So I have a file not found problem.
I have an engine that works in development mode in the engines test/dummy app, the engine allows the editing of sass variables and stores them in a theme table, the variables are used by a sass partial such as _banner.scss containing variables used in the main stylesheet such as $banner_color which is then imported into the main stylesheet which in turn is precompiled using an initializer in the engine.rb file and inclusion in the app/config/engine_name_manifest.js.
The files are all available in development with the local dummy app but not in the eventual host app due to the assets being compiled.
I have a rake task that takes the data, updates the relevant partial e.g. _banner.scss with the data from the theme table but of course the partials are not not available in a host app as the engine has already compiled them.
I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to edit the raw, uncompiled stylesheets then recompile them. Obviously my Capistrano deploy script will need to reapply the stylesheet changes every deployment but that is just a rake task call.
What approach should I take? Should I find a way to copy the css files to the host app in an engine initializer? Should I use a different approach entirely, I have started looking at propshaft but that is a massive step to replace sass rails and I'm not sure how that would help
The engine
require "deface"
require 'ccs_cms_admin_dashboard'
require 'ccs_cms_custom_page'
require 'ccs_cms_core'
require 'css_menu'
#require 'tinymce-rails'
require 'delayed_job_active_record'
require 'daemons'
require 'sprockets/railtie'
require 'sassc-rails'
module CcsCms
module PublicTheme
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace CcsCms::PublicTheme
paths["app/views"] << "app/views/ccs_cms/public_theme"
initializer "ccs_cms.assets.precompile" do |app|
app.config.assets.precompile += %w( public_theme_manifest.js )
initializer :append_migrations do |app|
unless app.root.to_s.match?(root.to_s)
config.paths['db/migrate'].expanded.each do |p|
app.config.paths['db/migrate'] << p
initializer :active_job_setup do |app|
app.config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job
config.to_prepare do
Dir.glob(Engine.root.join("app", "decorators", "**", "*_decorator*.rb")) do |c|
Rails.configuration.cache_classes ? require(c) : load(c)
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec,
fixtures: false,
request: false,
view_specs: false,
helper_specs: false,
controller_specs: false,
routing_specs: false
g.fixture_replacement :factory_bot
g.factory_bot dir: 'spec/factories'
The Css class that writes the css
class Css
def get_stylesheet_path
def write_css(theme)
update_css_files_for(theme.banner, '_public_banner.scss', BANNER_ARRAY, BANNER_FIELD_MAP)
update_css_files_for(theme.banner.font, '_public_banner_font.scss', BANNER_FONT_ARRAY, BANNER_FONT_FIELD_MAP)
def update_css_files_for(model_record_to_use, css_file, array_to_use, field_map)
amended_css = amend_css_for(model_record_to_use, css_file, array_to_use, field_map)
create_css_files_for(css_file, amended_css)
def amend_css_for(model_record_to_use, file_name, array_to_use, field_map)
original_css_array = IO.readlines("#{get_stylesheet_path}/#{file_name}")
new_array = []
original_css_array.each do |line|
new_line = line
array_to_use.each do |ma|
if line.start_with?(ma)
field_name = field_map[ma.to_sym]
new_line = ma + ": #{model_record_to_use[field_name.to_sym]};"
#puts("#### original line: #{line}, ma: #{ma}, Field name: #{field_name}, value: #{theme[field_name]}")
new_array << new_line
# ---- File and I/O Handling ---- #
def create_css_files_for(file_name, css_array)"#{get_stylesheet_path}/#{file_name}", "w") do |file|
file.puts css_array
Thanks for clarifying. If I understood correctly here my take on it.
partials are not not available in a host app as the engine has already compiled them
Partials are still there, precompilation just outputs *.{css/js} files into public/assets/ that are declared in app/assets/config/manifest.js.
To get to engines files, instead of Rails.root use:
In Css class, for example:
def get_stylesheet_path
To support changing theme engines. Theme root can be set in an engine initializer to something like Rails.configuration.theme_root and used in the main app.
Because your theme is also configurable, I think it's better to read theme's original sass files but not modify them, copy them into a tmp folder and update with values from theme table, then output a theme.css in the main app with sass.
# Compiles all Sass
$ sass tmp/theme/application.scss:app/stylesheets/theme.css
Then let Rails take over the precompilation process.
Another option is to have one sass configuration file and only update this file. That way there is no dependency on the file structure of any particular theme.
import 'configuration' // sass variables with values from theme table
import 'banner' // uses sass variables only
Also just use css variables, if that's an option, and avoid all of the above complexity; no precompilation, no redeploys when theme table changes.
Update for css variables.
Just so we're on the same page. I meant these css variables: If Internet Explorer is not a priority for you, this is the best solution.
The setup is something like this:
<!-- app/views/layouts/application.erb -->
<!-- NOTE: with turbo this loads only once; full page refresh is needed when #theme changes -->
:root { --text-color: <%= #theme.text_color %>; }
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application' %>
/* app/assets/stylesheets/application.css */
p { color: var(--text-color); }
Possible fix to avoid amending css files. Use erb interpolation inside the sass files. No need to amend every time a theme configuration is changed. In development compiles on the fly. In production it has to be precompiled again when theme configuration is changed; no amending.
// _banner.scss.erb
p { color: <%= Theme.text_color %>; }
You could even use amend_css_for function to insert literal erb code and save some time. For example
new_line = ma + ": <%= Theme.#{model_name}.#{field_name} %>;"
Finally, if you don't want to touch engine files and because these files are not part of the main/host app (as in literally two separate folders in the filesystem). You have to make a copy when amending; read from CcsCms::PublicTheme::Engine.root write to Rails.root.
def get_stylesheet_path
# but save to main app
def create_css_files_for(file_name, css_array)"#{Rails.root.join("app/assets/stylesheets/ccs_cms/public_theme")}/#{file_name}", "w") do |file|
file.puts css_array
I have overridden the onProject function for the vs2012 action which generates some cpp files and then tries to include them in the project
--cant override the generateProject directly
--so have to override at the action level
premake.override( premake.action._list.vs2012, 'onProject', function(base, prj)
if premake.project.iscpp(prj) then
--generate files
--print( "Generating extra files ...")
local extraFiles = mine.getExtraFiles(prj)
for _,file in ipairs( extraFiles ) do
p.generate( file, nil, mine.generateExtraFile )
--Generate regular stuff
function mine.getExtraFiles(prj)
local extraFiles = {}
--works out what files to generate and add relevant info to table
return extraFiles
--this function is passed as a callback to premake.generate
function mine.generateExtraFile(extraFile)
--write contents of file
This is the function that attempts to add each generated file to the project
function mine.addFileToSources(extraFile)
local prj = extraFile.prj
local cfg = extraFile.cfg
local groups = premake.vstudio.vc2010.categorizeSources(prj)
local compiledFiles = groups.ClCompile or {}
--create a new file config for generated file
local filename = path.join(extraFile.location, extraFile.filename)
local fcfg = filename, prj)
premake.fileconfig.addconfig(fcfg, cfg)
--add the config to the project's sources
table.insert(compiledFiles, fcfg)
compiledFiles[filename] = fcfg
--add to the projects source tree
--this bit is copied from premake.project.getsourcetree
-- The tree represents the logical source code tree to be displayed
-- in the IDE, not the physical organization of the file system. So
-- virtual paths are used when adding nodes.
-- If the project script specifies a virtual path for a file, disable
-- the logic that could trim out empty root nodes from that path. If
-- the script writer wants an empty root node they should get it.
local flags
if fcfg.vpath ~= fcfg.relpath then
flags = { trim = false }
-- Virtual paths can overlap, potentially putting files with the same
-- name in the same folder, even though they have different paths on
-- the underlying filesystem. The tree.add() call won't overwrite
-- existing nodes, so provide the extra logic here. Start by getting
-- the parent folder node, creating it if necessary.
local tr = premake.project.getsourcetree(prj)
local parent = premake.tree.add(tr, path.getdirectory(fcfg.vpath), flags)
local node = premake.tree.insert(parent,
-- Pass through value fetches to the file configuration
setmetatable(node, { __index = fcfg })
For the most part - this all works:
The files are generated correctly and to correct location
The files are also included in the vcxproj file correctly
My problem is that the vcxproj.filters file is not being generated.
When I run premake I get this error:
Generating myproject.vcxproj.filters...Error: [string "src/actions/vstudio/vs2010_vcxproj_filters...."]:82: attempt to index field 'parent' (a nil value)
which corresponds to the function premake.vstudio.vc2010.filterGroup(prj, groups, group)
I get that the new fcfg I created needs to have a parent but I can't work out where or what I should be adding it to.
Can anyone help?
I've got things working by adding this line to the end of function mine.addFileToSources(extraFile)
fcfg.parent = parent
This gives the file config a parent node so everything works out but I feel kinda dirty doing this so I'll look at following Citron's advice
Overriding the bakefiles was much cleaner and neater. It wasn't as straightforward as Citron's code since I needed the information from the baked files in order to carry out my file generation but I am now confident that my code is correct and will possibly work with other exporters than vstudio too.
Here's my new code:
premake.override( premake.oven, 'bakeFiles', function(base, prj)
--bake the files as normal
local bakedFiles = base(prj)
if premake.project.iscpp(prj) then
--gather information about what files to generate and how
local extraFiles = mine.getExtraFiles(prj, bakedFiles)
for _,file in ipairs( extraFiles ) do
--do the generation
premake.generate( file, file.extension, mine.generateExtraFile )
--add the new files
local filename = premake.filename(file, file.extension)
table.insert(file.cfg.files, filename)
-- This should be the first time I've seen this file, start a new
-- file configuration for it. Track both by key for quick lookups
-- and indexed for ordered iteration.
assert( bakedFiles[filename] == nil )
local fcfg =, file.prj)
bakedFiles[filename] = fcfg
table.insert(bakedFiles, fcfg)
premake.fileconfig.addconfig( bakedFiles[filename], file.cfg)
--sort the baked files again - since we have added to them
table.sort(bakedFiles, function(a,b)
return a.vpath < b.vpath
return bakedFiles
I don't know what the problem is with your code (a bit too much to read, and not enough time :p) but if you just want to add some generated files to your project tree, I would advise you to override premake.oven.bakeFiles instead.
This is what I used to add files generated by Qt in my addon. See premake.extensions.qt.customBakeFiles on
Basically in the bakeFiles override, you can just browse your projects, and insert files in the list easily. Then, if those added files need some custom configuration, you can then override premake.fileconfig.addconfig. See premake.extensions.qt.customAddFileConfig in the aforementioned addon.
In this addconfig override, you'll have access to the files and you will be able to modify their configuration object: you can add custom build rules, special options, etc.
It's not a direct answer to your specific question, but I hope it will help you achieve what you need.
I have a Rails 4.0.0 app setup with a model called episode which mounts a carrierwave uploader called file_uploader to upload mp3s. I got my app setup using carrierwave_backgrounder and resque to background the processing of the uploaded files which are saved to an sftp server using the carrierwave-ftp gem. On my local machine it works great. Also on my vps (CentOS 6) it works great when I just start up the app using rails s or even rails s -e production. However when I switch to nginx + passenger, it no longer works as expected.
The files are uploaded to the /public/uploads/tmp dir where they are supposed be stored temporarily, but they never get moved into the upload dir that I have specified and none of the other post-processing stuff gets done, like setting content type, removing cache dirs, setting file size and length, etc.
So, yesterday, I switched from using the carrierwave_backgrounder command save_in_background to process_in_background and now it works fine for files stored locally, however, when I switch to sftp storage using the carrierwave-ftp gem, the files get processed, i.e., they are transferred to my sftp server and the path is stored in my model, but then the job hangs in the Resque queue.
The relevant code that is not getting executed is:
process :set_content_type
process :save_content_type_duration_and_size_in_model
Does anyone have any idea why this would work fine using development mode and even production mode but not using nginx + passenger?
Here's all the relevant code below:
class Episode < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord'
# require 'mp3info'
mount_uploader :file, FileUploader
process_in_background :file
belongs_to :podcast
validates :name, :podcast, :file, presence: true
default_scope { order("created_at DESC") }
scope :most_recent, ->(max = 5) { limit(max) }
# encoding: utf-8
class FileUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MimeTypes
include ::CarrierWave::Backgrounder::Delay
storage :sftp
# Override the directory where uploaded files will be stored.
# This is a sensible default for uploaders that are meant to be mounted:
def store_dir
before :store, :remember_cache_id
after :store, :delete_tmp_dir
# This is the relevant code that is not getting executed
process :set_content_type
process :save_content_type_duration_and_size_in_model
def save_content_type_duration_and_size_in_model
model.content_type = file.content_type if file.content_type
model.file_size = file.size do |media|
model.duration = media.length
# store! nil's the cache_id after it finishes so we need to remember it for deletion
def remember_cache_id(new_file)
#cache_id_was = cache_id
def delete_tmp_dir(new_file)
# make sure we don't delete other things accidentally by checking the name pattern
if #cache_id_was.present? && #cache_id_was =~ /\A[\d]{8}\-[\d]{4}\-[\d]+\-[\d]{4}\z/
FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(root, cache_dir, #cache_id_was))
CarrierWave::Backgrounder.configure do |c|
c.backend :resque, queue: :carrierwave
CarrierWave.configure do |config|
config.sftp_host = ""
config.sftp_user = "ftp_user"
config.sftp_folder = "ftp_password"
config.sftp_url = ""
config.sftp_options = {
:password => "ftp_password",
:port => 22
I'm starting Resque with the command: QUEUE=* bundle exec rake environment resque:work &
If you need more info, just ask. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Well, oddly enough as is often the case, it is now magically working. Not sure what did the trick, so I'm afraid this won't be of any help to anyone else who stumbles on this page.
i have the same issue. My process blocks run in development (rails s) but not under apache2/passenger. It's not pretty, but the way i solved it was to move my process code into the after :cache callback. The process blocks are called between the after and before cache callbacks so this seemed reasonable to me.
Here's the super weird part: I don't mean to call the functions, i mean to copy the code out of your process blocks (or functions) and paste directly into your after_cache callback.
I know i'm doing something wrong to cause this situation but i cannot figure it out. Hope this helps you.
version :office_preview
# comment out the following since it does nothing under Passenger
#process :office_to_img
def office_to_img
this won't be called under passenger :(
after :cache, :after_cache
def after_cache(file)
#for some reason, calling it here doesn't do anything
code copied&pasted here from office_to_img
I've recently been using Compass with Sass to do some CSS spriting, as it's extremely useful.
However, the filename is always appended with a random string. E.g. icons-s5eb424578c.png. And I don't want this random string to be appended, because it means I'm required to upload both the new CSS file & the new sprite image every time there's a change.
So, does anyone know which Ruby or other config file within the Compass gem directory, that is appending this random string? Then I can just comment the code out for that bit. Unless I'm missing an official variable I can set within Compass to tell it I don't want this string appended?
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
Try to add these lines into your config.rb:
module Compass::SassExtensions::Functions::Sprites
def sprite_url(map)
verify_map(map, "sprite-url")
module Compass::SassExtensions::Sprites::SpriteMethods
def name_and_hash
def cleanup_old_sprites
Dir[File.join(::Compass.configuration.generated_images_path, "sprite-#{path}.png")].each do |file|
log :remove, file
FileUtils.rm file
module Compass
class << SpriteImporter
def find_all_sprite_map_files(path)
glob = "sprite-*{#{self::VALID_EXTENSIONS.join(",")}}"
Dir.glob(File.join(path, "**", glob))
Works for me with Compass 0.12.2 (Alnilam)
in your project config file enter something like this
asset_cache_buster :none
# Make a copy of sprites with a name that has no uniqueness of the hash.
on_sprite_saved do |filename|
if File.exists?(filename) filename, filename.gsub(%r{-s[a-z0-9]{10}\.png$}, '.png')
# Replace in stylesheets generated references to sprites
# by their counterparts without the hash uniqueness.
on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|
if File.exists?(filename)
css = filename, 'w+') do |f|
f << css.gsub(%r{-s([a-z0-9]{10})\.png}, '.png?v\1')
credits goes here How to remove the hash from Compass's generated sprite image filenames?
Is it possible to automatically add a timestamp on the compiled CSS file using SASS?
/* CSS Compiled on: {date+time} */
...compiled css goes here...
I've checked the SASS and Compass docs but no mention of such a feature.
I don't know of any built-in SASS or Compass feature for this, but it's not too hard to add a custom Ruby function to do it. (See the section entitled "Adding Custom Functions" in the SASS reference here.)
Your file with the Ruby function would look like this (let's call it "timestamp.rb"):
module Sass::Script::Functions
def timestamp()
And you'd reference the new timestamp function in your SASS file like this:
* CSS Compiled on: #{timestamp()}
You just need to make sure your "timestamp.rb" file is loaded when you compile the SASS, either by requiring it from a Compass config file, or by using the --require parameter with the SASS command line. When all is said and done, you should get output like the following:
* CSS Compiled on: 2012-10-23 08:53:03 -0400
If you are using the command line version of SCSS you can do the following:
Install sass-timestamp
gem install sass-timestamp
Use it within your code like (see documentation for more information)
/* Compiled on #{timestamp()} */
Require it on the command line
scss -r sass-timestamp ...
Output will be
/* Compiled on 2015-02-02 13:01:40 +0800 */
Note: Use #{unix_timestamp()} for a unix timestamp
I don't know if everyone needs it (cause the question is a long time answered ago),
but a simple solution is to write the timestamp/date
to a single sass/scss file as SASS variable,
import them to the location where the timestamp should be
and then let a comment in sass write them out.
Nothing to install, compile or anything else - just using scripts and sass:
1.) Write the timestamp to a separate sass file: (Here a dos-script, but you can also use any other script/language to generate the simple file):
echo $BuildTimeStamp : "%date% %time%"> _timestamp.scss
2.) Import the generated file with the timestamp:
#import '_timestamp.scss';
3.) Write the header out as comment:
/*! Automatic build at: #{$BuildTimeStamp} */
Write the timestamp before you call the original sass command
and it will also work without the need to install, build or do anything else.
Is there a way to do file rev cache busting in SASS? It appears to be possible using compass per this answer here:
SASS Image CSS Cache Busting (via Compass)
but I haven't found any way to do this just using SASS. Is there any way to have SASS get file modification info from the filesystem, and append to an image path?
And I'd prefer to not append query strings- rather, I think this is a better methodology.
Thanks Dawn for chiming in after all this time! I've since figured this out, but forgot I posted here about it.
I have a custom rb file that I reference when I run sass via the command line - like so:
sass --update sass:css -r file_mod.rb
in file_mod.rb, I have the following ruby function which does the trick:
require 'sass'
def file_url(staticFilePath,staticHost,filePath)
assert_type filePath, :String
filePath = filePath.value #get string value of literal
staticFilePath = staticFilePath.value
staticHost = staticHost.value
modtime = File.mtime(filePath).to_i
fileBaseName = File.basename filePath, '.*'
fileDir = File.dirname(filePath).sub(staticFilePath,'')
fileExt = File.extname(filePath)
path = "url('#{staticHost}#{fileDir}/#{fileBaseName}.#{modtime}#{fileExt}')"
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :modInt, [:filePath]
module Sass::Script::Functions
Then, in a sass mixin, I simply reference the file_url function, passing it the parameters it needs to build the result:
#mixin backgroundImage($path, $position:0 0, $repeat:no-repeat) {
background: {
In my case, I'm using it to construct a css background image path. Should be easily modified to suit other purposes.