No Azure subscriptions discovered to provision app resources to - teams-toolkit

I'm using the VSC Teams Toolkit. But when I sign in to my Azure account to provision my files, it says "No subscriptions discovered" as shown below:
Which subscription should I get to proceed with provisioning the files?

As the information explained, your logged-in Azure account doesn't seem to have associated Azure subscription.
You can login to your Azure portal, and under subscriptions, please check whether you have accessible subscription.

I had the same issue. You really need to go to -> Subscriptions and have at least 1 subscription listed in the table below.
If no subscription is available, create new one - Pay as you go.
Then, in VS Code - sign out, sign in and subscription will be available

If vscode is complaining about not have an active subscription in the Teams Toolkit extension, for one make sure the tenant id is added to vsocde. See here enter link description here and here enter link description here


Server-side GTM billing quota exceeded

I would like to try server-side GTM. So I did the process of creating a server GTM on GCP. Automatically provision tagging server was failed.
Error Reported: Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded. So I tried Manually provision tagging server which passed me without problems.
I have several projects running in GCP . And I have set up a billing account which is cleared and used every month .
What exactly is the problem and how to set up?
This is a common problem in case you are already a user of GCP and exceeded the free tier limit. You can have only one Free testing sGTM instance on one account.
If you already used the Free tier or want to create one more testing server there is no possibility to do this for free and automatically.
For manual server provisioning you can follow official documentation
Also as an option I can recommend to try Stape as much cheaper and easier to setup alternative for GTM Server Side hosting. There you can create infinity free servers for sGTM on one account.
For example you can follow this article on how to setup free server for Server Side GTM:
This just happened to us and the problem is a very basic one. Apparently by default one billing account in GCP can be tied to 5 projects (who knew :) ). You're probably at that limit and that's what Google Tag Manager interface means by "Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded" --> you're trying to add the 6th project to that account.
Two options comes to mind to solve that:
Create a new billing account (with the same credit card if you want) and tie your new server project to that account
Request for a quota increase from here so your billing account is able to handle more projects
Alternatively you can do 1, then do 2, and when your request is approved change the billing account of the project that contains your GTM server.
I had a similar problem, and this is what I'm suggesting:
ask for increasing quota for current billing account, if not successful:
create new billing account (but be very careful).
Why not the other way? Why not creating first new billing account if you are allowed to do this? I did it, and attached new project to the account, and redirected domain to the project, and everything was fine, but after some time Google send me message like this:
There is some suspicious activity related to your billing accounts, your all accounts are now suspended, your projects are suspended, your domains returns 404. Send us photos of documents which will allow us to verify your accounts (credit cards, ID, payments confirmations). We will check somedays. Till then you can't do anything, you can't close project, accounts, remap domains, nothing! Have a nice day!
If you every tried to contact Google in person, you know how big your problem is. Good luck!
ps. I never found out what the suspicious activity was (probably just creating new billing account).

How do I find/contact an owner or admin of a Pivotal Tracker Enterprise account where my Project resides?

I would like to add an integration but I have no idea how to contact the owner or any admins.
When I go to I see a userID for the owner (no email) of my Enterprise account, and I see that 4 admins exist but no other information.
Also, neither are hyperlinked or have tooltips.
On the integrations menu/tab it tells me that I need to contact the administrator, but it doesn't tell me how.
In my case, I reached out to and they helped me out. I did not discover a self-service method.

How do I link the billing account to project in google cloud

How do i link the billing account to my project on google cloud?
I have enabled the billing but unable to open the JS file and getting some errors like "You must enable the billing on google clouds projects".
Please help me out in fixing this error!!
Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Click the "hamburger" menu item top left.
Select Manage billing accounts.
You will see a list of billing accounts and the number of projects assigned.
The My projects tab will show you a list of your projects and the associated billing account.
To assign a billing account to a project:
Go to IAM & admin.
Select Manage resources.
To the RIGHT of each project is an ellipsis menu (three vertical dots). Click and select billing.
If you just enabled your billing account, wait. The approval is not instant. If it has been an hour or so, go to your billing account and look for errors regarding your payment being declined, invalid credit card etc.
Just creating a billing account does not enable a project. You must assign a billing account to a project. The menus above provide these features.
I created a videolab with a collection of videos on Google Cloud Billing. The following link is a video to show you how to create and attach a billing account. There are many more videos in this collection.
Create and attach a billing account
Updated gcloud command - Alpha has now become beta
gcloud beta billing projects link Project-ID --billing-account=xxxxxx-yyyyyy-xxxxxx
To update the projects billing account info programmatically one could use google-cloud's billing client library. Below is the sample using ruby client,
require "google/cloud/billing"
billing_account_name = ""
project_id = ""
billing_manager = Google::Cloud::Billing.cloud_billing_service
billing_manager.update_project_billing_info name: "projects/#{project_id}",
project_billing_info: {
billing_account_name: "billingAccounts/#{billing_account_name}",
billing_enabled: true,
project_id: project_id,
name: "projects/#{project_id}/billingInfo",
Refer for more info on enabling auth and running the script.
Elaborating on #suraj-psu's answer, and using a tip found at, the following should work only under the right circumstances.
You can borrow the information from another project that you know for sure it has an enabled billing account.
gcloud beta billing projects describe KNOWN_BILLING_ENABLED_PROJECT
You copy/paste the result, but you could also save it in a variable as follows,
BILLING_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud beta billing projects describe KNOWN_BILLING_ENABLED_PROJECT | awk '/billingAccountName: /{print $NF}')
And then,
gcloud beta billing projects link YOUR_NEW_PROJECT --billing-account=$BILLING_ACCOUNT

How to add collaborators to a Firebase app?

On the latest version of Firebase (Announced during Google I/O 2016), how do I add other people to my project or app whom I want to collaborate with? I came across IAM roles through Settings > Permissions. Is this the right way? If I add person there and assign a role, say Editor, will he/she be notified about it through email? Will a request be sent or will they be added directly to that role?
To give people access to your Firebase project, take these steps:
Select your project in the new Firebase Console
In the top left, next to the project name, click the settings/cog wheel icon
Click Users and Permissions
Click Add member
Enter the email address of the user to add and select the appropriate role as per your requirement
Click the second Add member button
The newly added users will get an email with the subject [Firebase] Invitation to join project and an option to Accept Invite in the body. Be certain to let them know that you added them so that they can accept the invite.
UPDATE 6/18/2018 - changes to Cloud Console and Google's functionality, the original solution may no longer work as shared in comments. For a recent project, I was able to add other users and permissions via Firebase console as indicated below.
Old Solution
Originally you had to choose Editor but you do not have to any more. There are new roles added to Google Cloud IAM in the other section, namely the Firebase Rules System role.
If you add a user to a Google Cloud project using IAM and assign them this role, they can access Firebase project by visiting:
The authorized project(s) should appear and they can access, without access to the rest of the Google Cloud project.
In latest version of the console adding is in a bit different.
Go To Your Project -> Project Overview -> Users and Permissions . This will open up new Pop Up.
Now click on the +Add to add the Members.
Now Add Email Id of the member. Now below that choose from the dropdown Project -> Collaborator as shown below and Save. Thats all! You are done.
If you're adding a Project owner, an invite will be sent to the new user. However, no email invites are sent for the Project Editor/Viewer roles.
From Users and Permissions tab, now, at I/O 2019, it was announced a new option to give permissions.
You can now assign to a specific collaborator, access to Analytics, Develop, Quality and Grow, each one with Admin privileges or View privileges.

In wso2 api cloud is it possible to add custom sequence for manipulating request and response to/from back end service

From my understanding of the regular WSO2 API Manager product I could create multiple synapse-configurations and register them as (global or api specific) sequences by placing them in the proper directory.
I would then utilize the Sequence configuration capabilites on the "Manage screen" to apply different sequences to the request and response payloads of the backend.
I read the documentation at as it is not possible to add more but I wanted to ask specifically.
Is it at all possible to do this type of manipulation in the current version of public API cloud?
I have talked with the relevant teams and this is how you can add a sequence in the API Cloud. Although I mentioned about adding a sequence via the Gateway's carbon console (and said it was broken), WSO2 API Manager product is not a position to make it working (this is a known limitation). If I explain the reason in simple terms, to support it they will need to ship a lot of mediator UIs which will make the product similar to the WSO2 ESB. Following is what you can do.
Use WSO2 Developer Studio to create the sequence you want.
Go to API Gateway at
You need to login to the gateway. Username is email#tenantDomain. If your email and tenant domain (or the organisation key is xyz) you need to give as the username (note the # in the email being replaced with a DOT). Go to "Manage" in the top level menu of API Cloud and you will be able to figure out your organisation key.
Go to Resources -> Browse menu and navigate to /_system/governance/apimgt/customsequences/ registry path. Upload your sequence to in, out or fault folders based on your requirement. This will be then available when you create APIs via the API Publisher.
Yes, it is possible. You have to follow the below steps.
Go to API Gateway at
You need to login to the gateway. Username is email#tenantDomain. If your email and tenant domain (or the organisation key is xyz) you need to give as the username (note the # in the email being replaced with a DOT). Go to "Manage" in the top level menu of API Cloud and you will be able to figure out your organisation key.
After login, you can go to sequence menu and add a sequence. I tried these steps just now and realised there is a broken page at add sequence. We are in the process of fixing it. Will keep you updated.
Difference of API Cloud and API Manager standalone version is, you have to store the sequence in the registry for it to be available at the API Publishing time.
We'll be adding a doc on this at the following location soon.
