My website is showing an error related to in console - wordpress

I have a WordPress website, and I use Adsense. However, for a couple of days, I have noticed these errors in the console, and I don't know what they mean.
All of them are related to this URL:
The errors are saying:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID
I don't know what it is, please clarify this to me.

I was able to figure this out. It was not the plugin, but rather an Ad Network on Google Adsense. All I had to do was go into the Google Adsense >> Blocking Controls >> Content >> Ad Networks. Then type in Gemius and disable all ads from their network. The problem goes away and you get to work with Adsense again.

I don't have the best answer, but ... I noticed my site is doing this too. It's a pretty simple site, with just a few tools some people use. If I disable Google's ads, the error goes away. If I re-enable them, they come back. I double checked ad content, and they're all legitimate.
The requests aren't being generated by my pages. They are only generated by Google's ads.
My site is hand coded, not WP or another CMS, so it can't be a hack or anything. I literally read every line of code related to that page while trying to diagnose it. It wasn't hard, because there aren't many lines of code. :)
So, to make the error go away, you'll need to turn off Google's ads for a while. It really isn't necessary though.
The good news is, that error means nothing was sent to the gemius page. It is simply unreachable right now, for whatever reason. I guess Google will fix it eventually. I don't care enough to open a trouble ticket with them. I'm just considering it a curiosity and annoyance on my otherwise error free pages.
screenshot with googlecm.hit.gemius errors

I believe this is related to the plugin Google Ad Inserter. Took me a while to figure out and I'm still trying to clean it up. After removing the plugin a lot of the redirect errors went away and Google was able to index my URL. After going into Chrome developer though I noticed that there was still some redirect errors happening on some resources left behind by Ad Inserter. Once I figure out how to get rid of them I'll post an update. Had a huge impact on my blog though. Almost lost 30% of my page views for the past couple days...


Wordpress site switched to displaying Posts for no apparent reason

I have a site with a static home page which is just one of the pages. Ive been working on the site for several weeks. Today, when I went to clear the cache to see if some links were updated, the home page switched to displaying Posts (which is the other setting under the Settings->Reading) I went to settings and sure enough display Posts is checked. No one else, that I know of has the password to this site. Does anyone know why this happened or how I can prevent it from happeneing again?
There are so many variables to consider, but it has to be a direct database manipulation. So:
Someone did in fact change it, but no one knows who
A plugin or theme changed it. Unlikely, but certainly possible. Search your plugins/theme changelog and/or support threads for similar reported issues
One thing you could do is install the plugin Stream. This logs all (well, nearly every) database manipulation and tells you when, where, and who. This way, if it happens again, you can immediately pinpoint it.

This page is insecure (broken HTTPS) on my Tumblr Blog

Immature CSS coder here, basically only know how to deal with CSS on tumblr blogs. A novel problem, when I finished editing this blog, it returns that this page is insecure (broken HTTPS), and fails to load up any of the scripts I can, including pop up links. These pop ups don't redirect to any other site than the blog itself, so the fact it's failing to show the popups is problematic.
I looked into it and this was perhaps the error it is returning that makes it insecure:…:25 GET net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
But I have no way to access this site or anything related, and not sure how I am able to fix this through it.
If it helps, here's the code for the blog:
Go into your blog settings and ensure this is disabled.
Tumblr has recently made it so that all new blogs automatically have this option enabled, which is rather silly considering even they say:
"Try it, and if it makes your Tumblr look funny, just come back and
disable it."

Can't access site (or admin) - no error messages

Since a couple of days ago our info site (WP) isn't working at all, which is strange because we haven't done any changes lately whatsoever. No error messages shows up and what happens is that it times out (same with admin interface).
It started with a couple of strange error messages that was connected to a couple of plugins (Google maps ready and YouTube widget responsive) and after disabling them through FTP they dissapeared but instead the site just load and load and then times out.
Because no error message is shown and we're not able to access the admin interface it is very hard to know what's wrong here. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this problem?
The site:
what I can see is your site is having redirection loop. redirects to and vise versa. try to resolve that.

How is Google Analytics providing data for my site without the JS code?

I signed up for Google Analytics a couple months ago, but have yet to actually set up the JS snippet on my site.
Today I logged into the dashboard and I see tons of tracking data already in there.
I'm trying to figure out how Google is gathering user data on my site when I haven't even hooked up the code yet.
Also, I see a handful of hits to completely random paths on my domain (mostly foreign). Stuff like and I'm just curious why a bot would even bother trying to hit a full domain as a subpath. Or even why my site's getting hit at all (it's completely behind HTTPAuth at the moment), but I suppose that's inevitable.
Thanks for any insight.
I had the same problem a couple of months ago, it turned oud that a bot got my script and did malicious things with it. I got my self a new Analytics code and it did the trick for me.
This will probably also work for you although it it weird that they got your script without even having it published yet.

occasional client error fullcalendar.js

I am trying to help sort a friend's issue with their fullcalendar.js implementation.
The problem thus far is the events not loading consistently. Before uploading it to the Godaddy domain it worked every time but is spotty at best now. I looked at the Google developers tools and the credentials are all squared but saw that there is a client error happening however, I'm not sure where to look to fix an occasional problem? I am led to believe it is some sort of server issue but don't know where to start looking.
I don't have any rep so no pics, here is a link to the dashboard.
Any help would be amazing, thanks!
I contacted Godaddy to no avail, they said it was Google's issue and I should contact them.. which isn't possible without paying for it.. Also, I found a work around: if I refresh the page navigate away and return it loads correctly.. any ideas on how to code it so if it fails to load I can get the same process?
Hopefully this will help someone else, but...
I fixed my problem by changing the hierarchy of my files. I moved the calendar to the public html folder instead of the nested html folder. It seems as if the Jquery request to Google was getting interrupted or bogged down somehow, but, thus far I'm digging the 100% success rate. If anyone cares to weigh-in further, I'm happy to hear other suggestions.
