"Undefined Keyword" issue in VSC editor, Robot Framework - robotframework

OK, so I had my first Robot Framework project written for practice a few months ago, everything worked fine, and I did not open it for a while, then today, when I did, 99% of my keywords had the "Undefined Keyword" errors popping up. The only thing I can think of is installing the RIDE editor a few days ago, but again, I deleted it - nothing changed
Screenshot link:

py -3.8 -m pip install robotframework-seleniumLibrary
This command resolved my issue. VSC did not read the Selenium Library

Screenshot suggest that your Library is not getting loaded with your project. Try to re-validate the project or refresh the project to make that happen. Also, check Selenium version against your robotframework version. Refer more at - https://robotframework.org/SeleniumLibrary/ under Version section.


Why can't I create a Q#create project on VisualStudio Code with QDK || ISSUE :command "'quantum.newProject' failed.)"

help regarding the issue below would be really appreciated :
Command 'Q#: Create new project...' resulted in an error (Running the contributed command: 'quantum.newProject' failed.)
I was trying to follow this exercice : https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/learn/modules/qsharp-create-first-quantum-development-kit/2-install-quantum-development-kit-code
after downloading and running the latest versions of .NET CORE, VSCODE, I can run "Q# Install command line project templates" but can't run "Q# Create a new project : See screenshot1 screenshot 2 CODE SOURCE ERROR
I already done this exercice in May last year but for some reasons I get stuck at the very beginning of the process now.
Could it be a version issue ? I remember that the tutorial was different (May 2020) than the one above I shared to you. Unfortunately I can't find the previous tutorial as it has been updated since.
I tried to uninstall the latest versions to reinstall the versions I downloaded in May : useless, I get the same issue.
Many thanks for you help !
I decided to go with an older version v0.14.2011120240
It seems the new version isn't stable yet.
Install NodeJS: https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.15.4/node-v14.15.4-x64.msi
Then restart VS Code.
"The below steps currently has a dependency to install node.js including npm. We are working on removing that dependency. Alternatively, use our the command line templates to create a Q# project , or use Visual Studio."

Why does my Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500) "Watch App" template fail?

To familiarize myself with the process, before getting real, I tried to build a Watch-only app from the Xcode 11.2.1 template. The build fails when it attempts to copy an item into a file, instead of into a directory. I can hardly believe this isn't something corrupt in my Xcode environment, but it is happening on different Macs.
I created a new project with the "Watch App" template at ~/Development/Watch and ran xcodebuild from that directory. There is quite a lot of successful work done, but the last command (failing) in the build log is (with ... representing ~/Development/):
PBXCp .../Watch/build/Release-watchos/Watch\ WatchKit\ App.app \
.../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/Watch.app/Watch/Watch\ WatchKit\ App.app
error: make directory
.../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/Watch.app/Watch/Watch WatchKit App.app:
Not a directory
It's failing because .../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/Watch.app/Watch is not a directory (nor should it be). Is this an Xcode bug (I've seen no reference to it from Apple or in Google searchs), or some stupidity on my part?
This is addressed in the GM Seed of Xcode 11.2.1. If you are writing a Mac Catalyst app, please also see the release notes for Xcode 11.2.1.
For any other issues you encounter while using Xcode, please file bug reports.
Found it!! A sneaky one too ..
It fails if you name the project "Watch" .. name it something else, it's OK.

Meteor stopped working

I was working on a meteor project (version 1.2, React installed) when suddenly a spew of errors appeared in the command prompt. I could no longer start the server. Entering 'meteor' and nothing happened. I then uninstalled meteor completely and reinstalled (now version 1.3). The problem persisted. The only command I could get to work was 'meteor --help'. Even doing a new create (meteor create newapp) did nothing. The command line carriage returned and did nothing. I'm running under windows 10.
Some people have ran into issues when updating to meteor 1.3. Possible duplicate answered here:
Unable to install meteor 1.3 on win 8.1 laptop
I had this issue too. It's a problem from the 1.3 release on Windows.
In the github issues you can find the solution they found to solve this temporarily; what you have to do is this:
Delete the following folders from C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local.meteor\packages
templating, templating-tools, ecmascript, standard-minifier-css. But some people mention having to delete extra folders too <-- emphasis on this
Then open the console as administrator and run meteor in the folder where your app is, so it starts downloading the missing packages you deleted.
This would be enough for it to work.

WebEssentials less support not working

I'm using VS 2013 Update 4, with Web Essentials installed (the latest version)
If I create a brand new project, and add one .less file with nothing in it but a body declaration
body {
font-size: 10px;
I get this error "Compilation Error occurred (see error list to navigate to the error location):".
The error list is completely empty however.
I've done everything I've read, like uninstall / reinstall.
Hard to believe this is so hard and doesn't work out of the box?
Is there something else I can use that will convert to .css files within Visual Studio upon save?
Thanks, this is frustrating!!
I had the same issue with the 2.5.2 update.
I ended up uninstalling version 2.5.2. and installed the stable 2.5 version https://github.com/madskristensen/WebEssentials2013/releases/tag/v2.5 (.vsix)
After this everything was working again.
Uninstall 2.5.2
Restart VS 2013
Install 2.5 (.visx)
For me the problem was a hash(#) in the folder structur where my project was in.
So C:\Develop\C#\MyProject\... failed while C:\Develop\CSharp\MyProject\... worked.
I tracked down a way to fix this with the current version of WE (the issue is due to either NodeJS not being packed right or extracted right - not sure which). So to fix this simply reinstall node and set the modules back up
Locate the path where WE is installed
Should be something like C:\Users\$username\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\VISUALSTUDIO\12.0\Extensions\$random_folder
Run the commands necessary to reinstall node & set the modules back up
I made a powershell script to do this for you open powershell and run
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/iamkrillin/e5e95f0193eef4358e09/raw/301c170e9eed302f09f0f577dc0ab26be4cc09ea/we.ps1'))
You can view the script here. https://gist.github.com/iamkrillin/e5e95f0193eef4358e09#file-we-ps1
An update has been released to address this problem

Launching Springsource tool giving some error

Fow the last few days I used to work on STS. But today it is not launching and giving following window. So, I reinstalled STS. But the problem still exits. Can some one help in sorting it out?
I found the solution after few hours. Some guy had same problem and solved
Eclipse is trying to get the version of java that is installed on system. you might have installed that latest one but there are possibilities that any upgradation of later softwares has replaced the java.exe files in system32 folder with older version. All you need to do is to run eclipse with clean parameters. Create a batch file in the directory where eclipse.exe is and write this line in it eclipse -clean -vmargs -Xmx256m
