How to list all Woocommerce memberships fields programmatically? - woocommerce-memberships

I'm working on a membership site where members fill out a form populated by woo memberships profile fields. Field content is stored in the user meta table with the prefix 'wc_memberships_profile_field'.
I'd like to give the site owner the ability to choose which fields to show in a front end view (This view lists members' profiles).
In order to expose a list of fields for the site owner as a multi-select, I need an array of all the Woocommerce Memberships Fields that have been set at "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc_memberships_profile_fields" Please tell me if there is a public function to list these or if they are stored in site options or in the DB somewhere. thanks!


In WooCommerce, where do I get more detail about the dtwpb_single_product_page?

In WooCommerce each product has meta_data and in that collection there's a field called dtwpb_single_product_page. The field contains a number which resolves to a WooCommerce Page Builder Product Template. There are WPBakery Page Builder icons all over, and I've been to their site but can't see anything regarding a REST API, which is how I'm forced to interact with the site.
Programmatically, how do I go from the number to template? I'd like to be able to extract the name and the fields with field name and field type. How would this be done? I have fully authorised access to the site.

Display custom post types filter by ACF with current user

I would like to display my custom posts on frontend.
I made a back office for a mobile app, but I'd like to create access from frontend to display information from my back office. First, I try to display single content from a custom post. I need to filter these pages by a custom ACF field equal to my current user.
And I need to check if the user has the good role. I've already configured all my Custom posts, all my ACF fields, and custom roles. I made a specific plugin for my back office.
I would like to create specific shortcodes to display the differents single views and the different lists I'll will need for my back-office..
Custom option
Custom posts name
ACF field related
Custom role
club_administrators, or club_members

Wordpress Add Custom data tables in User Profile - Not Custom Field

I am kind a new to wordpress and need guidance. But understand PHP.
I need to add custom tables with data ( Repeater fields is optional/ HTML field ) in User's profile. User Cannot edit those data ( read only )
Data will be manually added from Admin Dashboard > Users. I assume there should be a field in there for admin to add those data
Then, User can read it from their profile page / Data presented in user's profile.
Those data will be something like a set of 3 tabs with Transaction list and history.So each user has different data.
I had searched but all only show tutorials on adding custom Field in User Registration.
Assistance please. Thank You
You can use Advanced custom fields for this. What you do is that you add a field to users add/edit page with ACF. If you have frontend user profile page. You can get the data from this fields with the function get_field('my_custom_field', $userID)
If you don't have and frontend user profile page, and will let your users go thru the "backend" profile page you will need to add som functions that disables so an user can't edit those fields if you don't want the users to edit them. You can do that with the filter add_filter('acf/load_field', 'my_filter);
The rest how you do this should you be able to find on ACF documentation page.

Where to find the meta keys for WooCommerce user profile fields?

I want to add user data from a user registration form I am adding to my wordpress site via Gravity Forms. I want the address information in my form to be added to the Shipping Address fields that Woocommerce adds to my user profile. This should be simple enough but I need to have the meta keys for these fields. Can anyone tell me where to find these meta keys?
When I look at the code in my user profile it shows the field for shipping address has an id and name of "shipping_address_1". Is this also the meta key?
Thank you!
The field 'name' in the HTML input in the user profile is the meta key. (Note: depending on how a given developer handles creating their inputs, this may or may not be the case; but in the case of WooCommerce it is.)
There is a list of meta keys for WooCommerce's checkout fields on this page:

Wordpress define custom fields list

How can I define default custom fields list in wordpress?
I want to give users ability to choose custom fields from list when they create or edit post in admin. On that coustom fields I will base design and make different styles when users choose "youtube" or "image". It's impossible to find any solution for that simple problem in web.
WordPress takes existing custom fields and presents them in a select box. So, once you've created a custom field once on one page it will be available on all pages in the WP Admin. Just click "Enter New" about the Custom Field select box and it will allow you to enter in a new meta key.
More Technical
Custom Fields are stored in your Metadata database table, whereas the custom field name is the meta_key and the custom field value is the meta_value.
When an edit page loads it take a grouping of all custom fields (minus fields that are used for internal use) and presents them in the select drop down.
Retrieving a custom field would be as follows:
$custom_field = get_post_meta($post->ID,"CUSTOM FIELD NAME",true);
Predefined Custom Fields
WordPress offers a popular plugin Advanced Custom Fields that allows you to create different types of custom fields with preset values. This helps content editors to choose the appropriate value attached with the appropriate custom field.
