Build identity matrix from dataframe (sparsematrix) in R - r

I am trying to create an identity matrix from a dataframe. The dataframe is like so:
i<-c("South Korea", "South Korea", "France", "France","France")
j <-c("Rwanda", "France", "Rwanda", "South Korea","France")
distance <-c(10844.6822,9384,6003,9384,0)
1 South Korea South Korea 0.0000
2 South Korea Rwanda 10844.6822
3 South Korea France 9384.1793
4 France Rwanda 6003.3498
5 France South Korea 9384.1793
6 France France 0.0000
I am trying to create a matrix that will look like this:
South Korea France Rwanda
South Korea 0 9384.1793 10844.6822
France 9384.1793 0 6003.3498
Rwanda 10844.6822 6003.3498 0
I have tried using SparseMatrix from Matrix package as described here (Create sparse matrix from data frame)
The issue is that the i and j have to be integers, and I have character strings. I am unable to find another function that does what I am looking for. I would appreciate any help. Thank you

A possible solution:
tidyr::pivot_wider(dis_matrix, id_cols = i, names_from = j,
values_from = distance, values_fill = 0)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> i Rwanda France `South Korea`
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 South Korea 10845. 9384 0
#> 2 France 6003 0 9384

You can use igraph::get.adjacency to create the desired matrix. You can also create a sparse matrix with sparse = TRUE.
g <-, directed = FALSE)
get.adjacency(g, attr="distance", sparse = FALSE)
South Korea France Rwanda
South Korea 0.00 9384 10844.68
France 9384.00 0 6003.00
Rwanda 10844.68 6003 0.00

We may convert the first two columns to factor with levels specified as the unique values from both columns, and then use xtabs from base R
un1 <- unique(unlist(dis_matrix[1:2]))
dis_matrix[1:2] <- lapply(dis_matrix[1:2], factor, levels = un1)
xtabs(distance ~ i + j, dis_matrix)
i South Korea France Rwanda
South Korea 0.00 9384.00 10844.68
France 9384.00 0.00 6003.00
Rwanda 0.00 0.00 0.00


Assign values from array to dataframe in R

I have a dataframe with data about the US States.
One of the columns in the df is "Division", which tells the location where each state belongs to ("East North Central", "East South Central", "Middle Atlantic", "Mountain", "New England", "Pacific", "South Atlantic", "West North Central", "West South Central").
I created an array with the average expectancy life for each division, using an existing column called "Life Exp: = tapply(df[["Life Exp"]], df$Division, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
Which returns the following:
East North Central East South Central Middle Atlantic
70.99000 69.33750 70.63667
Mountain New England Pacific
70.94750 71.57833 71.69400
South Atlantic West North Central West South Central
69.52625 72.32143 70.43500
Now I would like to add a new column to the df, with the average life expectancy of each Division. So basically I would like to do a Left Join, where if the state belonged to the East Noth Central, it would return 70.99000, and so on.
I need to do this without using packages.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
One option would be to use merge:
merge(df, data.frame(Division = names(,, all.x = TRUE)
A second option would be to use match
df$ <-[match(df$Division, names(]
Using the gapminder dataset as example data:
# Example data
df <- gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, c("country", "continent", "lifeExp")] <- tapply(df[["lifeExp"]], df$continent, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
#> Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
#> 54.80604 73.60812 70.72848 77.64860 80.71950
# Using merge
df1 <- merge(df, data.frame(continent = names(,, all.x = TRUE)
#> continent country lifeExp
#> 1 Africa Reunion 76.442 54.80604
#> 2 Africa Eritrea 58.040 54.80604
#> 3 Africa Algeria 72.301 54.80604
#> 4 Africa Congo, Rep. 55.322 54.80604
#> 5 Africa Equatorial Guinea 51.579 54.80604
#> 6 Africa Malawi 48.303 54.80604
# Using match
df$ <-[match(df$continent, names(]
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> country continent lifeExp
#> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Afghanistan Asia 43.8 70.7
#> 2 Albania Europe 76.4 77.6
#> 3 Algeria Africa 72.3 54.8
#> 4 Angola Africa 42.7 54.8
#> 5 Argentina Americas 75.3 73.6
#> 6 Australia Oceania 81.2 80.7

How to modify data frame in R based on one unique column

I have a data frame that looks like this.
Denmark MG301
Denmark MG302
Australia MG301
Australia MG302
Sweden MG100
Sweden MG120
I need to make a new data frame based on unique values of 2nd columns while removing repeating values in Denmark. And results should look like this
Australia MG301
Australia MG302
Sweden MG100
Sweden MG120
Update after clarification:
This code keeps all distinct values in column2:
distinct(df, code, .keep_all = TRUE)
1 Denmark MG301
2 Australia MG302
3 Sweden MG100
4 Sweden MG120
First answer:
I am not quite sure. But it gives the desired output:
df %>%
filter(country != "Denmark")
country code
<chr> <chr>
1 Australia MG301
2 Australia MG302
3 Sweden MG100
4 Sweden MG120
df<- tribble(
~country, ~code,
"Denmark", "MG301",
"Denmark", "MG301",
"Australia", "MG301",
"Australia", "MG302",
"Sweden", "MG100",
"Sweden", "MG120")
In base R, the following code removes all rows with "Denmark" in the first column and all duplicated 2nd column by groups of 1st column.
i <- df1$V1 != "Denmark"
j <- as.logical(ave(df1$V2, df1$V1, FUN = duplicated))
df1[i & !j, ]
# V1 V2
#3 Australia MG301
#4 Australia MG302
#5 Sweden MG100
#6 Sweden MG120
Do you want just distinct ? then this may help
df <- data.frame(A = c("denmark", "denmark", "Australia", "Australia", "Sweden", "Sweden"), B = c("MG301","MG302","MG301","MG302","MG100","MG100"))
df %>% distinct()
1 denmark MG301
2 denmark MG302
3 Australia MG301
4 Australia MG302
5 Sweden MG100
Or you want this ?
df %>%
group_by(B) %>%
dplyr::summarise(A = first(A))
* <chr> <chr>
1 MG100 Sweden
2 MG301 denmark
3 MG302 denmark
Use duplicated with a ! bang operator to remove duplicated rows among that column.
To show a rather complicated case, I am adding one row in Denmark which is not duplicated and hence should not be filtered out.
df<- tribble(
~country, ~code,
"Denmark", "MG301",
"Denmark", "MG302",
'Denmark', "MG303",
"Australia", "MG301",
"Australia", "MG302",
"Sweden", "MG100",
"Sweden", "MG120")
# A tibble: 7 x 2
country code
<chr> <chr>
1 Denmark MG301
2 Denmark MG302
3 Denmark MG303
4 Australia MG301
5 Australia MG302
6 Sweden MG100
7 Sweden MG120
df %>%
mutate(d = duplicated(code)) %>%
group_by(code) %>%
mutate(d = sum(d)) %>% ungroup() %>%
filter(!(d > 0 & country == 'Denmark'))
# A tibble: 5 x 3
country code d
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 Denmark MG303 0
2 Australia MG301 1
3 Australia MG302 1
4 Sweden MG100 0
5 Sweden MG120 0

How to create a data group (factor variables) in my dataframe based on categorical variables #R

I want to create a factor variables in my dataframes based on categorical variables.
My data:
# A tibble: 159 x 3 gpd rate_suicide
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Afghanistan 2129. 6.4
2 Albania 12003. 5.6
3 Algeria 11624. 3.3
4 Angola 7103. 8.9
5 Antigua and Barbuda 19919. 0.5
6 Argentina 20308. 9.1
7 Armenia 10704. 5.7
8 Australia 47350. 11.7
9 Austria 52633. 11.4
10 Azerbaijan 14371. 2.6
# ... with 149 more rows
I want to create factor variable region, which contains a factors as:
region <- c('Asian', 'Europe', 'South America', 'North America', 'Africa')
region = factor(region, levels = c('Asian', 'Europe', 'South America', 'North America', 'Africa'))
I want to do this with dplyr packages, that can to choose a factor levels depends on name.countrybut it doesn't work. Example:
if (new_data$[new_data$ == "N"]) {
mutate(new_data, region_ = region[1])
How i can solve the problem?
I think the way I would think about your problem is
Create a reproducible problem. (see How to make a great R reproducible example. ) Since you already have the data, use dput to make it easier for people like me to recreate your data in their environment.
structure(list( = c("Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria"
), gpd = c(2129L, 12003L, 11624L), rate_suicide = c(6.4, 5.6,
3.3)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
raw_data<-structure(list( = c("Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria"
), gpd = c(2129L, 12003L, 11624L), rate_suicide = c(6.4, 5.6,
3.3)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
Define vectors that specify your regions
Use case_when to separate countries into regions
Use as.factor to convert your character variable to a factor
asia=c("Afghanistan","India","...","Rest of countries in Asia")
europe=c("Albania","France","...","Rest of countries in Europe")
africa=c("Algeria","Egypt","...","Rest of countries in Africa")
df<-raw_data %>%
mutate(region=case_when( %in% asia ~ "asia", %in% europe ~ "europe", %in% africa ~ "africa",
TRUE ~ "other"
)) %>%
mutate(region=region %>% as.factor())
You can check that your variable region is a factor using str
'data.frame': 3 obs. of 4 variables:
$ chr "Afghanistan" "Albania" "Algeria"
$ gpd : int 2129 12003 11624
$ rate_suicide: num 6.4 5.6 3.3
$ region : Factor w/ 3 levels "africa","asia",..: 2 3 1
Here is a working example that combines data from the question with a file of countries and region information from Github. H/T to Luke Duncalfe for maintaining the region data, which is:
...a combination of the Wikipedia ISO-3166 article for alpha and numeric country codes and the UN Statistics site for countries' regional and sub-regional codes.
regionFile <- ""
regionData <- read.csv(regionFile,header=TRUE)
textFile <- "rowID|country|gdp|suicideRate
5|Antigua and Barbuda|19919.|0.5
data <- read.csv(text=textFile,sep="|")
data %>%
left_join(.,regionData,by = c("country" = "name"))
...and the output:
rowID country gdp suicideRate alpha.2 alpha.3 country.code
1 1 Afghanistan 2129 6.4 AF AFG 4
2 2 Albania 12003 5.6 AL ALB 8
3 3 Algeria 11624 3.3 DZ DZA 12
4 4 Angola 7103 8.9 AO AGO 24
5 5 Antigua and Barbuda 19919 0.5 AG ATG 28
6 6 Argentina 20308 9.1 AR ARG 32
7 7 Armenia 10704 5.7 AM ARM 51
8 8 Australia 47350 11.7 AU AUS 36
9 9 Austria 52633 11.4 AT AUT 40
10 10 Azerbaijan 14371 2.6 AZ AZE 31
iso_3166.2 region sub.region intermediate.region
1 ISO 3166-2:AF Asia Southern Asia
2 ISO 3166-2:AL Europe Southern Europe
3 ISO 3166-2:DZ Africa Northern Africa
4 ISO 3166-2:AO Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Middle Africa
5 ISO 3166-2:AG Americas Latin America and the Caribbean Caribbean
6 ISO 3166-2:AR Americas Latin America and the Caribbean South America
7 ISO 3166-2:AM Asia Western Asia
8 ISO 3166-2:AU Oceania Australia and New Zealand
9 ISO 3166-2:AT Europe Western Europe
10 ISO 3166-2:AZ Asia Western Asia
region.code sub.region.code intermediate.region.code
1 142 34 NA
2 150 39 NA
3 2 15 NA
4 2 202 17
5 19 419 29
6 19 419 5
7 142 145 NA
8 9 53 NA
9 150 155 NA
10 142 145 NA
At this point one can decide whether to use the region, sub region, or intermediate region and convert it to a factor.
We can set region to a factor by adding a mutate() function to the dplyr pipeline:
data %>%
left_join(.,regionData,by = c("country" = "name")) %>%
mutate(region = factor(region)) -> mergedData
At this point mergedData$region is a factor.
> str(mergedData$region)
Factor w/ 5 levels "Africa","Americas",..: 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 3
> table(mergedData$region)
Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
2 2 3 2 1
Now the data is ready for further analysis. We will generate a table of average suicide rates by region.
library(knitr) # for kable
mergedData %>% group_by(region) %>%
summarise(suicideRate = mean(suicideRate)) %>%
...and the output:
|region | suicideRate|
|Africa | 6.1|
|Americas | 4.8|
|Asia | 4.9|
|Europe | 8.5|
|Oceania | 11.7|
When rendered in an HTML / markdown viewer, the result looks like this:

create a variable in a dataframe based on another matrix on R

I am having some problems with the following task
I have a data frame of this type with 99 different countries for thousands of IDs
ID Nationality var 1 var 2 ....
1 Italy //
2 Eritrea //
3 Italy //
5 France
6 France
7 Eritrea
I want to add a variable corresponding to a given macroregion of Nationality
so I created a matrix of this kind with the rule to follow
Nationality Continent
Italy Europe
Eritrea Africa
Usa America
France Europe
Germany Europe
I d like to obtain this
ID Nationality var 1 var 2 Continent
1 Italy // Europe
2 Eritrea // Africa
3 Italy // Europe
4 USA America
5 France Europe
6 France Europe
7 Eritrea Africa
I was trying with this command
datasubset <- merge(dataset , continent.matrix )
but it doesn't work, it reports the following error
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 56.6 Mb
that seems very strange to me, also trying to apply this code to a subset it doesn't work. do you have any suggestion on how to proceed?
thank you very much in advance for your help, I hope my question doesn't sound too trivial, but I am quite new to R
You can do this with the left_join function (dplyr's library):
df <- tibble(ID=c(1,2,3),
Nationality=c("Italy", "Usa", "France"),
var1=c("a", "b", "c"),
nat_cont <- tibble(Nationality=c("Italy", "Eritrea", "Usa", "Germany", "France"),
Continent=c("Europe", "Africa", "America", "Europe", "Europe"))
df_2 <- left_join(df, nat_cont, by=c("Nationality"))
The output:
> df_2
# A tibble: 3 x 5
ID Nationality var1 var2 Continent
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 1 Italy a 4 Europe
2 2 Usa b 5 America
3 3 France c 6 Europe

Find groups that contain all elements, but do not overlap [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this question
I've been given a set of country groups and I'm trying to get a set of mutually exclusive regions so that I can compare them. The problem is that my data contains several groups, many of which overlap. How can I get a set of groups which contain all countries, but do not overlap with each other?
For example, assume that this is the list of countries in the world:
World <- c("Angola", "France", "Germany", "Australia", "New Zealand")
Assume that this is my set of groups:
df <- data.frame(group = c("Africa", "Western Europe", "Europe", "Europe", "Oceania", "Oceania", "Commonwealth Countries"),
element = c("Angola", "France", "Germany", "France", "Australia", "New Zealand", "Australia"))
group element
1 Africa Angola
2 Western Europe France
3 Europe Germany
4 Europe France
5 Oceania Australia
6 Oceania New Zealand
7 Commonwealth Countries Australia
How could I remove overlapping groups (in this case Western Europe) to get a set of groups that contains all countries like the following:
df_solved <- data.frame(group = c("Africa", "Europe", "Europe", "Oceania", "Oceania"),
element = c("Angola", "France", "Germany", "Australia", "New Zealand"))
group element
1 Africa Angola
2 Europe France
3 Europe Germany
4 Oceania Australia
5 Oceania New Zealand
One possible rule could be to minimize the number of groups, e.g. to associate an element with that group which includes the most elements.
setDT(df)[, n.elements := .N, by = group][
order(-n.elements), .(group = group[1L]), by = element]
element group
1: Germany Europe
2: France Europe
3: Australia Oceania
4: New Zealand Oceania
5: Angola Africa
setDT(df)[, n.elements := .N, by = group][]
group element n.elements
1: Africa Angola 1
2: Western Europe France 1
3: Europe Germany 2
4: Europe France 2
5: Oceania Australia 2
6: Oceania New Zealand 2
7: Commonwealth Countries Australia 1
Now, the rows are ordered by decreasing number of elements and for each country the first, i.e., the "largest", group is picked. This should return a group for each country as requested.
In case of ties, i.e., one group contains equally many elements, you can add additional citeria when ordering, e.g., length of the group name, or just alphabetical order.
1) If you want to simply eliminate duplicate elements then use !duplicated(...) as shown. No packages are used.
subset(df, !duplicated(element))
group element
1 Africa Angola
2 Europe France
3 Europe Germany
5 Oceania Australia
6 Oceania New Zealand
2) set partitioning If each group must be wholly in or wholly out and each element may only appear once then this is a set partitioning problem:
const.mat <- with(df, table(element, group))
obj <- rep(1L, ncol(const.mat))
res <- lp("min", obj, const.mat, "=", 1L, all.bin = TRUE)
subset(df, group %in% colnames(const.mat[, res$solution == 1]))
group element
1 Africa Angola
2 Europe France
3 Europe Germany
5 Oceania Australia
6 Oceania New Zealand
3) set covering Of course there may be no exact set partition so we could consider the set covering problem (same code exceept "=" is replaced by ">=" in the lp line.
const.mat <- with(df, table(element, group))
obj <- rep(1L, ncol(const.mat))
res <- lp("min", obj, const.mat, ">=", 1L, all.bin = TRUE)
subset(df, group %in% colnames(const.mat[, res$solution == 1]))
group element
1 Africa Angola
2 Europe France
3 Europe Germany
5 Oceania Australia
6 Oceania New Zealand
and we could optionally then apply (1) to remove any duplicates in the cover.
4) Non-dominated groups Another approach is to remove any group whose elements form a strict subset of the elements of some other group. For example, every element in Western Europe is in Europe and Europe has more elements than Western Europe so the elements of Western Europe are a strict subset of the elements of Europe and we remove Western Europe. Using const.mat from above:
# returns TRUE if jth column of const.mat is dominated by some other column
is_dom_fun <- function(j) any(apply(const.mat[, j] <= const.mat[, -j], 2, all) &
sum(const.mat[, j]) < colSums(const.mat[, -j]))
is_dom <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(const.mat)), is_dom_fun)
subset(df, group %in% colnames(const.mat)[!is_dom])
group element
1 Africa Angola
3 Europe Germany
4 Europe France
5 Oceania Australia
6 Oceania New Zealand
If there are any duplicates left we can use (1) to remove them.
df %>% distinct(element, .keep_all=TRUE)
group element
1 Africa Angola
2 Europe France
3 Europe Germany
4 Oceania Australia
5 Oceania New Zealand
Shoutout to Axeman for beating me with this answer.
Your question is ill-defined. Why is 'Europe' preferred over 'Western Europe'? Put another way, each country is assigned several groups. You want to reduce it to one group per country. How do you decide which group?
Here's one way, we always prefer the biggest:
groups <- df %>% count(group)
df %>% inner_join(groups, by='group') %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>% distinct(elemenet, .keep_all=TRUE)
group element n
1 Europe France 2
2 Europe Germany 2
3 Oceania Australia 2
4 Oceania New Zealand 2
5 Africa Angola 1
Here is one option with data.table
setDT(df)[, head(.SD, 1), element]
Or with unique
unique(setDT(df), by = 'element')
# group element
#1: Africa Angola
#2: Europe France
#3: Europe Germany
#4: Oceania Australia
#5: Oceania New Zealand
Packages are used and it is data.table
A completely different approach would be to ignore the given groups but to look up just the country names in the catalogue of UN regions which are available in the countrycodes or ISOcodes packages.
The countrycodes package seems to offer the simpler interface and it also warns about country names which can not be found in its database:
# given country names - note the deliberately misspelled last entry
World <- c("Angola", "France", "Germany", "Australia", "New Zealand", "New Sealand")
# regions
countrycode::countrycode(World, "", "region")
[1] "Middle Africa" "Western Europe" "Western Europe" "Australia and New Zealand"
[5] "Australia and New Zealand" NA
Warning message:
In countrycode::countrycode(World, "", "region") :
Some values were not matched unambiguously: New Sealand
# continents
countrycode::countrycode(World, "", "continent")
[1] "Africa" "Europe" "Europe" "Oceania" "Oceania" NA
Warning message:
In countrycode::countrycode(World, "", "continent") :
Some values were not matched unambiguously: New Sealand
