Server-side GTM billing quota exceeded - google-tag-manager

I would like to try server-side GTM. So I did the process of creating a server GTM on GCP. Automatically provision tagging server was failed.
Error Reported: Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded. So I tried Manually provision tagging server which passed me without problems.
I have several projects running in GCP . And I have set up a billing account which is cleared and used every month .
What exactly is the problem and how to set up?

This is a common problem in case you are already a user of GCP and exceeded the free tier limit. You can have only one Free testing sGTM instance on one account.
If you already used the Free tier or want to create one more testing server there is no possibility to do this for free and automatically.
For manual server provisioning you can follow official documentation
Also as an option I can recommend to try Stape as much cheaper and easier to setup alternative for GTM Server Side hosting. There you can create infinity free servers for sGTM on one account.
For example you can follow this article on how to setup free server for Server Side GTM:

This just happened to us and the problem is a very basic one. Apparently by default one billing account in GCP can be tied to 5 projects (who knew :) ). You're probably at that limit and that's what Google Tag Manager interface means by "Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded" --> you're trying to add the 6th project to that account.
Two options comes to mind to solve that:
Create a new billing account (with the same credit card if you want) and tie your new server project to that account
Request for a quota increase from here so your billing account is able to handle more projects
Alternatively you can do 1, then do 2, and when your request is approved change the billing account of the project that contains your GTM server.

I had a similar problem, and this is what I'm suggesting:
ask for increasing quota for current billing account, if not successful:
create new billing account (but be very careful).
Why not the other way? Why not creating first new billing account if you are allowed to do this? I did it, and attached new project to the account, and redirected domain to the project, and everything was fine, but after some time Google send me message like this:
There is some suspicious activity related to your billing accounts, your all accounts are now suspended, your projects are suspended, your domains returns 404. Send us photos of documents which will allow us to verify your accounts (credit cards, ID, payments confirmations). We will check somedays. Till then you can't do anything, you can't close project, accounts, remap domains, nothing! Have a nice day!
If you every tried to contact Google in person, you know how big your problem is. Good luck!
ps. I never found out what the suspicious activity was (probably just creating new billing account).


No Azure subscriptions discovered to provision app resources to

I'm using the VSC Teams Toolkit. But when I sign in to my Azure account to provision my files, it says "No subscriptions discovered" as shown below:
Which subscription should I get to proceed with provisioning the files?
As the information explained, your logged-in Azure account doesn't seem to have associated Azure subscription.
You can login to your Azure portal, and under subscriptions, please check whether you have accessible subscription.
I had the same issue. You really need to go to -> Subscriptions and have at least 1 subscription listed in the table below.
If no subscription is available, create new one - Pay as you go.
Then, in VS Code - sign out, sign in and subscription will be available
If vscode is complaining about not have an active subscription in the Teams Toolkit extension, for one make sure the tenant id is added to vsocde. See here enter link description here and here enter link description here

Maximum connected Accounts in Analytics

we are using a Email adresss to connect our tool with the Google Analytics accounts from our clients.
We have reached the maximum connected accounts, but an upgrade is not possible because we can't response to the emails sent by analytics support.
Is there another way to upgrade it? Or is there another possibility to connect our tool with the analytics API?
We already tried to upgrade the account with the analytics support, but it is not working because of the emailadress.
For normal Google analytics accounts there is a limit to 100 accounts that you can have access to. If you upgraded to a premium account if i remember correctly that number jumps to 250.
You are currently using a service account and granting it access to a number of Google analytics accounts. The service account is going to be bound by the normal user limit of 100 and your not going to be able to increase that.
The problem is that you are using service accounts in correctly. Your not supposed to be giving the service account out to your customers and asking them to add it as a user on their Google analytics account. Service accounts are intended to be used by developers and companies that have access to data and want to share that data with others.
You should be using Oauth2 to gain access to the users data and saving the refresh token in your application which will enable you to request data for the user when ever needed.
By using a service account you are going to be hit with a lot of quota limits because they are shared by the user a user can only make so many requests so fast per day. By using Oauth2 you would be using different users and would not have as many issues with the user based quotas.

Firebase Dynamic Link: Increase Custom Domain Limit

I've started using Firebase Dynamic Link to replace Google Short URL service. I see it allows only 5 custom domains per account. Is this limitation due to a free account that I'm using? Can I register more than 5 domain if I upgraded to a paid plan? Though, as per my best knowledge, Firebase Dynamic Link is a free product and doesn't have anything like paid plans.
I could not find this limitation documented anywhere in official site.
To know more about this limitation, I submitted a ticket to firebase support. As per reply, Yes, it's possible to increase the limit. You have to submit a ticket at with detailing the use case.
It seems they have not made this public but they can increase limit when requesting for selected Firebase Console projects.

How to retrieve Google Analytics account owner email address using API

I'm accessing the Google Analytics API v3.0 with the .NET client adapter.
This is all working very good, but I'd like to get the account owner e-mail address for a given account that I have access to.
The resource description only has Id, Name, create- and update date.
Is there a way to get more detailed data for this account? Ideally the owner e-mail address or user data would be great. I couldn't find anything in the Analytics API docs, also nothing declaring that this information is NOT possible to get...
Google Analytics account doesn't really have an "owner" per se. Each account can have multiple users with different permissions.
Recently, Google Analytics launched a new permissions model (see this blogpost for more info), and it'll be rolled out to all the users in the coming weeks. Currently, this information is not available though the Analytics API, but feel free to file a feature request here.

Setting Up Multiple Google Analytics Accounts

I posted this on Google's help forums, but I still haven't gotten a response, so I thought I'd try it here;
I work for a web development company with 200+ active clients. We are in the process of setting up Google Analytics tracking for each of their websites. We have already created a Google account for each of our clients, and we are attempting to manually sign each one up for GA. We haven't gotten very far in creating new GA accounts, after creating a few accounts, we are required to use text-message verification to create the accounts, and after a few more, we are unable to create any new accounts at all.
We are following the recommendation of Google's Help Article found here:
We are a legitimate business trying to set up analytics for legitimate customers. At this point we can't create a single new GA account, but we still have 182 clients that we have promised to set up with GA, plus any new customers, all of which we intend to set up with GA. We've clearly been flagged as a robot by Google's system, which is totally understandable given the volume of accounts we are creating, but we are not using any robots, we have a person sitting at a computer manually entering all of the information for each of our clients.
Does anyone have any ideas or a solution?
Are you logging in as a different client each time in order to open the new account?
If so, try logging in as yourself and creating each new accounts in your profile. Once created, add your client as a user (report or admin level).
