How do I force Jupyter Lab to revert a file - jupyter-notebook

I have a Jupyter Notebook open in Jupyter Lab. I run black to reformat the code in the open Jupyter Notebook. If I try to save the file, Jupyter Lab raises
"notebook.ipynb" has changed on disk since the last time it was opened
or saved. Do you want to overwrite the file on disk with the version
open here, or load the version on disk (revert)?
How can I revert the Jupyter Notebook without try to save it?

I found the answer at File > Reload from Disk.


Where does Jupyter Notebook save files?

So I'm just beginning my programming/coding journey. I've downloaded Anaconda and made a shortcut for Jupyter Notebook on my desktop. I tried using my first file the other day, and I'm not sure where it's being saved to. Also, I basically don't want Jupyter to save any Notebook I do once I close the Notebook, unless I specifically save it myself - I just use it for 'working out' if you like.
Here is the image showing what I mean
Like, where is that untitled.ipynb file being saved? And, how can I adjust my settings in Jupyter Notebook such that these files aren't saved and are discarded automatically so I can use them as I describe just for 'working out'?
By default the ipynb files are stored to your user profile:
How to disable autosave has already been described here:
Turn Off Autosave in IPython Notebook
I don't recommend doing that.

error loading jupyter notebook permission denied: ipynb

I was working in a jupyter notebook until it froze. It wouldn't save or shut down so I restarted my computer. I launched jupyter notebook from an anaconda prompt, my folder directory opens per usual. When i tried to open the notebook from before, I get an error loading screen that says permission denied: (name of notebook).ipynb. I hit close and the notebook shuts down.
I checked the folder permissions, I have full control. I can create a new ipynb without any issues. I can open other notebooks without any problem in the same folder. I tried to run a trust notebook through the anaconda prompt and it says the notebook is missing.
I need to recover this particular notebook as it has all my work. Help! Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I work in the anaconda prompt in an environment other than the root, so this answer using sudo chmod doesn't work for me.
I had possibly the same problem. In my case the problem was that jupyter notebook must have crashed or had some problem whilst autosaving.
As a result, in the folder where the notebook is saved there's a temporary file called ".~nameofnotebook.ipynb".
This file didn't show up in jupyter notebook, but only in the explorer. I deleted the notebook file and renamed the temporary file to delete the ".~" prefix. Make sure to save a copy of the notebook file before deleting anything in case your problem is different.
The renamed temporary file opens fine and none of my data was lost.
Change the name of the file and you are good to go bro..

How do I set the save location of a session in Jupyter notebook?

I'm working with Jupyter Notebook version 4.1.0 and can't seem to manually select the save path.
How does one manually specify where a session is saved?
You can launch jupyter notebook from the command line from inside the desired folder path. This will set the current folder as the start of the directory tree in Jupyter.
If we already have a session running, we can select the option IPython Notebook (.ipynb), from the file menu, under the Download as option. After saving the Notebook to a desired path, we can open it using the method described above.

Repair corrupted Jupyter notebook / load previous version?

I had a hardware crash while running a Jupyter notebook. After repairing the system and trying to restart the notebook, I got the following error message:
Error loading notebook
Unreadable Notebook: D:\Eddy\Documents\1604 Udacity\1612 Self-driving car Nanodegree\P4\P4 Eduard van Kleef.ipynb NotJSONError("Notebook does not appear to be JSON: ''...",)
Does anyone know of a way to revert to any of Jupyter's previous 'checkpoints'? Or of a way to at least partially restore a JSON?
If you are lucky then the ipynb file is corrupted but still there. In that case you can try opening it in a text file and copying the contents to a new notebook. But check the size of the file. If it is zero bytes, then there is nothing there!
This actually happened to me when my server ran out of memory and somehow the notebook got completely erased. Totally sucks.
Try this
jupyter nbconvert filename.ipynb --clear-output
It worked for me since it has corrupted because of Plotly behavior with some big data.
in your file directory that contains your ipynb file there is a folder called '.ipynb_checkpoints'. this folder does not show in the jupyter application so find it through windows explorer.
inside there's will be a file called urfilenamehere-checkpoint.ipynb
copy paste it to your file directory and open through the jupyter application it should probably work.
if your corrupted file is 0B, you definitely have to rely on the checkpoints.
do not create a new notebook with the same name it will overwrite the checkpoint.

Use workspace of an RStudio session in Jupyter notebook

As my RAM is scarce, I'd like to not replicate data and use objects created in an RStudio session inside my Jupyter notebook (running w/ R kernel).
Any idea how to do it?
Basically I'd like to use the same workspace in both, the RStudio and the Jupyter notebook session.
Thanks for help!
One problem I encountered with an R notebook in Jupyter, though, was saving my workspace. In a normal R session I’m used to saving my workspace at the end of the session and coming back to it later to pick up where I left off. However, with the Jupyter notebook I found that I had to rerun all the code to regenerate all the objects again! This appears to be an issue for Python notebook users too.
There’s a very simple fix for this: Just run the standard R command
Your workspace will then be saved to the usual hidden .RData file in the same folder as the Jupyter notebook. If you want to share the code and the workspace, you’ll have to make sure that you copy both the notebook file and the .RData file that goes along with it.
Likewise, if you start a notebook in a folder that already has an .RData file, you’ll find that you can access that workspace from the Jupyter notebook – just run ls() to see what’s there.
