Having trouble loading Grass in QGIS (I'm learning thru the QGIS training modules) - initialization

I'm getting this error when trying to begin GRASS in QGIS:
"GRASS init error: Problem in GRASS initialization, GRASS provider and plugin will not work : Module built against version 2021-02-10T17:13:06+00:00 but trying to use version 2021-02-10T17:08:53+00:00. You need to rebuild GRASS GIS or untangle multiple installations."
I've updated QGIS at least once in the past. Could this be the "multiple installation" issue?
Do I simply delete the current QGIS version and reload a new one? What will happen to all the files I've already worked on?
Thank you!


Error when using Photon to build standalone Shiny App

I have a simple shiny app that is doing some data manipulation for some people who have no experience using R. Since this app isn't going to be used by a large amount of people and has some sensitive company data being manipulated by it, I was thinking that storing it locally would be a great option.
I began to do some research and stumbled upon photon. With that being said, I followed the steps found on their github(in their presentation found at this link: https://www.user2019.fr/static/pres/lt257916.pdf).
When attempting to create the app, I am hit with the following warning message:
Warning in normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) :
path[1]="C:\Users\tylerfrields-re\Desktop\Savings_Allocation_Shiny/electron-quick-start": The system cannot find the file specified
After recieving this message, the commands continue to run all the way to the point of packaging the app, but the app doesn't seem to package. I have all the dependencies installed, so was wondering if anyone could help me resolve the issue. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Quick update: There is now an app there, but the issue is that the app contains nothing. It will run, but it is just a blank white screen. I'm unsure why this is occuring.

Migrating dashboards from Kibana 4 to Kibana 5

I'm trying to migrate my old dashboards fron kibana 4.1.2 to kibana 5.0.0. , but haven't been able to successfully do it.
I took an export of my searches, visualisations and dashboards from the older version and imported it to the newer version. But, the visualisations said they didn't find they couldn't locate index-pattern.
Saved Objects: Could not locate that index-pattern (id: [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD)
Error: Could not locate that index-pattern (id: [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD)
at updateFromElasticSearch (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=14438:25:9602)
at http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=14438:25:13725
at processQueue (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:38:23621)
at http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:38:23888
at Scope.$eval (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:39:4619)
at Scope.$digest (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:39:2359)
at Scope.$apply (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:39:5037)
at done (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:37:25027)
at completeRequest (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:37:28702)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:37:29634)
I would really appreciate if someone could steer me in the right direction and even more grateful if someone could point me to a tool to do the migration.
And please let me know if more information is needed.
Ashutosh Singh
I doubt you could do that in a simple manner, considering a downtime. Maybe you could give it a try by using elasticdump. Moving the index data to another instance could be a pain but then you could use the python elasticsearch library (SO).
Or else you could store it as Objects and then import them back. Storing it as a JSON, was added back in Kibana 4.1. Hope this helps.
A clear guide to managing kibana visualizations and dashboards.

How can I apply Girvan Newman and Markov Cluster Algorithms in Gephi 0.9.1?

I am a beginner in Gephi, and i want to apply Girvan Newman and Markov Cluster Algorithms in Gephi 0.9.1 on my graph(Nodes-Edges)
I'm downloaded these plugins from gephi.org https://marketplace.gephi.org/plugin/girvan-newman-clustering/ but, when i'm trying to install them in Gephi ,this error is shown to me!
i understand it, and i downloaded these missing plugins but with extensions .zip or .jar which don't accept in Gephi .. and as another attempt to resolve this error, I installed Gephi 0.8.2 beta and 0.7 also, then they correctly installed but, basically they don't start opening.
I wish you help me.
Thanks a lot!
The plugins have been made for Gephi 0.8.2, the developers made some major changes with version 0.9 and the plugins will need to be ported.
It might be worth contacting the author to see if they plan on porting it, or try doing it yourself.
The code is here
https://github.com/jaroslav-kuchar/GirmanNewmanClustering and Gephi have made a tool to help port old plugins so it may be trivial, more info can be found here https://github.com/gephi/gephi-maven-plugin

Trouble getting started with Grass and Ipython notebook

I am trying to get started with GRASS scripting using Python and I figured that I would use Ipython notebooks, since I'm familiar with them. I follow this tutorial on youtube, but Python crashes when I try to start Ipython notebook in the grass command window (see in video at around 10 minutes). The error message is:
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec
Possible clue: I use Python 3.5 in my notebooks, while GRASS apparently uses Python 2.7.
The best way how to do is to start ipython notebook command from the system command console (terminal) which is already running GRASS GIS session (the one with GRASS GIS written in ASCII characters) as described in the related tutorial. This will not work well from the Command Console in GUI (which is mostly meant for executing GRASS GIS modules). As far as I understand, you are already doing this the right way.
You are right about GRASS GIS currently supporting Python 2.7 and not Python 3. I don't think it is possible, both generally and in this case, to mix Python 2.7 with Python 3.x in this way. Using IPython for Python 2.7 is the way to go. It depends how GRASS GIS and IPython are installed on your system, but GRASS GIS from Linux distro packages will be configured to use the right Python and installing IPython for Python version 2 is likely just a matter of installing the right package (ipython-notebook and ipython3-notebook in my case).
The development version of GRASS GIS (trunk) contains some experimental support for Python 3 (not meant for learning but meant for further developement). You need to configure GRASS GIS to run with Python 3 first. Feel free to test it and improve it and write how far you get to the grass-dev mailing list or in case of patch or a particular error submit a ticket.

cretae and deploy package in dynamic crm 2015

I have a little doubt in deploying package.
I have attached my solution by making it zip and add this in Pkgfolder.
Now after build my package, I am adding that .dll where PackageDeployer.exe resides, and then tried to run PackageDeployer.exe
all done successfully
but in last this PackageDeployer.log generated.
Can you please help me?
