Wordpress Multisite: Subsites are getting the main site name - wordpress

My multisite worked fine, but suddenly it does not load the names of the subsites. Instead it displays only the name of the main site.
I tried to disable plugins, reinstall WP etc. Maybe it is caused by 4.6.1?
When I go to /wp-admin/options-general.php of each subsite I see the name of the main site. The blog description is shown properly. When I try to rename the subsite name and save it, it does not change.
Interesting: When I go wp-admin/network/sites.php and look at the settings for each subsite, I can see that the proper names for each subsite.
The problem affects even the get_bloginfo(‘name’); function. It shows the main site name only.
I hope you can help me!

The problem was an outdated version of the WPML plugin. Installed a new one and works now.


Why my Wordpress website is showing nothing?

My Wordpress is only showing me the following in the picture "My First Heading" and "My First paragraph". I tried to add themes and customise it but it is not changing. Also, I have added another page and I made it as homepage of the website, but still it does not work. Besides I reset my whole website and nothing happened.
I do not have enough points to put a comment, so I will post here. It is not possible to give a straight-forward answer to this, since there may be many reasons why this is showing. Here are some general tips that may help:
Check via ftp if your root directory contains any index.html files. If yes, remove them. WordPress uses index.php to load.
Go to WP Admin and switch off all plugins.
Turn on the default WordPress theme (Twenty Twenty or Twenty One, depending on your WordPress version)
Contact your host (send a ticket)
If none of this work, create a full site backup, then reinstall WordPress (make sure there are no other files on your server that can mess with the installation)

Strange Permalink Issue

I've been dealing with a really strange Permalink Issue on my WordPress site which runs Sage 8.5.1, previously setup by another developer.
Yesterday, I made a new homepage live on my site within Settings > Reading, and after doing this the permalinks within my site seemed to stop working completely. I was using the setup: /%postname%/, when switching to the generic: ?p=123, all my links worked again.
I did quite a lot of testing, checking .htaccess file, deactiving plugins, going back a code version and other things.
This morning, the last thing I tested was activating the generic WordPress theme and then testing my permalinks (/%postname%/), and they worked. I then reactivated by original theme built on Sage 8.5.1, and all my links worked again with the original permalinks setup.
Has anyone come across this before? Its very strange, and I can't see why deactivating the theme, and then activating it would fix the problem.
Turns out it was something to do with a custom post type I setup. I removed the custom post type, and created a new one based on the WordPress codex and that solved the problem.

Tried to Install Wordpress on Subdomain, Broke Main Domain Links

I have a main portfolio site hosted through MacHighway. My hosting package allows me to have two domains. I thought I'd register a new domain to experiment with some new things. So I bought a new domain, went into my main site's cPanel, registered it as an Addon Domain, and tried to install Wordpress on it. I got Wordpress working on it just fine, but then all of the links on my main site broke. So I deleted the files for the new site to see if that would help, but all of the links on my main site are still broken. The pages all say 'file not found.' Where did I go wrong? How can I fix this? I don't care about the new site at the moment. I just need to get my main site back the way it was. Help?
This is my site.
Nevermind. I visited Settings > Permalinks and everything works again.

wordpress theme doesn't appear

I'm having a very basic problem: I'm trying to create a new theme for a wordpress installation locally on my computer.
I've created a styles.css and index.php file and put it in a folder in wp-content/themes. But it doesn't appear in the Wordpress themes page.
As a test, I made a change to the description of one of the existing themes (Twenty-Ten) in its style.css, and refresh the Wordpress themes page, but the old description continues to be shown. This suggests to me that I'm simply using the wrong folder, but that's not possible! Any ideas on this problem much appreciated.
UPDATE: In fact, even when I delete Twenty Ten from the Themes folder, it's still available as an option in the Wordpress backend, and I can activate it... Very strange...
I agree with your diagnosis. You are either looking at the wrong folder or in fact the wrong computer. There's no other way that you could change the theme to one that has been deleted.
I suggest that you confirm you are in the same universe you think you are in. Create a simple file localserver.txt in your WordPress directory and then confirm that you can access that file.
If you can't, you have your answer. You are somehow accessing a different location.
If you can access that text file, you need to go further and look to see if something like the site url setting is redirecting you to the live site, without you realizing it, when you access wp-admin.
Beyond that, I'd need to know more about your setup. Something like having www.example.com in your /etc/host file and not example.com can cause similar confusion...
Are you using Wordpress Multisite?
In that case you have to 'enable' that theme in the Network admin manager

Wordpress template pages not being displayed in 3.2 :|

Few months ago, I developed two template pages on wordpress 3.1 and they were working fine. Now, I installed latest wordpress software. I created a new page with the same name and selected the template. But the link is showing a "404 Not Found" error.
My site URL goes like this: http://localhost/myBlog/about
where "about page" has to use a template. The same permalink is shown when creating the page but viewing page is showing 404 error. It's weird. May be some permalink issue?
Well assuming this is a new installation and not an upgrade, I am guessing that your permalink structure is messed up. There are a couple ways to fix this. In general, Wordpress tries to modify your .htaccess file itself.
Go to your old installation and look under Settings -> Permalinks. If it is different from your new install, then change them to be the same and save. If they are the same, then change it to something else and then change it back. This should force Wordpress to resave the settings to your .htaccess file. If it can't write to the file it should tell you.
Alternatively you could look at the .htaccess file of your old installation and copy the values there over to your new installation. Although I think letting WP do it for you is probably the safer route.
If you can access your database, You need to go to the wp-options table and change the url there. The other options there. Were you working on a local server?
