I want to add image along with some texts in kibana dashboard field - kibana

I would like to display an image along with some text for a field under kibana dashboard uing lens visualization (table) .
In order to achieve it ; I edited and set the field format of the specific field under Stack Management -> Index patterns to Format = url and type = image.
When I tried URL template = https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/60/apple/125/large-red-circle_1f534.png ; then I can see the image in the dashboard; however I am struggling to mention the text against image.
Kindly assist.


Drupal 7 - Display single image from multiple image field in View

I would like to display just single image from field with multiple upload option enabled in my View. The best would be to display the first uploaded image, but It does not matter.
I have tried to add that galerry field to field, and was looking for some settings that will give me that option to show only specific or some images.
Is it possible in View to display single image from gallery?
From views if you are using views to display you content
There is settings for multiple valued field you can display specific number items or single item
Just click on that field you will find this setting
If you need to control this from your node display
Single Image this module helps you

How to display a URL as a clickable link in KIbana 4 discovery

I have tweets indexed in ES and displayed in Kibana. Tweet data has some URLs. Like entities.media.expanded_url, or entities.urls.expanded_url. How to make these to display as clickable link in discovery panel?
I went to the index setting and changed format form default to UR or image in case of image but nothing happens.
Thanks in advance.
You have the possibility to format strings as URLs with Kibana 4. To do that, go to Settings, select your index and edit the field you want to show as a clickable URL (click over the button under controls).
If you change the default format to URL, it should show links in the discover page.

Custom drupal view

Im kinda new to drupal, and its views. SO can anybody tell me how do i make structure like on picture below
You will need to enable the Views UI module as well as Views and its dependencies in order to build views.
You will want to create a content type that represents the 'company'. Then you will want to give it an image field for the logo, and maybe a link field or a text field if you want it to link back to something. This is all core in Drupal 7 with the exception of the link field.
When creating the view have it show a grid of fields for the content type you just created. View creation screen should look something like this.
Add the fields using the AJAX interface on the left and set the grid to show 4 columns in the Settings for the grid format. This configuration is in the left column under the format header.
The left handle column should look something like this before you start adding fields.
After that the rest is just CSS.

Drupal 7 Views list, add link

Currently I have a Drupal installation which has colorbox installed, this allows me to upload a group of images with some text, each entry is its own entity but are all listed on the same page.
I was just wondering if there is a way that I can display a custom link under each views item (entity). Is this possible?
I'm looking for a quick way to simply add a link that links to the first image of the colorbox image slider.
First, set your Format to Show: Fields. To do so, click the link next to Show: (refer to the picture below) and change it to Fields.
If your Format is set to Show: Fields, you can add a new field of type Global: Custom text. Then, in the text box that appears, simply insert your custom link. If you need to pull in the URL dynamically, use a Replacement Pattern (see the list under the text box).
If you need to use another field as a replacement pattern, add it in the same way as you added the Global: Custom text field but make sure to check the Exclude from display checkbox so that it is not shown in your view.

Output a alt value of an image field

In my Drupal 7 site, I have an image field called field_photos where users can upload an unlimited number of images, plus an alt description for each one.
I would like to print the alt description as caption for the image. How can I do this?
I know that I have to use my tpl.php file, but I am note sure which variable to use represent the alt value of an image field (especially when a field can have an unlimited number of values).
You should be able override theme_image_formatter() which is called in image_field_formatter_view().
You do not have to use or edit any .tpl.php file. You can access the alt or the title text of the image by doing the following:
Add another field to your View, your node's image field (yes, again)
Ignore the label and display options and go to the fieldset: Multiple Field Settings and uncheck the option: Display all values in the same row
Next, scroll down to the fieldset: Rewrite Results and then click Rewrite the output of this field. Check the Replacement Patterns below and you should see tokens for both alt and title. Use whichever is appropriate.
Works for me!
You can use https://www.drupal.org/project/image_caption_formatter to display the title text of the image as a caption.
