Launching Springsource tool giving some error - sts-springsourcetoolsuite

Fow the last few days I used to work on STS. But today it is not launching and giving following window. So, I reinstalled STS. But the problem still exits. Can some one help in sorting it out?

I found the solution after few hours. Some guy had same problem and solved
Eclipse is trying to get the version of java that is installed on system. you might have installed that latest one but there are possibilities that any upgradation of later softwares has replaced the java.exe files in system32 folder with older version. All you need to do is to run eclipse with clean parameters. Create a batch file in the directory where eclipse.exe is and write this line in it eclipse -clean -vmargs -Xmx256m


Meteor 1.4.1 release not functional on Windows

I tried to install Meteor on another system. Installation go well, then I copied my project and I am running meteor run but
"Extracting meteor-tool#1.4.0-1" it is happening forever. Then I tried to update version number to 1.4.1 and run again "meteor run". Now I do not need to install so it worked but got stuck on extracting on other modules.
Possible reasons can be extraction program of this is release is faulty. Would someone suggest a solution or how can I download release of meteor directly?
I found the answer of this problem. This is problem with tar extractor.
I installed the newest 7zip and renamed the tar.exe in my GIT program folder ("where tar" command in cmd revealed, that somehow that exe was associated with .tar archives) to tar.exe.old.
If you can not find where is tar then run "where tar" command to get path of tar.exe
This solves the problem.
Take a look at this answer:
Try adding the following to your local hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts):
Then run a meteor reset in your app directory (warning - will wipe your local DB), then try starting your app again.
This worked for me.

e(fx)clipse JavaFX still missing

I am running XUbuntu x64 14.04.4 LTS on my PC, with eclipse Mars.2 Release (4.5.2) and JDK 8 properly linked up to my eclipse (via ini file).
So basically, I "upgradet" to e(fx)clipse. Then I crated a new "JavaFX project". When I tried to run it, I got the error The import javafx.application cannot be resolved.
A quick google search brought up, that I need to add the jfxwt.jar from my java 1.8 directory (in my case /opt/Oracle_Java/jdk1.8.0_91/jre/lib/).
But the error didn't went away. I also tried the build options but nothing seemed to change anything.
First of all, I included the wrong jar. whoops. thanks to #DVarga for the tip.
But that wasn't the problem. So here are all the steps I took, to create a working e(fx)clipse environment:
Download the latest eclipse version and add the e(fx)clipse package.
Update to the latest JDK and reference that in the eclipse.ini file (1)
Tell ecplipse the path for the latest JDK. Although this tutorial is for MACs, it works pretty much the same in linux. There are a few differences tho:
The preferences menu is in window > preferences
The JRE type is not MacOS X VM but rather Standard VM
The JRE home path is the jdk1.8.0_VERSION folder (in my case /opt/Oracle_Java/jdk1.8.0_91)
I didn't need to add any other jar for javaFX to work properly.
(1) How to add the Java 1.8 path to eclipse
if you get the error "JavaFX was disabled because your java version is to old" (or something like this) you need to update to at least Java 1.8 and edit the eclipse.ini file in the eclipse folder.
There you have to look for the line -vm. In the next line is a path to an old Java version. Change that to the new path. It should look like this: /path/to/jdk1.8.0_VERSION/jre/bin/ in my case it is /opt/Oracle_Java/jdk1.8.0_91/jre/bin/

Meteor stopped working

I was working on a meteor project (version 1.2, React installed) when suddenly a spew of errors appeared in the command prompt. I could no longer start the server. Entering 'meteor' and nothing happened. I then uninstalled meteor completely and reinstalled (now version 1.3). The problem persisted. The only command I could get to work was 'meteor --help'. Even doing a new create (meteor create newapp) did nothing. The command line carriage returned and did nothing. I'm running under windows 10.
Some people have ran into issues when updating to meteor 1.3. Possible duplicate answered here:
Unable to install meteor 1.3 on win 8.1 laptop
I had this issue too. It's a problem from the 1.3 release on Windows.
In the github issues you can find the solution they found to solve this temporarily; what you have to do is this:
Delete the following folders from C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local.meteor\packages
templating, templating-tools, ecmascript, standard-minifier-css. But some people mention having to delete extra folders too <-- emphasis on this
Then open the console as administrator and run meteor in the folder where your app is, so it starts downloading the missing packages you deleted.
This would be enough for it to work.

WebEssentials less support not working

I'm using VS 2013 Update 4, with Web Essentials installed (the latest version)
If I create a brand new project, and add one .less file with nothing in it but a body declaration
body {
font-size: 10px;
I get this error "Compilation Error occurred (see error list to navigate to the error location):".
The error list is completely empty however.
I've done everything I've read, like uninstall / reinstall.
Hard to believe this is so hard and doesn't work out of the box?
Is there something else I can use that will convert to .css files within Visual Studio upon save?
Thanks, this is frustrating!!
I had the same issue with the 2.5.2 update.
I ended up uninstalling version 2.5.2. and installed the stable 2.5 version (.vsix)
After this everything was working again.
Uninstall 2.5.2
Restart VS 2013
Install 2.5 (.visx)
For me the problem was a hash(#) in the folder structur where my project was in.
So C:\Develop\C#\MyProject\... failed while C:\Develop\CSharp\MyProject\... worked.
I tracked down a way to fix this with the current version of WE (the issue is due to either NodeJS not being packed right or extracted right - not sure which). So to fix this simply reinstall node and set the modules back up
Locate the path where WE is installed
Should be something like C:\Users\$username\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\VISUALSTUDIO\12.0\Extensions\$random_folder
Run the commands necessary to reinstall node & set the modules back up
I made a powershell script to do this for you open powershell and run
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
You can view the script here.
An update has been released to address this problem

Can you install Qt-4.6.0-wince successfully?

I'm trying to install Qt-4.6.0-wince on XP and Vista. I read the instructions and follow it to install.
However, I can't install it successfully due to some fatal errors on all of the two machines. I think the problem is that qconfig.[h cpp] files are not created automatically during the configuration.
I already report about this problem, so you can see the more information here. However, it is still remained as unresolved.
Anybody here who has been installed it successfully?
#KernelJ I believe the original poster is using the correct install distro - the final product will be cross compiled from Win32 to WinCE; as is pointed out in the Qt for Windows CE Requirements.
#Brian, Unfortunately, I can't answer your original question - I have had unrelated trouble with the WinCE distribution myself and am working the issues now. However, I can provide some help: I was able to get the Qt Everywhere 4.6 to cross compile on my Win32 (XP) host for WinCE. I used the commercial version, but here is a link to the Open Source Qt Everywhere 4.6 package. As is pointed out in the nokia instructions, make sure to use the Visual Studio command prompt, get your environment variables ironed out, create a custom mkspec (if you have to), and keep a close eye during the configuration for any warnings.
Good luck.
Qt-4.6.0-wince, as is implied in the name and said explictly on the page you linked, is for Windows CE, NOT for Windows XP and Vista!!!
Nokia have released a nice software development kit for Qt which you can download here. It is very impressive and powerful!
I got things running as compilable (and running on emulator) with VS 2008, so your milage may vary:
Make sure the PATH variable points to \bin
Open a command prompt (using the Visual Studio Command Prompt)
Run the vcvars32.bat file (in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9\VC\bin) folder
Cd into the qt folder
Run this: configure -no-sql-sqlite -no-qt3support -platform win32-msvc2008 –xplatform wincewm50pocket-msvc2008 -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-webkit (building for WINCE 5.0, and all the '-no-...' makes it build faster, removing stuff we don’t want)
The setccepaths script provided sometimes doesn’t work. I used checksdk.exe –script temp_script.bat (It creates a script, the default is for Pocket PC SDK 5)
Run that script you just created (the temp_script.bat thing. It sets up environment variables.
Run nmake
and good luck.
