how to install binary package from github in R - r

I have an R binary package in github.
The following code does not work.
Could any one can help me to install this.
devtools::install_github('yikeshu0611/set',type = 'binary')
Greate tahnks.

for me the package doesn't exist. I checked the Repos list also for yikeshu0611 at
But there is not "nhanesR" there. Please check.
> devtools::install_github('yikeshu0611/nhanesR',type = 'binary')
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
HTTP error 404.
Not Found
Did you spell the repo owner (`yikeshu0611`) and repo name (`nhanesR`) correctly?
- If spelling is correct, check that you have the required permissions to access the repo.


How to Install mlr3extralearners in R?

So I am going to do some survivalsvm process and I need the mlr3extralearners package from GitHub. When I tried to install it locally using the tar.gz file, it said
Execution halted
Warning in install.packages: installation of package had non-zero exit status
I also tried to use the zip file, and it said
install.packages("C:/Users/Ivan/Downloads/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary", lib="C:/R-4.2.1/library")
then nothing happened.
I also tried using devtools::install_github("mlr-org/mlr3extralearners"), but the output was the same when I used the tar.gz file. When I checked in my library, I already have the mlr3extralearners package, but when I call it using library(mlr3extralearners), it does not work. Does anyone know how to solve this? Any help is appreciated.
I believe this should work for you:
Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Failed to load avro package in R

I have avro files in my local drive to read and i want these to be analysed through R. However this package is not getting installed. It is not available in cran so i had to download via GitHub. Here is the link:
I am getting the following error upon loading/installing in RStudio for this
ERROR: dependencies 'bit64', 'rjson' are not available for package 'ravro'
removing 'C:/Users/xyz/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/ravro'
Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘C:/xyz/ravro/ravro-master/build/ravro_1.0.4.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
Also when i run install_github("RevolutionAnalytics/ravro") it returns the error:
"Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:HTTP error 404.
Not Found Did you spell the repo owner (RevolutionAnalytics) and repo name (ravro) correctly? If spelling is correct, check that you have the required permissions to access the repo."
Can anybody test and try to install this package and if its successful please let me know !
downloading the file
an than run
install.packages('path_to_tar.gz/ravro_1.0.4.tar.gz', repos = NULL, type="source")
works on my machine

Problem with installation of semMediation package on Ubuntu

I'm trying to install the semMediation package on Ubuntu through devtools:
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
HTTP error 404.
Not Found
Did you spell the repo owner (`cardiomoon`) and repo name (`semMediation`) correctly?
- If spelling is correct, check that you have the required permissions to access the repo.
What can it be?
There was a semMediation package on github. The author of the package wrote a tutorial on RPubs.[See below][1]
However, I don't see any repo with semMediation right now. Maybe because the author deleted the repo. 
But you can still search a repo name with "semMediation" in All Github, because someone might fork that repo. 
And be happy

HTTP 404 error when installing R package from public repo on Github using devtools

I'm trying to install an R package from a public Github:
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
HTTP error 404.
Not Found
Did you spell the repo owner (datarichard) and repo name (EDISON) correctly?
- If spelling is correct, check that you have the required permissions to access the repo.
Does anyone know why I'm getting this error? The same command used to work 7 months ago so something changed. My devtools version is 2.2.1
I've tried forking it to my own repo to remove any hidden authorisation issues but I get the same error, e.g.:
You're missing a forward slash on your subdir, and the ending slash can be removed:
subdir='/Package/EDISON') # here

How to install rword2vec package

Please provide me the steps how to install rword2vec. I referred to the previous posts and followed installation steps and got the error:
Downloading GitHub repo mukul13/rword2vec#master
from URL
Installation failed: Could not find build tools necessary to build rword2vec
I also tried to follow the steps regarding build tool provided in this link, but no success (I am using macOS).
Try installing Rtools (3.4 latest), mine showed similar error and automatically installed it. Hope it helps
