Elementor shows Chinese characters on Menu - wordpress

I have just installed Elementor on a Wordpress site but the design tools menu on the page editor contain Chinese symbols instead of the usual symbols. I have deleted the Elementor plugin and copied the folder from another Wordpress site which works OK, but this copy also shows the symbols in the new site.

It looks like a third-party conflict. Try deactivating your third-party plugins and then check by activating one plugin at a time. If this solve your issue. And, check your site language as well. If still it does not resolve the issue, I would advice to connect with Elementor Support Team


How to force to use Gutenberg in Worpress after install/uninstall clasic editor?

I can not use Gutenberg in any way.. even with DEMO
I want to use Gutenber in my site, but all post and pages always edit with the editor clasic. I've uninstalled clasic editor, and also all related plugins I had been using in the past. However, nothing happens. I can not use gutenberg. I installed Gutenberg Version 12.7.2 but I can not find where I need to configure or what I need to do more... It is really frustrating. Is there some configuration in the wordpress files where I can find another solution to force Gutenberg use technically? maybe some .php configuration file?
Step-by-step reproduction instructions
Go to Pages
Click on Edit any Page
Always open with Classic Editor.
I can not find any option related with edit with Gutenberg.
Environment info
Wordpress version 5.9.1, Gutenberg 12.7.2, Theme GeneratePress 3.1.0
Problem in Chrome, Firefox, Edge.
Desktop windows 10, and Phone with Andriod 11
Please confirm that you have searched existing issues in the repo.
Please confirm that you have tested with all plugins deactivated except Gutenberg.
add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_true', 999);
I also find a way to force wordpress to use Gutenberg in post.php file. It does not depend on the theme. (Make sure to create a copy of the original file).
Find function use_block_editor_for_post and add:
return true;

how can solve polylang plugin arabic problem

I am using Polylang plugin in WordPress. Everything works fine on local, but when I move to the live server, I am facing the following problem.
If I try to switch language to Arabic, a lot of "???" are being appended to the URL and I can't reach the page URL in Arabic, because it gives me "This page isn’t working" error.
This page isn’t working - it's because you have those ??? in your URL. Based on what I researched, and other questions on WordPress community (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/arabic-letters-turns-into-question-marks/), it's a plugin/theme conflict with Polylang plugin.
So what I'd suggest to do is to turn off all of the plugins, then try to enable them one by one, testing again and again, so you detect the conflicting plugin.
If disabling all the plugins didn't resolve the issue, try switching to another theme temporarily. If it solves the issue, then the problem is somewhere in your theme's code files.
(do this on live.)

Wordpress unable to add Image to Page/Post

When creating a new page/post, I can't add images using the "Add Media" feature.
The image selected does not load on the editor. Google Inspect reveal the following error:
POST http://stss.org.sg/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php/load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,heartbeat,autosave,suggest,wp-ajax-respons…:445 404 (Not Found)
Have anyone encountered similar issue?
Wordpress Version: 4.7.4
Have you tried deactivating all the plugins and see of it works. If it works with all of the plugins disabled you can enable them one by one until it is broken again and you know it is a plugin problem.
If it is still broken try another theme and see if that works.
I just had the same problem, I couldn't insert single image into editor, even though inserting gallery of images worked ok. WordPress was already upgraded to latest version, all plugins were deactivated and default theme activated.
Finally I got it working after turning off ModSecurity in Cpanel for this domain.

Wordpress Multisite: Subsites are getting the main site name

My multisite worked fine, but suddenly it does not load the names of the subsites. Instead it displays only the name of the main site.
I tried to disable plugins, reinstall WP etc. Maybe it is caused by 4.6.1?
When I go to /wp-admin/options-general.php of each subsite I see the name of the main site. The blog description is shown properly. When I try to rename the subsite name and save it, it does not change.
Interesting: When I go wp-admin/network/sites.php and look at the settings for each subsite, I can see that the proper names for each subsite.
The problem affects even the get_bloginfo(‘name’); function. It shows the main site name only.
I hope you can help me!
The problem was an outdated version of the WPML plugin. Installed a new one and works now.

WooCommerce breaking Wordpress Admin

I've made a clean install of Wordpress on my server and added WooCommerce plugin. Now, some of the pages in the admin panel doesn't display correctly (Dashboard, Media, WooCommerce, etc.).
This is a clean install, only WooCommerce plugin is active.
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
Ok so there is VERY little information to go on here so here is the general "Wordpress Broke" debugging guide.
Disable WooCommerce and see if Wordpress goes back to normal. If this is the case then you have to Reinstall WooCommerce. This is where http://docs.woothemes.com/document/known-conflicts would come in handy
If it is still broken without any plugins then you have to check your directory permissions, file structure, and URL Structure.
99% of the time chrome devtools will be your best friend for debuging these problems. It looks like you are not loading some of the core CSS files so lets look to see if you have a a 404, 403, or 500 error when chrome requests them.
Open up chrome and go to the Wordpress admin
Right click anywhere on the page and "Inspect Element"
Look for the red error icon on the right side (top/bottom) and click it to expend the console.
You will probably see the failed requests in there. Make sure the requests are for the correct urls, such as: http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/load-styles.php or http://yourdomain.com/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox.css
If that are valid URLs and you have verified that the files exist on the server then you have to check directory permissions: http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions
Best wishes, let me know how it goes
I have seen that problem quite a while right now. You can try adding a specialized theme that has WooCommerce support like BootFrame Core theme. Or any other themes supporting WooCommerce -> https://wordpress.org/themes/search/woocommerce/ . Once, I used a WooCommerce, installed the plugin before changing any theme and had to create a new DB because the one I made before got corrupted due to the theme not working with WooCommerce. It's just a rare case but it can happen.
