How to create a cloudtrail without events from certain users? - amazon-cloudtrail

our cloudtrail on AWS is "polluted" with events from some security auditing tools making it very difficult to search events we're really interested in. Is there a way to create a new trail excluding events generated by certain specific users?


api-platform: Limit the records a user can see based on access logic

I would like to use Symfonys API platform for a BI application. I know it is great in security and flexibility, but I need something I have not yet found in documentation or here on stackoverflow.
I have multiple databases and each db contains data of multiple customers.
Now I want to limit which customers a logged in BI user can see. If a BI user is limited to see only data of a subset of customers (that relation is present in the DB), how can I make sure this user will only see data related to those customers, and not any other?
I could use a customer ID as entrypoint, would since it should contain data of all customers and the list of customers is dynamic, this will not work.
I know there must be a way to have that security on kernel level/Event Listener but was unable to find this.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Create firebase project when user log in to SaaS application

I have seen a firebase api in which you can create firebase projects and it occurred to me for example, when a user wants to counter a SaaS, make it easier for me to create a project and connect it to their SaaS but I have the following questions:
If there are supposed to be limits to creating firebase projects in a google account, will there be a time when databases can no longer be created for new users?
If the above is true, how can this be solved?
I have seen that you can ask for more projects, but how many can I have?
I know that with firestore, I can model data and only in a database have all the information, but for example, each user may have special requirements in their system and also provide security and information saving operations that would be impossible if all information is in a single database.
Thanks for the help.
"How many projects can you have as a developer?" Yes, that's what I mean, having all the user bases in a single firebase google account. For example, on a web page, the user wants to pay for the application, with firebase admin and google cloud functions, I can automatically create a project and have all the databases in a google account. And what I want to know is if you can have multiple databases. I have seen that you can ask google to give you permission to host several projects but, for example, can you have more than 100 projects or even 1000? (I may never have reached that number, but in that case, I would like to know the limits that can be reached).
Edit 2
This first structure I have all the documents in a "universal" collection and I identify them with an id to know the user who used it.
But the second structure seems to me more organized and clean, in addition to the fact that users at no time need to share information among others. I have read that having nested collections is not good but over the years and the progress that firestore has had, this is no longer or was a problem only that the limitation is that you can only have up to 100 collections anidades but I never think to reach that quantity.
Inside of list, have all products for that user, because inside of document, only can have 1 mb of data and download 1 mb and is not the best option.
in the firestore documentation I see that it does not reveal other problems, it only says that it is difficult to delete the subcollection, but I do not allow users to do that and if I need to delete the subcollections, with the Google Cloud functions i can do it.
So, the second structure is more intuitive for me, but is the best option for that? or actually firestore is not good for this strcucutre?

Firebase Analytics: Retention criteria

I am looking into using Firebase Analytics for my apps. I'm curious:
What are the criteria for which retention is based on? Does retention track user accounts with a unique id that I'd have to send, or unique device?
How would I control for this if, say, a user logs into my app from multiple devices? I'd want to make sure a user's retention is applied from those multiple devices.
The Firebase SDK library uses an app-instance identifier to Identify a unique installation of the App. When using the SDK, an app-instance identifier gets generated at the app level (Source:
There is also a thing called User Properties that you can use to have a better understanding about unique users i.e. users that signed into your app (Source:

Remote analytics tracking for multiple sites

I am trying to track some basic data from multiple domains (Monthly hits, Session length, etc). Each domain is owned by a client, and it is a business requirement for me to have access to their statistics.
I have the access needed to add in a tracking code to each domain, similar to GA's tracking code. Each of these should transmit data to my master server, which consolidates and stores the info.
What would be the best way to go about doing this? Is this sort of tracker best built from scratch, or is there an open source analytics provider which can meet this specific use case? (Many tracking end-points, single database)
I will be aggregating the visits, duration, etc for each user separately, so as to compare and rank them against each other.
Hello Sainath Krishnan,
In general terms, it all depends on how you want to see these data: whether you want to aggregate all the sites together, whether you want to see the users as only one across these multiple sites, and so on.
For instance, since you've installed the proper tracking code, which you administrate, on these site, you will be able to see all sort of traffic data that these tracking codes will send to your Google Analytics account and properties.
Could you be more specific regarding the way you want to see the data, or even if you'll deal with goals os specifics KPI's ?

Firebase: Data structuring query

I am a newbie to firebase and need some suggestions on structuring data.
I am designing a database for an application where multiple people may share a bank account and can update the status of this account. The group of people sharing this account may also keep changing. So, multiple people may perform actions which will influence the balance available in an account. I decided to list the linked accounts under each user so that one pull is enough to get a list of all user accounts once user logs in. If user is interested in details of a specific account (like balance) then I will go and fetch that child from accounts sub-tree. It all seems fine until I think about notifying users in a smartphone app if the balance associated with any of their linked account changes. Since the balance attribute is not under any specific "user" sub-tree, how to monitor for this change at the application level.
I don't want to bring balance attribute under "user" sub-tree or else I will have to find the duplicate copies and update all of them whenever balance of an account changes. Moreover this approach will not scale well.
Any suggestion?
