How to install tensorflow in colab 'in java' - jupyter-notebook

I don't want to switch to python right now,
There is no guide anywhere how to install tensorflow in java on colab, Please help
Someone said I can explicitly install CUDA without ts,
Now how to install that in java?
I searched everywhere
All I found was in python


Unable to install the Rahlir/theme-gruvbox to JupyterLab due to conflicting dependencies

I am currently facing a problem installing a jupyterlab theme that is called rahlir/theme gruvbox.
Since I have installed the jupyterlab extensions and numerous other custom themes I thought that this shouldn't be a
Although, after many tries, I haven't managed to install it.
The message im getting is this:
Dependency confliction
I have tried using the instructions straight from the github repo but didn't seem to work.
First I tried to install via pip in the command prompt like that:
jupyterlab extension install #ahlir/theme-gruvbox
Unfortunately this didn't work!
After that I tried installng via the extension manager from jupyterlab itself but unfortunately I got the same message!
Note that I have already installed the latest version of jupyterLab and also I have recently update all the packages in my
Anaconda distribution and anaconda itself!
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

module 'torch.jit' has no attribute 'unused'

I am a student trying to get my hands into facial recognition using Ultra96 and I am having troubles running my program.
I have tried to install nightly version into my Ultra96 however, it does not solve my problem. The current OS is pynq 2.6 which is Linux and it is using jupyter notebook to run the codes.
Please offer me some guidance!
use torchvision 0.4.0:
pip uninstall torchvision
pip install torchvision==0.4.0 -f
This will work for sure
EDIT : if above cmd wont work , use this pip install torchvision==0.4.0

Installing Fluent Bit on Mac

I want to install Fluent Bit on macOS Catalina. All the resources available are for Ubuntu and Windows.
I followed this guide for Ubuntu [1].
Can anyone guide me on this?
I doubt that you can install those debian packages on macOS. But you can surely build from the source. There is a link on official documentation on how to build and install from source.
But from my experience you better get an understanding of possible errors that might come if you just try to download and install. Have a look at this post about pre-requisites. Once you have add those dependencies, surely you can build and installed on a macOS.
If you really want to install a package version on Mac, use it with homebrew.
You can install Fluent Bit on Mac with homebrew:
brew install fluent-bit
In my experience, on Mac it is very unstable and when I've attempted to do something simple like tailing logs you'll get lots of crashes.

OpenMDAO installation

I need openmdao on windows 8 to run an aerostructutal optimization code that uses it but I’m having issues in the installation process. I installed numpy and scipy through pip in the cmd and then also openmdao using pip install openmdao but when I try to run a .py with copied inside the code at the bottom of this page, I get an error about “Component” not being found to import. What am I doing wrong ?
Some codes are written for a specific version of OpenMDAO. If you are using OpenAeroStruct, it requires OpenMDAO 1.7.4, not OpenMDAO 2.2.x.
To obtain the correct version, you would need to use the command pip install openmdao==1.7.4 or to download and install the source directly from here:, following the instructions on the README, not on readthedocs.

How do I install pyQt on MacOs, Python 3.5.1?

I already tried installing it with 'brew install pyqt' and the command did it's thing, but I still get an importing error.
You can try to follow this guide:
