How to set module weight in hook_install - drupal-9

I want to change my module weight to be the last one.
I tried to use module_set_weight(), but it's deprecated.
How can I change modules weight?


Where handle parameter value from wp_enqueue_style come from?

Relative to the wp_enqueue_style() In documentation says:
(string) (Required) Name of the stylesheet. Should be unique.
But this is not clear to me if is a value you need to give to set a unique reference in the moment to enqueue the styles or you need to pick it up from the file name or directory.
Where this value come from?
To me is not clear in documentation. I've read some tutorials about it, but still is not clear to me.
You should give a unique name for your script, e.g:
wp_enqueue_style('myCustomStylesheet12345', 'path_to_stylesheet/stylesheet.css);
For example:
If you later try to enqueue something with the same given handle, it wont be added. (you have to add unique name for both, or remove previous if already enqueued before enqueue the second one.)

Less override variable just for one country (language)

The context of my problem :
I have a website multi-language ( 20 ), I use less css.
All stylesheets are common, except one for every country called to the end.
I have a file com.base.less which has a variable of font.
Every stylesheet calls this file to use the variables which it contains.
My question, for a country I must change the font, thus to re-declare the variable only for this country.
How can I proceed?
Because if I re-celare my variable in my file of country, that this being called to the end it isn't written again.
I use lessPhp, and I see ModifyVars but I don't know if it's good method ?
(when I test he doesn't work)
Thank you
Yes, as the docs tell you "You can use the ModifyVars() method to customize your CSS if you have variables stored in PHP associative arrays".
Less uses the last declaration wins rule for variables, so the last re-declare value of variable at the end of your code will be used everywhere in your code.
I use lessPhp, and I see ModifyVars but I don't know if it's good
method ? (when I test he doesn't work)
Make sure that you call ModifyVars() before getCss() and call both on the same instance of Less_Parser.

Qt - Don't append major version number to the end of executable/library name

How can I stop Qt from renaming my DLL to MyDLLName{MAJOR_VERSION_NUM}.dll?
This only happens when I set the VERSION in my project file, but I also want to set the version. For example, if I have:
And my library is named MyDll, it will create my DLL in the debug folder as MyDLL1.dll. If I take the version number away, it keeps the name as I want it (MyDLL.dll).
Use this:
CONFIG += skip_target_version_ext
See this answer (on SO) for why it is there: Why library name gets an additional 0 in its name?
You can "not-set" the version to remove it from the generated name, but are you sure you want to do that? (It's there to avoid DLL Hell.)
The "proper-answer" is that the LIB template is adding the version number.
Also, note:
VERSION is used to define VER_MAJ and VER_MIN
msvc_nmake generator adds /VERSION:major.minor to link flags if !empty
msvc_vcproj generate adds /VERSION:major.minor to link flags and MSVCPROJ_VERSION if !empty
You can explicitly set those yourself, or "unset" any of them.
You can explicitly remove the version number from the target name with the TARGET_EXT variable, for example, see:
If you want to create your own plugin to decide how to generate the target name (without the version number), you can make your own plugin as described in this answer (on SO): How to avoid having version numbers in .so file name

Drupal 6 Views 2 using Node Path as an argument

Please consider helping a Drupal noob who is in danger of tearing out what hair I have remaining.
I have a view that I want to add an argument to so that it only displays the details of the specified product. Since I'm using URL aliasing the argument is in the form of shop/product1, shop/product2 etc. However, when I go to add an argument node path (which is what I have set to shop/product1 etc is not listed) the only I could use is Node: Nid but that doesn't work because my argument is not a node id but a path alias.
The workaround I've been using is to create a CCK field to store my node path and then create an argument using the CCK field. Is this the only option?
One way to do this would be to create a custom module and define your own callback which would then work out the NID from the path and pass that as an argument to the view using views_embed_view.
There are some contrib modules which allow you to filter by PHP code which would probably do as well.
I believe you can still use NID as the argument, as that is what's in the actual path even though you are displaying an alias in the address bar.

Changing the QTY label in Uber Cart?

How do you change the QTY (quantity) label in UberCart (in Drupal) without actually hacking the core components? I want the label to be be months, instead of qty.
You could use the String Overrides module. Here is an excerpt from its project page:
Provides a quick and easy way to replace any text on the site.
Easily replace anything that's passed through t()
Locale support, allowing you to override strings in any language
Ability to import/export *.po files, for easy migration from the Locale module
Note that this is not a replacement to Locale as having thousands of overrides can cause more pain then benefit. Use this only if you need a few easy text changes.
I once ran into a similar issue with Ubercart in another language (German), and we "solved" it by re-translating the string. The mentioned module should do the trick in your case.
I haven't used ubercarts, but I would guess there would be an admin section to do that. Else hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() should be able to do the trick for you.
Unfortunately, there is no setting for this in ubercart.
Doing a search for 'Qty' (case sensitive, as there are numerous 'qty' in code) in the current ubercart-6.x-2.0-rc7 release gives seven matches:
3 in theme functions, which you'd need to override in your theme
1 in a form definition, which you'd need to change via hook_form_alter as googletorp suggested
3 in table definitions, which you'd need to change via hook_tapir_table_alter and/or hook_tapir_table_header_alter (see the hooks.php file in ubercarts doc directory for these)
So you should be able to implement your changes without changing the module itself, but given the amount of work involved, I'd try schnecks suggestion first ;)
