Wordpress Toolkit (Plesk) detects two sites on my domain when there is only one (+ strange ghosting effect...) - wordpress

Hi, I recently created a new wordpress site for one of my clients. I first created it in a subdomain of the target domain. before dragging it to the target directory via FTP. Once finished, I moved the content of the old site file (a prestashop) from the root (httpdocs) to another file on the server, then I finally dragged the new wordpress site before on this same root (httpdocs). All this was done via FTP. All this was done via FTP, but I had to restart the moves several times.
Wordpress Toolkit now detects two Wordpress sites (see 1 2) on the main domain and I observe some really strange behaviors, for example :
When I delete one of the two sites via the Toolkit, it then automatically returns to the list
Both sites have exactly the same data (status, plug-ins, databases, ...) in the Toolkit
Some changes made on Wordpress actually appear on the page in question, but when reloading, they go away, then come back, as if there were actually two sites that overlapped: one that is affected by the changes and the other that remains unchanged and that are randomly chosen to be displayed on my browser.
Another finding that supports this is that when I log out of the WordPress admin console, and then return to the site as a visitor, the admin banner is still there at the top of the page, proving that I am still logged in
So I don't know if it's a problem with the configuration of WordPress files like .htaccess/wp-config or if other files were corrupted by the FTP moves or even both cases. It seems to me that there is only one Wordpress in my httpdocs and I don't really know where to look...

I deleted all the files from the server, having first uploaded the folder containing my wordpress via FTP. I then recreated httpdocs again then uploaded the site, some files were no longer present and created some 404, I added them by hand based on an old version of the site that I had in backup.


How to send only local Theme files onto live wordpress site?

I had a live site onto my local server and made some changes in a static page of a custom theme. And now I want to push the edited files onto the live site. I surfed a bit on how to push local site theme onto live site but all answers were to sent whole site files and database replacing the current live site.
Is there anyway to sent only the Theme files onto the live site, a bit beginner friendly ?
As I haven't made any changes that might affect it's database I don't wanna replace everything in the live server.
By made some changes I guess you mean you edited one or more php files (or maybe css files) directly on your local site, then saved your edits, then hit refresh on a browser to see your changes.
That time-honored workflow is sometimes called hot-site editing. Your local site isn't very hot, but it is a live site.
You know which files you edited. So now it's time for the hot-site-patch workflow. Take the files you changed and drop them into your public site, patching the previous copies.
That's how you do it. Does it feel risky and error-prone? Like you could mess up the live site and annoy your site visitors? That's because it IS risky and error prone.
You say you don't want to copy the whole site. But that's the way your kind of changes are usually handled. There are plugins which help you rig up parallel staging and live sites. They usually have a big button marked "push staging to live" for when you're ready to do it.
Or you could put your custom theme in github or some other SaaS revision control system, and pull it live on your web server when you have changes to roll out.

unable to load my site after exporting into cpanel

this is my cpanel img. unable to load my site.after inspect the elements also iam unable to load it.I have a domain on cpanel that i have been using for the past three weeks. However today I logged in to the File Manager and deleted the WordPress files that were previously there (did not remove cgi-bin). I then replaced these files with another instance of the WordPress site
First get a single page to load (or skip to 2).
Copy everything over as a backup and remove that domain, then re-add it.
I recommend using softaculous wordpress for managing word press instances, so use their tool to create a new site.
Finally, copy your theme into the default theme folder and you should be set.

Restore wordpress from local copy

I have a local wordpress backup which is a copy of the main dir from the previous webhost.
I runned the site using wampserver but when I tried to open the index page it said: "Error establishing a database connection".
I think this is because the database is not imported in phpMyAdmin. How can I make this work so I can access the site?
The WordPress database stores all of the site content - Posts, Pages, custom post types, images, and so forth. Unless you have a copy of the database, the files you have will only be useful for setting up the same plugins and theme that were being used on the old host.
There may be a couple of ways to restore your lost content:
Check Wayback Machine - if it's a larger site it may be indexed here, and you can go through page by page and rebuild.
Check Google's cache - if the site was only recently removed from the old webhost, the individual pages may be cached for a time. It would be wise to download as "complete webpage" each page and then go through page by page and rebuild. Same with images - if they've only recently been removed, you may be able to find (possibly lower-resolution) cached versions and download them. To check, do a Google search for site:http://example.com (replace with your URL).
If neither of these exist, you'll need to start from scratch on the content, but you'll have learned a valuable lesson about backing up. :)

Moving a wordpress site without passwords or access

I am looking after a site where I have no access from the previous web designer. I have gained access to the domain name, and now want to move the site to my server.
So far I have been able to copy the site using some software I found, and I have the files locally on my computer.
How do I keep the existing site but gain access so that I can update the site?
Will all the links and SEO be disturbed, if I just transfer all files to my server?
there is no way to directly copy the site if you don't have access to the server. What you can do is replicate the site. In other words, copy paste all text and images down from the old site. It sounds like you have already done that. Then you set up a fresh WordPress installation on a new server, install the same theme and plugins as you had on the old server and then copy paste in all text and images that you saved previously. Then you can register your site with for example Google Search Console and via that keep track of which URLs that are now returning 404 and set up redirects or new pages for those URLs.

Client transferred/changed domain names...how do I salvage the WordPress site

So I built this client a WordPress site and after if was completed and paid for he decided he didn't like his domain name. So he logged into HostGator and then bought/transferred to a new domain.
Then a day later he calls and wonders why his page isn't loading. I'm able to go into the FTP and save all the wp-content and every file that was originally there... My question is how do I get the WordPress site I built onto the new domain name?
I've read all kinds of tutorials about how to export/import but they require the site you're transferring from to be live.. I can't log into the wp-admin portion because it looks like the domain does not exist anymore.
I'm definitely not a back-end guy.. I've build a few sites off line with xamp but i have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to trying to salvage this site. Any help?
WordPress is flexible to handle situations like moving to another server. First back up your WordPress directory, images, plugins, and other files on your site as well as the database. The detailed steps on how to do it is well documented in the website https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress.
