unable to load my site after exporting into cpanel - wordpress

this is my cpanel img. unable to load my site.after inspect the elements also iam unable to load it.I have a domain on cpanel that i have been using for the past three weeks. However today I logged in to the File Manager and deleted the WordPress files that were previously there (did not remove cgi-bin). I then replaced these files with another instance of the WordPress site

First get a single page to load (or skip to 2).
Copy everything over as a backup and remove that domain, then re-add it.
I recommend using softaculous wordpress for managing word press instances, so use their tool to create a new site.
Finally, copy your theme into the default theme folder and you should be set.


Migrating Live/production WordPress site to Laragon

I'm trying to set up my Live WordPress site into a local environment, Laragon. I have tried using a plugin call WPvivid, but it does not seem to be working correctly. So, that leaves me with 1) use another plugin or 2) manually move the site over, I would like to learn the latter. I understand how to move the Database over and edit the config file to connect to the server. The problem is when I move the WP-content file over to the local WordPress site noting is happening, I have no content available to me.
Thanks for the help!
What you need to do is
Quick create -> wordpress
access the local url you made
select the language (wordpress set up)
before setting up the id and password of wordpress (do not save the info), find your new local wordpress folder.
copy and paste the original "wp-content" file you had (the file of live wordpress site) to change the local wp-content file.
copy and paste the original "sql" file you had (the file of live wordpress site) to change the local wp-content file. To do that, access to yoururl/phpmyadmin, and change import the sql file you had.
after that, finish the 3rd process.
It would be easy if you find a great video of explaining this procedure.

Wordpress Toolkit (Plesk) detects two sites on my domain when there is only one (+ strange ghosting effect...)

Hi, I recently created a new wordpress site for one of my clients. I first created it in a subdomain of the target domain. before dragging it to the target directory via FTP. Once finished, I moved the content of the old site file (a prestashop) from the root (httpdocs) to another file on the server, then I finally dragged the new wordpress site before on this same root (httpdocs). All this was done via FTP. All this was done via FTP, but I had to restart the moves several times.
Wordpress Toolkit now detects two Wordpress sites (see 1 2) on the main domain and I observe some really strange behaviors, for example :
When I delete one of the two sites via the Toolkit, it then automatically returns to the list
Both sites have exactly the same data (status, plug-ins, databases, ...) in the Toolkit
Some changes made on Wordpress actually appear on the page in question, but when reloading, they go away, then come back, as if there were actually two sites that overlapped: one that is affected by the changes and the other that remains unchanged and that are randomly chosen to be displayed on my browser.
Another finding that supports this is that when I log out of the WordPress admin console, and then return to the site as a visitor, the admin banner is still there at the top of the page, proving that I am still logged in
So I don't know if it's a problem with the configuration of WordPress files like .htaccess/wp-config or if other files were corrupted by the FTP moves or even both cases. It seems to me that there is only one Wordpress in my httpdocs and I don't really know where to look...
I deleted all the files from the server, having first uploaded the folder containing my wordpress via FTP. I then recreated httpdocs again then uploaded the site, some files were no longer present and created some 404, I added them by hand based on an old version of the site that I had in backup.

problem mooving woocommerce to another domain

I have a woocommerce website installed and work normally , I want to change the theme without make changes on the website so all still ( products , pages, ...etc) .
I want to copy the same website into another domain to do changes without stop my first website .
this what i have do :
1- copy all files from the old to new website.
2- import database frm the old .
3- past into the new domain all files
4- import the tables of the old database to the new database
5- change the wp-config to work with the new database
6- change the domain into table : wp_options
and i launch the new domain : the first page is ok without errors
but when i enter to preview product i have error that page dosen't exist , and all other pages the same error . can any one help me ??? any ideas ?
When moving a WordPress site a few things to make it easier.
Manually, zip up uploads/plugins/theme or if you have some crazy thing going on wp-content. Generally, nothing else needs to be moved. (this excludes things like robots.txt etc you may have to move)
After importing the DB you need to run a search and replace to swap out the domain. It is used in more places than you think.
Go to settings and re-save permalinks twice. - This fixes most issues with pages not loading/404.
There are plugins out there that make this easier.
Updraft - Don't need the paid version. Can setup new site then add files and import them.
All in One WP Migration - Haven't seen anything this doesn't move but can be slow and harder with large sites.
Plugins like All in One WP Migration or Duplicator can be helpful, but from time to time they may fail.
With AIOWM you must create a backup and a blank WP installation, install the plugin in this blank installation and import the backup. Beware that many features are paid.
With Duplicator you create a backup and an installer that you've to upload (via FTP) to the new host and there execute the installer.php script to recover the backup.
Both of them take care of the search&replace needs.
If you want to go manual, you have to copy all files via ftp, or if you've a Cpanel or similar you can upload a Zip file and then extract it via the panel (I guess you don't have the ssh access to the server).
Than you've to create a database dump via PhpMyAdmin and restore it in the new server, thank you've to change two option in the database: the site url, and the wordpress address url.
That should let you login to the website backend, but BEWARE you've to do the search and replace on your database.
To do so, easyly, you can use Better Search & Replace plugin (https://it.wordpress.org/plugins/better-search-replace/).
Guessing that http://old_domain.com is your old domain and https://new_domain.com is the new one, usually I go this way on S&R:
- Search for "old_domain.com" and replace with "new_domain.com"
- Search for "http://new_domain.com" and replace with "https://new_domain.com" if you have an active SSL certificate
Than go to Settings -> Permalink and save twice.
Everything should be fine now :)
Remember to clean every cache if you've one active.

How to move Wordpress to another domain without the chance to make a proper backup first?

So my webhoster closed down, where I hosted my Wordpress blog. I was able to receive a zip file containing all my data. I now have a new webhoster and I extracted the zip file to its root directory.
Trying to open my website now gives me "Error establishing database connection". The web tells me it may be related to hardcoded urls in the Wordpress database, which I need to replace by the new url.
However the tutorials usually tell you to use the Wordpress interface to create a backup of my database first, which can then be edited in tools like phpmyadmin. I can not access the Wordpress interface anymore and so far did not manage to edit the database otherwise.
I tried placing a local copy of the blog in the "C:\xampp\htdocs" folder, hoping phpmyadmin would recognize the database and allow me to edit it. Not working, maybe I am doing something wrong?
Any ideas to revive my Wordpress blog?
Okay I think I got it working. For people having the same issue:
I loaded the database locally by copying the *.myd, *.myi, *.frm files to a new folder in my local xampp installation (e.g. C:\xampp\mysql\data\myDatabase).
I then used phpmyadmin to export this database to a .sql file.
On my webserver I then installed a fresh wordpress blog. It might be enough to copy your existing wordpress stuff, without needing to do this step afterwards, not sure.
My webhost has phpmyadmin preinstalled, so I used that to delete the fresh wordpress databases and import the .sql file instead. Now everything is in place, but since I changed my domain I need to change the URL paths in the database.
I used this script (use it by placing it on your webserver in the wordpress root folder and calling it in the browser) to do a search&replace of my old url to the new url: https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/
After that I only had to manually fix the path to my header image that I had edited in the past in the theme's header.php file.
Phew. Thanks for your help f00644.

Wordpress pages won't load after hosting transfer

I've just transfered a wordpress website to another domain.
For the transfer I've made the following steps:
Copied db and changed domainnames (http://olddomain.com to http://newdomain.com)
Imported db on new host (via phpMyadmin)
Changed wp-config to match new db settings
uploaded all wp files
So the homepage works, but I can't visit the other pages. However, they are showing up in my admin page.
The way I've done this in the past and have worked for me:
1- Export db from phpMyAdmin, then replace in the .sql file all references to old domain.
2- Imported db on new host (via phpMyadmin)
3- Changed wp-config to match new db settings
4- Uploaded all wp files
5- Regenerate .htaccess file, if you are using permalinks.
(you can do this the way #Riboflavin suggests)
Also, here you can find some additional information that could help:
If you are using permalinks you will need to regenrate them after the transfer. Go to Settings → Permalinks in your admin panel and choose the permalink option you would like to use and click Save Changes. This will regenerate the permalink portion of your .htaccess file for your new domain.
Are the links to those other pages still pointing to the old domain?
If so, you could try the Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin to update all the links in your site.
I've used this successfully in the past, but recommend that you back up your data fully before trying it yourself.
The fastest transfer from my experience is through cpanel using fantastico or something that installs wordpress quickly. The process is as following:
Install wordpress on new hosting through fantastico or similar app
Delete everything in installed directory except for wp-config
Copy everything from old wordpress data, except for wp-config
Paste/transfer all that data to the new host
Now export old database and delete tables on the new one then import from old db
Change site URL within database to new one
Using fantastico helps in setting up databases quickly and wp-config. No need to do it manually and waste time. Just make sure to leave the installed one and not transfer the old one.
The whole process takes me like 2-3 minutes, I think its the fastest once you get it.
You need just to adjust your new .htaccess by regenerating it
go to WordPress dashboard
Settings > permalinks
then save modifications
if it's work then well done else you need to manually change it :
you will find the .htaccess content after saving modification in permalinks page copy the contents and create the .htaccess file in the root directory
