I was running into the similar issue on Win 10.
Running the following:
>java -jar corda.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library. Reasons: [no jansi64-1.14 in java.library.path, no jansi-1.14 in java.library.path, no jansi in java.library.path,
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\jansi-64-1-6925657630491746639.14: Access is denied]
Downloading the missing library to C:\windows reloved it.
Download Link:

Hue's Spark notebook not working on cloudera quickstart vm

Recently i installed cloudera quickstart vm 5.8 on my windows machine on top of VMware. By default Spark UI link and Zookeeper link was not there on Hue so, i just edited the hue.ini which had,
app_blacklist = zookeeper, spark
app_blacklist =
After doing this i was able to download some Spark examples but the Spark UI link was still not displayed. However i was able to get the zookeeper UI link.
From the downloaded examples i selected sample notebook through which i was able to get the Spark notebook UI. It had some examples but when i run them i'm getting the following error.
HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8998): Max retries exceeded with url: /sessions (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fdd7c5f2e50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
Do i need to make any changes in addition to the one i have done in hue.ini file. Please guide me through this.
The error was rectified after i installed livy server and ran it using the following commands in terminal;
export SPARK_HOME=/usr/lib/spark
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf

inconsistent behavior in RSelenium

On Linux, the RSelenium/Selenium seems to be behaving erratically. I start the server manually and it seems to start up fine. Sometimes I am able to connect to it from my R session and other times I get an error. I cannot yet pinpoint the cause: the same script seems to work sometimes and not other times. Any ideas?
Here is the output from starting the server:
12:41:25.811 INFO - Launching a standalone server
12:41:26.102 INFO - Java: Sun Microsystems Inc. 11.0-b16
12:41:26.102 INFO - OS: Linux 2.6.32-431.17.1.el6.x86_64 amd64
12:41:26.157 INFO - v2.44.0, with Core v2.44.0. Built from revision 76d78cf
12:41:26.492 INFO - Default driver registration is skipped: registration capabilities Capabilities [{platform=WINDOWS, ensureCleanSession=true, browserName=internet explorer, version=}] does not match with current platform: LINUX
12:41:26.589 INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to:
12:41:26.589 INFO - Version Jetty/5.1.x
12:41:26.590 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server/driver,/selenium-server/driver]
12:41:26.590 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server,/selenium-server]
12:41:26.590 INFO - Started HttpContext[/,/]
12:41:36.597 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler#2993a66f
12:41:36.598 INFO - Started HttpContext[/wd,/wd]
12:41:36.601 INFO - Started SocketListener on
12:41:36.601 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.Server#6f507fb2
The error I receive in my R session:
Couldnt connect to host on http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
Please ensure a Selenium server is running.Error in queryRD(paste0(serverURL, "/session"), "POST", qdata = toJSON(serverOpts))
Other times, running the exact same script everything proceeds successfully. It could be a difference of what computer node actually executes the script but I cannot tell what the problem is when it will not connect.
# running selenium
system("java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar")
I faced same issue and try to run above code. Finally know that there only support 1.7 but not 1.8 as time being. You might try to download jre7 and jdk7.
I faced the same error in Mac, but I noticed that due to security settings the system does not let me to run the file with that piece of code. I downloaded the selenium standalone file and using control key I single-clicked the file and then from the menu I chose the open. Then the problem get solved.

pgpool-II connection pooling - ERROR: "MD5" authentication with pgpool failed

Using the following for just connection pooling no master_slave or replication: rhel 6, postgresql 9.1.9, & pgpool-II 3.1.3 (also tried 3.2.5)
Followed solution suggested in
After following the instructions for MD5 I also tried setting both pg_hba.conf and pool_hba.conf to trust for local and subnet, but still get the following error when attempting to connect to the pool locally:
ERROR: "MD5" authentication with pgpool failed for user foo
Tried locally on Fedora 18 with pg9.2 and pgpool from Fedora repo and worked right out of the box.
At the end of all routes suggested everywhere I could find.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
After having hit the same problem the solution was to change ownership of the pool_passwd file to postgres.
Even though this file has a 644 permission, if owner isn't postgres you'll always get the aforementioned error. I guess this file's owner and the user running pgpool must match.
I'm running PosgreSQL 9.2 and pgpool-II 3.3.2, BTW.
