Login to Apigee management API from Java client app - apigee

Need to Login to Apigee management API from Java client app to collect the proxy end points.
The above sample login works from gcloud but we need to call the management APIs from Java web application as a scheduled job. This token expires shortly. What is the recommended method to get token in Java app for this scenario.

Solution here at Apigee community portal:


MSAL.NET acquire access token using windows credentials

We have a hybrid Active Directory scenario - an on premises Active Directory server synced with an Azure AD tenant.
We are in the process of migrating our on premise Exchange email accounts to 365.
We have a SPA (JavaScript) that displays calendar events retrieved from a dotnet core web API.
The web API only allows access to users in a specific AD group.
The SPA uses the Fetch API to call the web API with credentials.
The web API currently uses EWS to connect to our on premise Exchange server to read calendar events, using its app pool identity.
The above systems have been developed in-house and run on our internal servers.
We want to update the Web API to read calendar events using the MS Graph API, on behalf of the user. We would like to use the simplest available solution.
We have tried to use the AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth method but receive the following error: 'Integrated Windows Auth is not supported for managed users'. My limited understanding of why this doesn't work is because we do not have an ADFS on premise.
One of the Microsoft samples shows a SPA acquiring an access token and passing the token in the header as part of the web API call. This would require us to update the SPA and web API code. We're willing to do that if it's the only solution, but I am hoping someone might offer an alternative where we only need to update the web API.

how to handle backend credentional in wso2 api manager?

I am using wso2 apimanager 3.2.0 and I am going to design some rest service that use my backend service. this backend service has basic authentication, so how to invoke and handle it in apim?
You can define endpoint security when you are developing the API the Endpoints section of the API in the Publisher portal.
For more information, see documentation.

Can .net core app have some APIs with client credentials flow and others with Open ID connect

Currently .Net Core app has APIs with OpenID Connect configured. It gets user token and validates.
Now have a requirement to implement client credential flow for 2 APIs leaving rest with OpenID connect. These two APIs are triggered by another backend system. By providing client id,secret and grant type = client credentials , back end system is able to invoke these two APIs. But problem is it can also invoke other APIs which i don't want.
Looking for a way to achieve this in .Net Core. Please advise
If you implement client credential flow, the access token will include the Application permissions.
If you implement OpenID Connect flow, the access token will include the Delegated permissions.
In order to control which API the client app can access, you need to verify the permission.
You can learn more configuration from how to verify Application permission and verify Delegated permission.

OAuth2 configuration

I am developing an application and I have already secured the api that I developed on ASP.net Core with Azure Ad implicit grant for the front end side.
Can I configure client credentials flow for accessing the API via Postman so that I don't have to authenticate when using it?
It is not possible to implement implicit grant flow and client credentials flow in the same registered application. The reason behind this is client credentials flow require client-secret and implicit grant flow does not work with application having client-secret.
If you want to configure client credentials flow for above scenarion for accessing the API via Postman then please create a separate registered application in your tenant and expose the API such that you can access with postman.
Please feel free to ask if you need any more help :)

Need Guidance Implementing OAuth 2.0 in ASP.NET App

I have created an ASP.NET application and an Azure-AD domain. Currently, I have the ASP.NET auth set up to hit the wsfed endpoint in Azure-AD. Everything works fine, but the problem is that this issues a SAML token and I need a JWT. From what I have read after much internet searching, I need to authenticate to the OAuth 2.0 endpoint of my Azure-AD domain. The trouble with this is that with everything configured the way it is, I always get back a 400 from this endpoint, likely because my config file is all set up for fed auth. My question is how do I configure my ASP.NET application so that it can talk to the OAuth 2.0 endpoint of my Azure-AD domain?
I need to use passive authentication.
Azure AD supports the OAuth2.0 flow that you can execute once the user has signed in using passive authentication, to receive access tokens to make delegated calls to WebAPIs on behalf of the user. You can use the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL SDK) to execute the OAuth flow. This sample application does exactly that: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/AAL-Server-to-Server-9aafccc1
However, for your scenario, we recommend the OpenId Connect flow now, instead of SAML SSO + OAuth. With Azure AD OpenIDConnect flow, the Web Application receives an SSO token (JWT id_token) using which it signs-in the user, and also receives an auth code (OAuth auth code) that it can redeem for an Access Token (JWT access token) to access WebAPIs on behalf of the user. Azure AD provides an OWIN component that does this. This sample application should see you through: https://github.com/AzureADSamples/WebApp-WebAPI-OpenIDConnect-DotNet
Finally, refer to this help topic to find all authentications flows supported and recommended by Azure AD for your Web Apps/APIs and Rich-Client/Mobile Apps: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn499820.aspx
Hope this helps
