Can't access site (or admin) - no error messages - wordpress

Since a couple of days ago our info site (WP) isn't working at all, which is strange because we haven't done any changes lately whatsoever. No error messages shows up and what happens is that it times out (same with admin interface).
It started with a couple of strange error messages that was connected to a couple of plugins (Google maps ready and YouTube widget responsive) and after disabling them through FTP they dissapeared but instead the site just load and load and then times out.
Because no error message is shown and we're not able to access the admin interface it is very hard to know what's wrong here. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this problem?
The site:

what I can see is your site is having redirection loop. redirects to and vise versa. try to resolve that.


My website is showing an error related to in console

I have a WordPress website, and I use Adsense. However, for a couple of days, I have noticed these errors in the console, and I don't know what they mean.
All of them are related to this URL:
The errors are saying:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID
I don't know what it is, please clarify this to me.
I was able to figure this out. It was not the plugin, but rather an Ad Network on Google Adsense. All I had to do was go into the Google Adsense >> Blocking Controls >> Content >> Ad Networks. Then type in Gemius and disable all ads from their network. The problem goes away and you get to work with Adsense again.
I don't have the best answer, but ... I noticed my site is doing this too. It's a pretty simple site, with just a few tools some people use. If I disable Google's ads, the error goes away. If I re-enable them, they come back. I double checked ad content, and they're all legitimate.
The requests aren't being generated by my pages. They are only generated by Google's ads.
My site is hand coded, not WP or another CMS, so it can't be a hack or anything. I literally read every line of code related to that page while trying to diagnose it. It wasn't hard, because there aren't many lines of code. :)
So, to make the error go away, you'll need to turn off Google's ads for a while. It really isn't necessary though.
The good news is, that error means nothing was sent to the gemius page. It is simply unreachable right now, for whatever reason. I guess Google will fix it eventually. I don't care enough to open a trouble ticket with them. I'm just considering it a curiosity and annoyance on my otherwise error free pages.
screenshot with googlecm.hit.gemius errors
I believe this is related to the plugin Google Ad Inserter. Took me a while to figure out and I'm still trying to clean it up. After removing the plugin a lot of the redirect errors went away and Google was able to index my URL. After going into Chrome developer though I noticed that there was still some redirect errors happening on some resources left behind by Ad Inserter. Once I figure out how to get rid of them I'll post an update. Had a huge impact on my blog though. Almost lost 30% of my page views for the past couple days...

Sharing on LinkedIn doesn't work / Problem with LinkedIn Page Inspector

We run a website from where users can share pages on LinkedIn using the basic sharing URL
This worked without any problems for years, yet recently we are facing problems that we cannot explain. Some of our URLs can be shared, while others, pointing to very similar pages, fail.
All of our sharable pages are served from the same infrastructure, same servers, same setup, same TLS certificate, rendered from the same application, etc.
As an example, I attached screenshots for two pages, which are basically identical, except from a few very small details.
While can be shared,
Screenshot: A "Create a Post" widget on LinkedIn with correct page preview
the almost identical page can not be shared, the sharing widget shows an error:
Screenshot: A "Create a Post" widget on LinkedIn with error message in preview area
Additionally: since a while, both pages - fg1 as well as fg1-1 - cannot be opened in the LinkedIn Post Inspector - this worked earlier, there was no notable change on our side.
The error message in the post inspector says (for the page where actual sharing in the widget works):
Ingestion Feedback
Error We encountered a server error while trying to inspect the URL.
URL redirect trail
1 0 undefined
Summarizing: I am quite confident that this is not an issue caused by our infrastructure or the application - otherwise I would expect that all pages resulted in the same error when sharing.
Does anyone else face this issue or did so in the past and found a solution?
Note: it feels a bit odd to post this question here instead of filing a support ticket, but I was told that this would be the way to reach out.

How do I fix: Lighthouse returned error: FAILED_DOCUMENT_REQUEST

I have been actively trying to redesign, increase page speeds and other things for my workplaces website. (Built by a previous employee using a custom Wordpress theme) I had been notified that this error has been starting to come up when testing our page speeds now. The scores we had been getting originally were appalling anyway so it's not really much of a surprise to me to be seeing errors haha.
Could this be because of broken links to google analytics? Or that The webpage is just so slow it wont test it?
Any information on this issue would be really helpful.
while I was testing my site where I used self-signed SSL certificate, I got the error. I switched the site to http instead of https, then I got Lighthouse loading the page and showing score. Hope this helps someone.

not a robot recapcha loop at wordpress login

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the following issue I am trying to figure out.
On the wordpress backend login a not a robot recapcha appears with the following text: This page is an extra security measure for websites which use WordPress or Joomla!. Before you can log in, you have confirm that you are a human being. You can do this by confirming the reCAPTCHA above.
With the button confirm under it. Passing the recapcha is not a problem, yet when you press on confirm it just refreshes the page and you have to pass the recapcha again and so on in a neverending loop.
I checked everything on the website level. turned off all caching, extensions, made sure all is updated. reinstalled the wordpress version. I checked on multiple browsers, cleaned the history, tried in safe mode and incognito mode. I also asked others to check on their laptop if they see the same thing and they did. Yet nothing solves this problem. Checked the error and access log, nothing out of the ordinary there too.
But.. on smartphones/tablets you can get to the username/password screen without recapcha looping. I did send a mail to google but the response time is not that fast, so it seems.
So I thought maybe someone here has some experience with this problem or knows where the solution needs to be found. Any help in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
I fail to understand why this happens to be honest. Thank you in advance.

Wordpress not reflecting phpMyAdmin database changes unless I log in

this is I think a really unusual case. A little backstory, I outsourced a PSD to WP project a few months ago, but not currently working with the developer anymore as he stopped replying to my support questions. I'm trying to solve this on my own before I give this to the client, as I have no more budget to hire another developer.
I have two problems, first is I couldn't access the WP dashboard even though my login is an admin account. Been trying to solve this through numerous google searches and blog posts but to no avail, I couldn't fix it.
Here goes my main problem: So I finally found a way how to update the content on the site using the phpMyAdmin backend database. (good thing I know HTML CSS)
I managed to update the content, but when I tested the site using incognito window and other profiles / browsers, the changes from phpMyAdmin does not reflect on the site. I tried logging in, and weirdly, the changes are there. I log out, changes are there.
I just find it really weird and a hassle that I have to log in to see those changes. It's a client facing site, and the changes are really important so I hope someone has experienced this before and can help me out. Thanks in advance.
