Why does a pythonoperator callable not need to accept parameters in airflow? - airflow

I do not understand how callables (function called as specified by PythonOperator) n Airflow should have their parameter list set. I have seen the with no parameters or with named params or **kwargs. I can always add "ti" or **allargs as parameters it seems, and ti seems to be used for task instance info, or ds for execution date. But my callables do not NEED params apparently. They can be simply be "def function():". If I wrote a regular python function func() instead of func(**kwargs), it would fail at runtime when called unless no params were passed. Airflow always seems to pass t1 all the time, so how can the callable function signature not require it?? Example below from a training site where _process_data func gets the ti, but _extract_bitcoin_price() does not. I was thinking that is because of the xcom push, but ti is ALWAYS available it seems, so how can "def somefunc()" ever work? I tried looking at pythonoperator source code, but I am unclear how this works or best practices for including parameters in a callable. Thanks!!
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator
import PythonOperator
from datetime import datetime
import json
from typing import Dict
import requests
import logging
API = "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=bitcoin&vs_currencies=usd&include_market_cap=true&include_24hr_vol=true&include_24hr_change=true&include_last_updated_at=true"
def \_extract_bitcoin_price():
return requests.get(API).json()\['bitcoin'\]
def \_process_data(ti):
response = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='extract_bitcoin_price')
processed_data = {'usd': response\['usd'\], 'change': response\['usd_24h_change'\]}
ti.xcom_push(key='processed_data', value=processed_data)
def \_store_data(ti):
data = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='process_data', key='processed_data')
logging.info(f"Store: {data\['usd'\]} with change {data\['change'\]}")
with DAG('classic_dag', schedule_interval='#daily', start_date=datetime(2021, 12, 1), catchup=False) as dag:
extract_bitcoin_price = PythonOperator(
process_data = PythonOperator(
store_data = PythonOperator(
extract_bitcoin_price >> process_data >> store_data
Tried callables with no params somefunc() expecting to get error saying too many params passed, but it succeeded. Adding somefunc(ti) also works! How can both work?

I think what you are missing is that Airflow allows to pass the context of the task to the python callable (as you can see one of them is the ti). These are additional useful parameters that Airflow provides and you can use them in your task.
In older Airflow versions user had to set provide_context=True which for that to work:
process_data = PythonOperator(
Since Airflow>=2.0 there is no need to use provide_context. Airflow handles it under the hood.
When you see in the Python Callable signatures like:
def func(ti, **kwargs):
This means that the ti is "unpacked" from the kwargs. You can also do:
def func(**kwargs):
ti = kwargs['ti']
I think what you are missing is that while you write:
def func()
store_data = PythonOperator(
Airflow does more than just calling func. The code being executed is the execute() function of PythonOperator and this function calls the python callable you provided with args and kwargs.


how to pass default values for run time input variable in airflow for scheduled execution

I come across one issue while running DAG in airflow. my code is working in two scenarios where is failing for one.
below are my scenarios,
Manual trigger with input - Running Fine
Manual trigger without input - Running Fine
Scheduled Run - Failing
Below is my code:
def decide_the_flow(**kwargs):
print("IP is :",cleanup)
return cleanup
I am getting below error,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
I tried to define default variables like,
default_dag_args = {
'params': {
"cleanup": "N"
'retries': 0
but it wont work.
I am using BranchPythonOperator to call this function.
Scheduling : enter image description here
Can anyone please guide me here. what I am missing ?
For workaround i am using below code,
You can access the parameters from the context dict params, because airflow defines the default values on this dict after copying the dict dag_run.conf and checking if there is something missing:
from datetime import datetime
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.empty import EmptyOperator
from airflow.operators.python import BranchPythonOperator
def decide_the_flow(**kwargs):
cleanup = kwargs['params']["cleanup"]
print(f"IP is : {cleanup}")
return cleanup
with DAG(
start_date=datetime(2022, 8, 25),
schedule_interval="* * * * *",
"cleanup": "N",
) as dag:
branch_task = BranchPythonOperator(
task_n = EmptyOperator(task_id="N")
task_m = EmptyOperator(task_id="M")
branch_task >> [task_n, task_m]
I just tested it in scheduled and manual (with and without conf) runs, it works fine.

Using dag_run variables in airflow Dag

I am trying to use airflow variables to determine whether to execute a task or not. I have tried this and it's not working:
if '{{ params.year }}' == '{{ params.message }}':
run_this = DummyOperator (
task_id = 'dummy_dag'
I was hoping to get some help making it work. Also is there a better way of doing something like this in airflow?
I think a good way to solve this, is with BranchPythonOperator to branch dynamically based on the provided DAG parameters. Consider this example:
Use params to provide the parameters to the DAG (could be also done from the UI), in this example: {"enabled": True}
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from airflow.operators.python import get_current_context, BranchPythonOperator
params={"enabled": True},
def branch_from_dag_params():
def _print_enabled():
context = get_current_context()
enabled = context["params"].get("enabled", False)
print(f"Task id: {context['ti'].task_id}")
print(f"Enabled is: {enabled}")
def task_a():
def task_b():
Define a callable to the BranchPythonOperator in which you will perform your conditionals and return the next task to be executed. You can access the execution context variables from **kwargs. Also keep in mind that this operator should return a single task_id or a list of task_ids to follow downstream. Those resultant tasks should always be directly downstream from it.
def _get_task_run(ti, **kwargs):
custom_param = kwargs["params"].get("enabled", False)
if custom_param:
return "task_a"
return "task_b"
branch_task = BranchPythonOperator(
task_a_exec = task_a()
task_b_exec = task_b()
branch_task >> [task_a_exec, task_b_exec]
The result is that task_a gets executed and task_b is skipped :
Task id: task_a
Enabled is: True
Let me know if that worked for you.

Assign airflow task to several DAGs

I am trying to reuse an existing airflow task by assigning it to different dags.
def create_new_task_for_dag(task: BaseOperator,
dag: models.DAG) -> BaseOperator:
"""Create a deep copy of given task and associate it with given dag
new_task = copy.deepcopy(task)
new_task.dag = dag
return new_task
print_datetime_task = python_operator.PythonOperator(
task_id='print_datetime', python_callable=_print_datetime)
# define a new dag ...
# add to the new dag
create_new_task_for_dag(print_datetime_task, new_dag)
Then it gives the error Task is missing the start_date parameter.
If I define the dag when creating the operator, print_datetime_task = PythonOperator(task_id='print_datetime', python_callable=_print_datetime, dag=new_dag), then it is OK.
I have searched around, and this seems to be the root cause: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/5598, but PR has been marked as stale.
I wonder if there is any other approach to reuse an existing airflow task assign to a different dag.
I am using apache-airflow[docker,kubernetes]==1.10.10
While I don't know the solution to your problem with current design (code-layout), it can be made to work by tweaking the design slightly (note that the following code-snippets have NOT been tested)
Instead of copying a task from a DAG,
def create_new_task_for_dag(task: BaseOperator,
dag: models.DAG) -> BaseOperator:
"""Create a deep copy of given task and associate it with given dag
new_task = copy.deepcopy(task)
new_task.dag = dag
return new_task
you can move the instantiation of task (as well as it's assignment to the DAG) to a separate utility function.
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, Any
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
def add_new_print_datetime_task(my_dag: DAG,
kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> PythonOperator:
Creates and adds a new 'print_datetime' (PythonOperator) task in 'my_dag'
and returns it's reference
:param my_dag: reference to DAG object in which to add the task
:type my_dag: DAG
:param kwargs: dictionary of args for PythonOperator / BaseOperator
'task_id' is mandatory
:type kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
:return: PythonOperator
def my_callable() -> None:
return PythonOperator(dag=my_dag, python_callable=my_callable, **kwargs)
Thereafter you can call that function everytime you want to instantiate that same task (and assign to any DAG)
with DAG(dag_id="my_dag_id", start_date=datetime(year=2020, month=8, day=22, hour=16, minute=30)) as my_dag:
print_datetime_task_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {
"task_id": "my_task_id",
"depends_on_past": True
print_datetime_task: PythonOperator = add_new_print_datetime_task(my_dag=my_dag, kwargs=print_datetime_task_kwargs)
# ... other tasks and their wiring
References / good reads
Astronomer.io: Dynamically Generating DAGs in Airflow
Apache Airflow | With Statement and DAG

How to access Xcom value in a non airflow operator python function

I have a stored XCom value that I wanted to pass to another python function which is not called using PythonOperator.
def sql_file_template():
<some code which uses xcom variable>
def call_stored_proc(**kwargs):
#project = kwargs['row_id']
print("INSIDE CALL STORE PROC ------------")
query = """CALL `{0}.dataset_name.store_proc`(
'{1}' # source table
, ['{2}'] # row_ids
, '{3}' # pivot_col_name
, '{4}' # pivot_col_value
, 100 # max_columns
, 'MAX' # aggregation
query = query.format(kwargs['project'],kwargs['source_tbl'] ,kwargs['row_id'],kwargs['pivot_col'],kwargs['pivot_val'])
job = client.query(query, location="US")
for result in job.result():
task_instance = kwargs['task_instance']
task_instance.xcom_push(key='query_string', value=result)
print result
return result
bq_cmd = PythonOperator (
task_id= 'task1'
provide_context= True,
python_callable= call_stored_proc,
op_kwargs= {'project' : project,
'source_tbl' : source_tbl,
'row_id' : row_id,
'pivot_col' : pivot_col,
'pivot_val' : pivot_val
dag= dag
dummy_operator >> bq_cmd
The output of stored proc is a string which is captured using xcom.
Now I would like to pass this value to some python function sql_file_template without using PythonOperator.
As per Airflow documentation xcom can be accessed only between tasks.
Can anyone help on this?
If you have access to the Airflow installation you'd like to query (configuration, database access, and code) you can use Airflow's airflow.models.XCom:get_one class method:
from datetime import datetime
from airflow.models import XCom
execution_date = datetime(2020, 8, 28)
xcom_value = XCom.get_one(execution_date=execution_date,
So you want to access XCOM outside Airflow (probably a different project / module, without creating any Airflow DAGs / tasks)?
Airflow uses SQLAlchemy for mapping all it's models (including XCOM) to corresponding SQLAlchemy backend (meta-db) tables
Therefore this can be done in two ways
Leverage Airflow's SQLAlchemy model
(without having to create a task or DAG). Here's an untested code snippet for reference
from typing import List
from airflow.models import XCom
from airflow.settings import Session
from airflow.utils.db import provide_session
from pendulum import Pendulum
def read_xcom_values(dag_id: str,
task_id: str,
execution_date: Pendulum,
session: Optional[Session]) -> List[str]:
Function that reads and returns 'values' of XCOMs with given filters
:param dag_id:
:param task_id:
:param execution_date: datetime object
:param session: Airflow's SQLAlchemy Session (this param must not be passed, it will be automatically supplied by
'#provide_session' decorator)
# read XCOMs
xcoms: List[XCom] = session.query(XCom).filter(
XCom.dag_id == dag_id, XCom.task_id == task_id,
XCom.execution_date == execution_date).all()
# retrive 'value' fields from XCOMs
xcom_values: List[str] = list(map(lambda xcom: xcom.value, xcoms))
return xcom_values
Do note that since it is importing airflow packages, it still requires working airflow installation on python classpath (as well as connection to backend-db), but here we are not creating any tasks or dags (this snippet can be run in a standalone python file)
For this snippet, I have referred to views.py which is my favorite place to peek into Airflow's SQLAlchemy magic
Directly query Airflow's SQLAlchemy backend meta-db
Connect to meta db and run this query
SELECT value FROM xcom WHERE dag_id='' AND task_id='' AND ..

How to force Jinja templating on Airflow variable?

The Airflow docs say: You can use Jinja templating with every parameter that is marked as “templated” in the documentation. It makes sense that specific parameters in the Airflow world (such as certain parameters to PythonOperator) get templated by Airflow automatically. I'm wondering what the best/correct way is to get a non-Airflow variable to get templated. My specific use case is something similar to:
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from somewhere import export_votes_data, export_queries_data
from elsewhere import ApiCaucus, ApiQueries
dag = DAG('export_training_data',
description='Export training data for all active orgs to GCS',
start_date=datetime(2018, 3, 26), catchup=False)
HOST = "http://api-00a.dev0.solvvy.co"
BUCKET = "gcs://my-bucket-name/{{ ds }}/" # I'd like this to get templated
votes_api = ApiCaucus.get_votes_api(HOST)
queries_api = ApiQueries.get_queries_api(HOST)
export_votes = PythonOperator(task_id="export_votes", python_callable=export_votes_data,
op_args=[BUCKET, votes_api], dag=dag)
export_queries = PythonOperator(task_id="export_queries", python_callable=export_query_data,
op_args=[BUCKET, queries_api, export_solutions.task_id], dag=dag,
The provide_context argument for the PythonOperator will pass along the arguments that are used for templating. From the documentation:
provide_context (bool) – if set to true, Airflow will pass a set of
keyword arguments that can be used in your function. This set of
kwargs correspond exactly to what you can use in your jinja templates.
For this to work, you need to define **kwargs in your function header.
With the context provided to your callable, you can then do the interpolation in your function:
def your_callable(bucket, api, **kwargs):
bucket = bucket.format(**kwargs)
Inside methods(execute/pre_execute/post_execute, and anywhere you can get the Airflow context) of an Operator:
BUCKET = "gcs://my-bucket-name/{{ ds }}/" # I'd like this to get templated
jinja_context = context['ti'].get_template_context()
rendered_content = self.render_template('', BUCKET, jinja_context)
