How do I set the save location of a session in Jupyter notebook? - jupyter-notebook

I'm working with Jupyter Notebook version 4.1.0 and can't seem to manually select the save path.
How does one manually specify where a session is saved?

You can launch jupyter notebook from the command line from inside the desired folder path. This will set the current folder as the start of the directory tree in Jupyter.
If we already have a session running, we can select the option IPython Notebook (.ipynb), from the file menu, under the Download as option. After saving the Notebook to a desired path, we can open it using the method described above.


How do I force Jupyter Lab to revert a file

I have a Jupyter Notebook open in Jupyter Lab. I run black to reformat the code in the open Jupyter Notebook. If I try to save the file, Jupyter Lab raises
"notebook.ipynb" has changed on disk since the last time it was opened
or saved. Do you want to overwrite the file on disk with the version
open here, or load the version on disk (revert)?
How can I revert the Jupyter Notebook without try to save it?
I found the answer at File > Reload from Disk.

Where does Jupyter Notebook save files?

So I'm just beginning my programming/coding journey. I've downloaded Anaconda and made a shortcut for Jupyter Notebook on my desktop. I tried using my first file the other day, and I'm not sure where it's being saved to. Also, I basically don't want Jupyter to save any Notebook I do once I close the Notebook, unless I specifically save it myself - I just use it for 'working out' if you like.
Here is the image showing what I mean
Like, where is that untitled.ipynb file being saved? And, how can I adjust my settings in Jupyter Notebook such that these files aren't saved and are discarded automatically so I can use them as I describe just for 'working out'?
By default the ipynb files are stored to your user profile:
How to disable autosave has already been described here:
Turn Off Autosave in IPython Notebook
I don't recommend doing that.

How to change Users folders in jupyter notebook and jupyterlab?

I have a question about jupyter notebook and jupyter lab and anaconda?
Does someone knows how to change the users folder from User a to b as an example?
I mean like I have 2 users in my PC and I want to use my secondary users folder in jupyter notebook and jupyterlab instead of my primary user folder.
Thank you
Create custom launching scripts for each user. The working directory can be set for jupyter lab using command line parameters:
jupyterlab --NotebookApp.notebook_dir=<directory_name>
(or using Jupyter config).
See related answer for the post: (How to change the Jupyter start-up folder)[]

How to change Jupyter start-up folder for different conda environments

After seeing this post on how to set the start-up folder for Jupyter Notebooks, I looked for how to do so for specific conda environments and haven't found an answer.
Is there a way to open up a Jupyter notebook in a location that is different depending on which conda environment within which you're activating it? I'm looking for a solution like the one above, where I could change c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '/the/path/to/home/folder/', but in some environment-specific config file.
I guess an alternative would be to set some macro to activate the environment, cd to the desired folder location for this environment, then run jupyter notebook from that location.
I was able to generate a DOSKEY macro to do the job. I combined this answer which shows how to set persistent aliases (macros) in command prompt, with this answer which shows how to use multiple separate commands in a DOSKEY macro. As a summary here (mostly from Argyll's answer in the above persistent macro/DOSKEY post):
Create a file called something like alias.cmd
Insert the macro to automatically activate a conda environment, change file locations, and run a jupyter notebook from that location:
doskey start_myEnv = conda activate myEnv $T cd C:\Users\user\path\to\my\notebooks\ $T jupyter notebook
Run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor
or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor if not on Windows 10.
Add a String entry with the name AutoRun with the value set as the full path to the alias.cmd file.
Anytime you open the command prompt, executing start_myEnv will now activate myEnv, change to the folder that relates to that environment, and start a jupyter notebook.

JupyterLab not loading environment variables

I have some passwords and such set in my bash_profile that I want to be able to access from within Jupyter notebooks. They are successfully loaded whenever I use just a Jupyter notebook, but not when I use JupyterLab.
I am using Anaconda, and I double checked that the location of my JupyterLab and JupyterNotebook's are the same using which jupyter/jupyter-lab/jupyter-notebook and they do all point to my Anaconda bin directory. I also made sure the anaconda3/bin directory is in my bash profile and that the conda environment was activated.
Whenever I run os.environ in a notebook using Lab versus just a plain notebook I expect the same output, however the Lab instance does not load anything I have manually added to my profile while a plain notebook does.
