i would like to know how to solve my problem.
I am stuck in the middle :(
the question is every time the user makes a guess, check the previous guesses. But totally I have no idea. how to create a single code.
If you help me , it'll mean a lot to me.
You could store all your previous guesses in some kind of array or list and every time you take in new user input loop through the previous guesses and if there's a match output "no more guesses" else: continue guessing?
Consider the following code.
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class NumberGuessingGame {
private static final int GUESSES = 10;
private static final int LOWER = 1;
private static final int UPPER = 100;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random r = new Random();
int num = r.nextInt(LOWER, UPPER + 1);
int[] guesses = new int[GUESSES];
System.out.printf("Guess a number between %d and %d.%n", LOWER, UPPER);
Scanner mySc = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean win = false;
for (int i = 0; i < GUESSES; i++) {
System.out.printf("You have %d guesses left: ", (GUESSES - i));
int guess = mySc.nextInt();
if (guess > UPPER || guess < LOWER) {
System.out.printf("ERROR! You have to pick the number between %d and %d.%n",
boolean guessed = false;
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
if (guess == guesses[j]) {
System.out.println("You already tried " + guess);
guessed = true;
if (guessed) {
guesses[i] = guess;
if (guesses[i] == num) {
System.out.print("CONGRATS! You are the winner.");
win = true;
else {
if (i < GUESSES - 1) {
System.out.println("Hard luck. Try again.");
if (!win) {
System.out.println("You lose. No more guesses");
Here is output from a sample run.
Guess a number between 1 and 100.
You have 10 guesses left: 30
Hard luck. Try again.
You have 9 guesses left: 30
You already tried 30
You have 9 guesses left: 111
ERROR! You have to pick the number between 1 and 100.
You have 9 guesses left: 35
Hard luck. Try again.
You have 8 guesses left: 37
CONGRATS! You are the winner.
Each guess is saved in guesses array. After user enters a guess, we iterate through all the guesses that have been entered so far and check if the last guess is in the array. If it is, then it doesn't count as a new guess. Also if the entered guess is not within the allowed range, the guess does not count.
On the last guess, i.e. the tenth guess, we don't print Hard luck. Try again. because the user has no more guesses so they cannot try again.
So I'm creating a monopoly game, and I've got two functions which read/write information about the game to/from a database so it can be retrieved between postbacks. I also have a start game function which initialises everything to 0 and then calls the writeToDatabase(). createArrays() just creates a list of players/squares, squares have been removed as they'not relevant.
The problem I'm having is I believe it is only storing some of the values within the loop. When the start game function is called it correctly sets the players positions to 0, and their money to 1500, however for some reason when reading from the database again the 4th players details immediately go back to what they were during the previous session.
private void readFromDatabase()
for (int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++)
currentPlayerID = Convert.ToInt32(gameinfo_table.GetRow(0)["CurrentPlayerID"]);
currentSquareID = Convert.ToInt32(gameinfo_table.GetRow(0)["CurrentSquareID"]);
freeParkingAmount = Convert.ToInt32(gameinfo_table.GetRow(0)["FreeParkingAmount"]);
currentPlayer = players[currentPlayerID];
CurrentSquare = squares[currentSquareID];
private void writeToDatabase()
CurrentSquare = squares[currentSquareID];
for (int i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++)
SQLDatabase.DatabaseRow prow = players_table.GetRow(players[i].GetID());
prow["ID"] = players[i].GetID().ToString();
prow["position"] = players[i].GetPosition().ToString();
prow["money"] = players[i].GetMoney().ToString();
prow["isInJail"] = players[i].IsInJail().ToString();
prow["isBankrupt"] = players[i].IsBankrupt().ToString();
SQLDatabase.DatabaseRow girow = gameinfo_table.GetRow(0);
girow["CurrentPlayerID"] = currentPlayerID.ToString();
girow["CurrentSquareID"] = CurrentSquare.GetID().ToString();
girow["FreeParkingAmount"] = freeParkingAmount.ToString();
private void startGame()
currentPlayerID = 0;
currentPlayer = players[0];
CurrentSquare = squares[0];
private void createArrays()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Player player = new Player(i);
I really can't work out why this is happening, as when it creates the player array it loops through 4 times, therefore creating 4 brand new players, and immediately overwriting the details in the database. It just seems odd it works perfectly fine for the first 3 players but the 4ths details don't seem to change. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure it something simple but I have spent hours on this and haven't got anywhere.
I'm having trouble finding the minimum amount of coins needed to reach a specific sum. I'm pretty sure this is done easiest recursively and using the dynamic programming methodology, I should basically get Math.min("takeACoin","leaveACoin");
Unfortunately, My code doesn't terminate though I do have if statements that terminate under the condition that the sum is met, the array of coins is depleted, or if the sum is over. Please look at my code below and let me know what I'm doing wrong and especially why my code continues executing until it receives a stackoverflow error though I have the appropriate terminating conditions.
private static final int S = 3;
public static int arr[] = {1,2};
public static void main(String[] args) {
Interview i = new Interview();
i.sumCoins(arr, 0);
public int sumCoins(int[] ar, int sum) {
//if the sum is met, dont add any coins, just return 0
if(sum == S){
return 0;
//if the sum is greater, then return max value as it is impossible to get less sum
if(sum > S){
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//if the array is out of coins return max value
if(ar.length == 0){
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//if the sum is less than S and there is still more coins to use, keep checking
//add the first coin
int tmpSum = sum + ar[0];
//delete the first coin from the list
int[] tmp = Arrays.copyOfRange(ar, 1, ar.length);
//add one coin to the solution
int one = 1+sumCoins(tmp, tmpSum);
//don't add one coin to the solution
int two = sumCoins(ar,sum);
//see which is more minimized
return Math.min(one,two);
Requested Stack Trace:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at java.lang.Math.min(Math.java:879)
at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Arrays.java:2623)
at Interview.sumCoins(Interview.java:28)
at Interview.sumCoins(Interview.java:32)
at Interview.sumCoins(Interview.java:32)
The answer to this question is in regards to how I was implementing my dynamic programming. I was using the original array in the case where you left the coin. this is incorrect. In more detail:
If you take the coin: get rid of the first (coin) index of the array, add the sum, add +1 for the number of coins.
If you don't take the coin: get rid of the first (coin) index of the array since you're leaving that coin to not be considered.
In my solution, I received a stackoverflow because I was going through the "leaving the coin" scenario infinite times as the array never decreased and I wasn't actually "leaving the coin".
Correct Code here:
private static final int S = 5;
public static int arr[] = {1,1,1,1,1};
public static void main(String[] args) {
Interview i = new Interview();
System.out.println(i.sumCoins(arr, 0));
public int sumCoins(int[] ar, int sum) {
//if the sum is met, dont add any coins, just return 0
if(sum == S){
return 0;
//if the sum is greater, then return global array (not local)
//length +1 as it's impossible to get more coins than indices
if(sum > S){
return arr.length+1;
//if the array is out of coins return max value
if(ar.length == 0){
return arr.length+1;
//if the sum is less than S and there is still more coins to use, keep checking
//add the first coin
int tmpSum = sum + ar[0];
//delete the first coin from the list
int[] tmp = Arrays.copyOfRange(ar, 1, ar.length);
//add one coin to the solution
int one = 1+sumCoins(tmp, tmpSum);
//don't add one coin to the solution
int two = sumCoins(tmp,sum);
//see which is more minimized
return Math.min(one,two);
Im working on the collision detection in my 2D Processing 2.2.1 game. Basically what I did was write a class which creates a box by defining the coordinates of its endpoints and which has a method to check if two of these boxes overlap. I did this by introducing a boolean which is set to true as soon two of these boxes overlap. Then basically implementing a get method which creates these boxes, I run into a return a result of type error. It says that the method is not returning the correct type of Box1. I dont really understand since the box which I am returning does fit the constructor. I am pretty sure it is due to the fact that the objects colliding are in an array which generates more and more objects with time, but I sadly do not know how I would have to change my Collider ( Box1) class.
here is the code im getting the error on:
//returning collider info
public Box1 getBox1() {
for (int i =frameCount/600; i >0; i--) {
return new Box1( block[i].x - Blockpic.width/2, block[i].y-Blockpic.height/2, block[i].x+Blockpic.height/2, block[i].y+Blockpic.height/2);
this is my collider (Box1) class:
public class Box1 {
float x1, x2;
float y1, y2;
Box1( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ) {
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
boolean isOverlap( Box1 b ) {
if ((( x1 <= b.x1 && b.x1 <= x2 ) || ( x1 <= b.x2 && b.x2 <= x2 ))
&& (( y1 <= b.y1 && b.y1 <= y2 ) || ( y1 <= b.y2 && b.y2 <= y2 ))) {
return true;
return false;
just for complete info my spawning objects class ( where the error is situated) :
public class Blockfield {
private int Blockcount;
private PImage Blockpic;
private Block block[];
public Blockfield (int Blockcount) {
this.Blockcount = Blockcount;
Blockpic = loadImage("block2.png");
//new array
block = new Block [Blockcount];
for ( int i=0; i < Blockcount; i++) {
block[i] = new Block( width+Blockpic.width, random (height),7);
//Draw method for this class
public void draw () {
for (int i =frameCount/600; i >0; i--) {
translate ( block[i].x,block[i].y );
image ( Blockpic, block[i].x, block[i].y);
public void update() {
for (int i =frameCount/600; i >0; i--) {
//moves blocks right to left
block[i].x -=(6 * (frameCount/200));
//spawns block when they leave the screen
if (block[i].x < 0 - Blockpic.width) {
block[i] = new Block( width+Blockpic.width, random (height),7);
//returning collider info
public Box1 getBox1() {
for (int i =frameCount/600; i >0; i--) {
return new Box1( block[i].x - Blockpic.width/2, block[i].y-Blockpic.height/2, block[i].x+Blockpic.height/2, block[i].y+Blockpic.height/2);
class Block {
float x, y;
int speed;
Block ( float x, float y, int speed) {
this.x= x;
this.y= y;
this.speed = speed;
Thanks alot!!!
The problem, as you say, is with this method:
public Box1 getBox1() {
for (int i =frameCount/600; i >0; i--) {
return new Box1( block[i].x - Blockpic.width/2, block[i].y-Blockpic.height/2, block[i].x+Blockpic.height/2, block[i].y+Blockpic.height/2);
Ignoring for a second that it doesn't make sense to have a return statement inside a for loop like this, the whole problem is that computers are too stupid to know what the value of frameCount is before they run the code. What if frameCount is 0? Or negative?
If frameCount is 0 or negative, then the body of the for loop will never be executed, and this method will never return anything. That's the error.
You might know that frameCount will always be positive, but the computer doesn't.
Edit: Continuing in response to your below comment:
If you want help, you have to provide an MCVE. Note that this should be as few lines as possible, just to get the basics across. We don't need any collision detection, just a function you call. Here's an example:
void setup(){
String s = getString(true);
String getString(boolean b){
return "testing";
If you try to run this code, you'll get an error telling you that "This method must return a result of type String".
The reason you get this error is because: what will the getString() function return if I pass in a value of false? It won't return anything! This is exactly like what your code is complaining about. We can see that getString() is only ever called with a value of true, but the computer isn't smart enough to figure that out.
You seem to misunderstand the power that a compiler has. It can't see what will happen at runtime. Even if it's obvious to you that the boolean will always be true (or in your case, that frameCount is always positive), the compiler can't know that. And since it can't know that, it's telling you that you might not return a value from a method with a return type, and that's a compiler error.
You need to refactor your code so that it always returns something from methods that have a return type. However, I'm skeptical that the for loop does what you think it does- but you haven't really explained what you think it does, so that's just a guess.
And the reason you didn't encounter this error in your other methods is because none of them contain this logical error. The only other function that has a return type is this one:
boolean isOverlap( Box1 b ) {
if (lotsOfLogic) {
return true;
return false;
Notice how even if the if statement evaluates to false, you still return something from this function. That's what you need to do with your getBox1() function.
Hey guys I'm having a huge problem when Encrypting a message in an older phone in comparison with the newer ones.
I've compiled the code to run on older hardware (CLDC1.0, MIDP2.0), and for some reason, when I do a TEA Encryption in a Nokia N70 I end up having one ruined character when it goes from plain-text to TEA. (yes I know, from a lot of chars only that one little char gets ruined...)
When I run exactly the same app on the N8 and other more recent phones however I get it encrypting correctly.
before I post the code however here's a small explanation on what it does:
basically it receives a String and a boolean inputs, the boolean states if it's for encryption or decryption purposes, whilst the string is what I want to encode or decode.
from there, I basically strip the String into a byte array, treat it accordingly (if for encrypt or decrypt) and later turn it into a String, which I then return (decrypt) or I encode in Base64 (encrypt).
The reason to encapsulate in Base64 is so it can be sent by sms, since this encoding uses non-special characters it keeps the sms limit up to 160 characters, which is desirable for the app.
now for the code:
private String HandleTEA(String input, boolean aIsEncryption) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
String returnable = "";
TEAEngine e = new TEAEngine();
if (aIsEncryption)
e.init(true, TEAkey);
input = input.substring(1);
input = base64.decodeString(input);
e.init(false, TEAkey);
byte[] aData = input.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
byte[] textToUse = aData;
int len = ((textToUse.length + 16 - 1) / 16) * 16;
byte[] secondUse = new byte[len];
for(int i = 0; i < textToUse.length; i++)
secondUse[i] = textToUse[i];
for(int i = textToUse.length; i < secondUse.length; i++)
secondUse[i] = 0;
int blockSize = e.getBlockSize();
byte[] outBytes = new byte[secondUse.length];
for (int chunkPosition = 0; chunkPosition < secondUse.length; chunkPosition += blockSize)
int chunkSize = Math.min(blockSize, (textToUse.length - (chunkPosition * blockSize)));
e.processBlock(secondUse, chunkPosition, outBytes, chunkPosition);
Baseless = new String(outBytes, "ISO-8859-1");
String encodedString = base64.encodeString(Baseless);
char[] theChars = new char[encodedString.length()+1];
for(int i = 0; i < theChars.length; i++)
if(i == 0)
theChars[i] = '1';
theChars[i] = encodedString.charAt(i-1);
byte[] treating = new byte[theChars.length];
for(int i = 0; i < theChars.length; i++)
treating[i] = (byte)theChars[i];
returnable = new String(treating, "ISO-8859-1");
char[] theChars = new String(outBytes, "ISO-8859-1").toCharArray();
String fixed ="";
for(int i = 0; i < theChars.length; i++)
char c = theChars[i];
if (c > 0) fixed = fixed + c;
returnable = fixed;
catch(Exception e)
return returnable;
Anyone have any idea on what might be happening?
for comparison this is what I'm getting from the N70:
and from the N8:
as you can see everything looks similar, but in the middle of the code what gets encoded as Gh on the N70 shows up as gB on the N8...
when decrypting the data encrypted by the N70 we get some really weird chars:
will add this here tomorrow since I don't have the saved output with me
both are using the same key (in real-life tho they'll be using a key that's randomly generated on startup)
here's the key used:
Hope you can help me out with this and Thanks for your interest and assistance!
your code is hard to understand, but Baseless = new String(outBytes, "ISO-8859-1"); and any similar constructs are almost certainly incorrect. Why do you want to make a String out of cipher? Just base64 encode outBytes directly.
I have some issues with Arduino about how to match text.
I have:
String tmp = +CLIP: "+37011111111",145,"",,"",0
And I am trying to match:
if (tmp.startsWith("+CLIP:")) {
But this is not working, and I have no idea why.
I tried substring, but the result is the same. I don't know how to use it or nothing happens.
Where is the error?
bool Contains(String s, String search) {
int max = s.length() - search.length();
for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
if (s.substring(i) == search) return true; // or i
return false; //or -1
Otherwise you could simply do:
if (readString.indexOf("+CLIP:") >=0)
I'd also recommend visiting:
I modified the code from gotnull. Thanks to him to put me on the track.
I just limited the search string, otherwise the substring function was not returning always the correct answer (when substrign was not ending the string). Because substring search always to the end of the string.
int StringContains(String s, String search) {
int max = s.length() - search.length();
int lgsearch = search.length();
for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
if (s.substring(i, i + lgsearch) == search) return i;
return -1;
//+CLIP: "43660417XXXX",145,"",0,"",0
if (strstr(command.c_str(), "+CLIP:")) { //Someone is calling
Number = command.substring(command.indexOf('"') + 1);
Number = Number.substring(0, Number.indexOf('"'));
} //End of if +CLIP:
This is how I'm doing it. Hope it helps.
if (tmp.startsWith(String("+CLIP:"))) {
You can't put the string with quotes only you need to cast the variable :)