Relrisk function and bandwidth selection in spatstat - r

I'm having trouble interpreting the results I got from relrisk. My data is a multiple point process containing two marks (two rodents species AA and RE), I want to know if they are spatially segregated or not.
> summary(REkm)
Marked planar point pattern: 46 points
Average intensity 0.08101444 points per square unit
*Pattern contains duplicated points*
Coordinates are given to 3 decimal places
i.e. rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.001 units
frequency proportion intensity
AA 15 0.326087 0.02641775
RE 31 0.673913 0.05459669
Window: rectangle = [4, 38] x [0.3, 17] units
x 16.7 units)
Window area = 567.8 square units
relkm <- relrisk(REkm)
plot(relkm, main="Relrisk default")
The bandwidth of this relrisk estimation is automatically selection by default(bw.relrisk), but when I tried other numeric number using sigma= 0.5 or 1, the results are somehow kind of weird.
How did this happened? Was it because the large proportion of blank space of my ppp?
According to chapter.14 of Spatial Point Patterns books and the previous discussion, I assume the default of relrisk will show the ratio of intensities (case divided by control, in my case: RE divided by AA), but if I set casecontrol=FALSE, I can get the spatially-varying probability of each type.
Then why the image of type RE in the Casecontrol=False looks exactly same as the relrisk estimation by default? Or they both estimate p(RE)=λRE/ λRE+λAA for each sites?
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks a lot!

That's two questions.
Why does the image for RE when casecontrol=FALSE look the same as the default output from relrisk?
The definitive source of information about spatstat functions is the online documentation in the help files. The help file for relrisk.ppp gives full details of the behaviour of this function. It says that the calculation of probabilities and risks is controlled by the argument relative. If relative=FALSE (the default), the code calculates the spatially varying probability of each type. If relative=TRUE it calculates the relative risk of each type i, defined as the ratio of the probability of type i to the probability of type c where c is the type designated as the control. If you wanted the relative risk then you should set relative=TRUE.
Very different results obtained when setting sigma=0.5 compared to the automatically selected bandwidth.
Your example output says that the window is 34 by 17 units. A smoothing bandwidth of sigma=0.5 is very small for this region. Imagine each data point being replaced by a blurry circle of radius 0.5; there would be a lot of empty space. The smoothing procedure is encountering numerical problems which are causing the funky artefacts.
You could try a range of different values of sigma, say from 1 to 15, and decide which value produces the most satisfactory result.
The plot of relrisk(REkm, casecontrol=FALSE) suggests that the automatic bandwidth selector bw.relriskppp chose a much larger value of sigma, perhaps about 10. You can investigate this by
b <- bw.relriskppp(REkm)
The print command will print the chosen value of sigma that was used in the default calculation. The plot command will show the cross-validation criterion which was maximised to select the bandwidth. This gives you an idea of the range of values of sigma that are acceptable according to the automatic selector.
Read the help file for bw.relriskppp about the different options available for bandwidth selection method. Maybe a different choice of method would give you a more acceptable result from your viewpoint.


Unit of a gaussian smoothing of an image

I had a raster with values from 0 to 0,3 which I transformed into an image. Then i gave all values <=0.3 the value 1. I thought it makes it easier if i calculate this for a single value. I applied Gaussian smoothing to the image and then converted it back to a raster. For the smoothing I used the Smooth.Im function of the spatstat package. However, I do not know which unit my scale has. Does it have something to do with pixel density or how can I understand the unit? I have attached an image as an example
Thank you and best regards is a function in the spatstat package family. It performs kernel smoothing of the input image.
The value of the output at a pixel i, say, is equal to a weighted average of the values of the input at pixels j with weights w(i,j). The weights sum to 1 (i.e. for any i, the sum of w(i,j) over all j is equal to 1.) The weights w(i,j) get smaller as the distance between i and j increases. So, the output pixel value is basically an average of the input pixel values in a neighbourhood.
If the input image pixel values were measurements expressed in some unit (say weights expressed kilograms), then the output image pixel values are expressed in the same unit, and are averages of the input values.
If I understand your question, your input image has only the pixel values 0 and 1. The output image pixel values are weighted averages of these 0/1 values, which may lie anywhere between 0 and 1.
For further explanation see Chapter 6 of the spatstat book
ıf we talk about image filtering etc., for example blurring or deblurring, the applied filters obey the rule of energy conservation which is satisfied when the sum of the members of the filter is equal to '1'. So, if your filter obey this rule, ı dont think your unit is changed after smoothing process.

How to calculate NME(Normalized Mean Error) between ground-truth and predicted landmarks when some of gt has no corresponding in predicted?

I am trying to learn some facial landmark detection model, and notice that many of them use NME(Normalized Mean Error) as performance metric:
The formula is straightforward, it calculate the l2 distance between ground-truth points and model prediction result, then divided it by a normalized factor, which vary from different dataset.
However, when adopting this formula on some landmark detector that some one developed, i have to deal with this non-trivial situation, that is some detector may not able to generate enough number landmarks for some input image(might because of NMS/model inherited problem/image quality etc). Thus some of ground-truth points might not have their corresponding one in the prediction result.
So how to solve this problem, should i just add such missing point result to "failure result set" and use FR to measure the model, and ignore them when doing the NME calculation?
If you have as output of neural network an vector 10x1 as example
that is your points like [x1,y1,x2,y2...x5,y5]. This vector will be fixed length cause of number of neurons in your model.
If you have missing points - this is because (as example you have 4 from 5 points) some points are go beyond the image width and height. Or are with minus (negative) like [-0.1, -0.2, 0.5,0.7 ...] there first 2 points you can not see on image like they are mission but they will be in vector and you can callculate NME.
In some custom neural nets that can be possible, because missing values will be changed to biggest error points.

Preferentially Sampling Based upon Value Size

So, this is something I think I'm complicating far too much but it also has some of my other colleagues stumped as well.
I've got a set of areas represented by polygons and I've got a column in the dataframe holding their areas. The distribution of areas is heavily right skewed. Essentially I want to randomly sample them based upon a distribution of sampling probabilities that is inversely proportional to their area. Rescaling the values to between zero and one (using the {​​​​​​​​x-min(x)}​​​​​​​​/{​​​​​​​​max(x)-min(x)}​​​​​​​​ method) and subtracting them from 1 would seem to be the intuitive approach, but this would simply mean that the smallest are almost always the one sampled.
I'd like a flatter (but not uniform!) right-skewed distribution of sampling probabilities across the values, but I am unsure on how to do this while taking the area values into account. I don't think stratifying them is what I am looking for either as that would introduce arbitrary bounds on the probability allocations.
Reproducible code below with the item of interest (the vector of probabilities) given by prob_vector. That is, how to generate prob_vector given the above scenario and desired outcomes?
# Data
n= 500
df <- data.frame("ID" = 1:n,"AREA" = replicate(n,sum(rexp(n=8,rate=0.1))))
# Generate the sampling probability somehow based upon the AREA values with smaller areas having higher sample probability::
prob_vector <- ??????
# Sampling:
s <- sample(df$ID, size=1, prob=prob_vector)```
There is no one best solution for this question as a wide range of probability vectors is possible. You can add any kind of curvature and slope.
In this small script, I simulated an extremely right skewed distribution of areas (0-100 units) and you can define and directly visualize any probability vector you want.
area.dist = rgamma(1000,1,3)*40
hist(area.dist,main="Probability functions")
area = seq(0,100,0.1)
prob_vector1 = 1-(area-min(area))/(max(area)-min(area)) ## linear
prob_vector2 = .8-(.6*(area-min(area))/(max(area)-min(area))) ## low slope
prob_vector3 = 1/(1+((area-min(area))/(max(area)-min(area))))**4 ## strong curve
prob_vector4 = .4/(.4+((area-min(area))/(max(area)-min(area)))) ## low curve
legend("topright",c("linear","low slope","strong curve","low curve"), col = c("red","green","blue","orange"),lwd=1)
The output is:
The red line is your solution, the other ones are adjustments to make it weaker. Just change numbers in the probability function until you get one that fits your expectations.

Automatically find the scaling factor of the x-axis using LsqFit (or other method)?

I have the following data: a vector B and a vector R. The vector B is the "independent" variable. For this pair, I have two data sets: One is an experimental measurement of Bex, Rex and the other is a simulation produced by me Bsim, Rsim. The simulation does not have any "scale" for the x-axis (the B vector). Therefore when I am trying to fit my curve to the experiment, I have to find out a scaling parameter B0 "by eye", and with this number B0 I multiply the entire Bsim vector and simply plot(Bsim, Rsim, Bex, Rex).
I wanted to use the package LsqFit to make the procedure automatic and more accurate. However I am having trouble in understanding how I could use it to find the scaling on the independent variable.
My first thought was to just "invert" the roles of B and R. However, there are two issues that I think make matters worse: 1) the R curve/data is not monotonous, 2) the experimental data are much more "dense" (they have more data-points: my simulation has 120 points in total, the experiments have some thousands).
Below I give an example if what I am trying to accomplish (of course, the answer need not use LsqFit). I also attach two figures that demonstrate everything very clearly.
#= stuff happened before this point =#
Bsim, Rsim = load(simulation)
Bex, Rex = load(experiment)
#this is what I want to do:
some_model(x, p) = ???
fit = curve_fit(some_model, Bex, Rex, [3.5])
B0 = fit.param[1]
#this is what I currently do by trail and error:
B0 = 3.85 #this is what I currently do by trial and error
plot(B0*Bsim, Rsim, Bex, Rex)
P.S.: The R curves (dependent variables) are both normalized by their maximum value because their scaling is not important.
A simple approach iff you can always expect both your experiment and simulation to feature one high peak, and you're sure that there's only a scaling factor rather than also an offset, is to simply multiply your Bsim vector by mode_rex / mode_rsim (e.g. in your example, mode_rsim = 1, and mode_rex = 4, so multiply Bsim by 4. But I'm sure you've thought of this already.
For a more general approach, one way is as follows:
add and load Interpolations package
Create a grid to interpolate over, e.g. Grid = 0:0.01:Bex[end]
interpolate Rex over that grid, e.g.
RexInterp = interpolate( (Bex,), Rex, Gridded(Linear()));
RexGridVec = RexInterp[Grid];
interpolate Rsim over the same grid, but introduce your multiplier on the Bsim "knots", e.g.
Multiplier = 0.1;
RsimInterp = interpolate( (Multiplier * Bsim,), Rsim, Gridded(Linear()));
RsimGridVec = RsimInterp[Grid]
Now you can calculate a square error value between RsimGridVec and RexGridVec, e.g.
SqErr = sum((RsimGridVec - RexGridVec).^2)
If you follow this technique, then if you create a loop for a multiplier range (say 0:0.01:10), and get the square error associated with each multiplier, you can find out the multiplier for which the square error is the minimum.
In theory if you wanted to find the optimal for a particular offset too, you can make it the outer loop for a range of offsets. Mind you this is a brute force approach, but it be reasonably efficient judging by the vectors in your graph.

Finding a reasonable (noise-free) maximum element in a vector

Consider a vector V riddled with noisy elements. What would be the fastest (or any) way to find a reasonable maximum element?
For e.g.,
V = [1 2 3 4 100 1000]
rmax = 4;
I was thinking of sorting the elements and finding the second differential {i.e. diff(diff(unique(V)))}.
EDIT: Sorry about the delay.
I can't post any representative data since it contains 6.15e5 elements. But here's a plot of the sorted elements.
By just looking at the plot, a piecewise linear function may work.
Anyway, regarding my previous conjecture about using differentials, here's a plot of diff(sort(V));
I hope it's clearer now.
EDIT: Just to be clear, the desired "maximum" value would be the value right before the step in the plot of the sorted elements.
Based on your plot of the sorted amplitudes, your diff(sort(V)) algorithm would probably work well. You would simply have to pick a threshold for what constitutes "too large" a difference between the sorted values. The first point in your diff(sort(V)) vector that exceeds that threshold is then used to get the threshold to use for V. For example:
diffThreshold = 2e5;
sortedVector = sort(V);
index = find(diff(sortedVector) > diffThreshold,1,'first');
signalThreshold = sortedVector(index);
Another alternative, if you're interested in toying with it, is to bin your data using HISTC. You would end up with groups of highly-populated bins at both low and high amplitudes, with sparsely-populated bins in between. It would then be a matter of deciding which bins you count as part of the low-amplitude group (such as the first group of bins that contain at least X counts). For example:
binEdges = min(V):1e7:max(V); % Create vector of bin edges
n = histc(V,binEdges); % Bin amplitude data
binThreshold = 100; % Pick threshold for number of elements in bin
index = find(n < binThreshold,1,'first'); % Find first bin whose count is low
signalThreshold = binEdges(index);
OLD ANSWER (for posterity):
Finding a "reasonable maximum element" is wholly dependent upon your definition of reasonable. There are many ways you could define a point as an outlier, such as simply picking a set of thresholds and ignoring everything outside of what you define as "reasonable". Assuming your data has a normal-ish distribution, you could probably use a simple data-driven thresholding approach for removing outliers from a vector V using the functions MEAN and STD:
nDevs = 2; % The number of standard deviations to use as a threshold
index = abs(V-mean(V)) <= nDevs*std(V); % Index of "reasonable" values
maxValue = max(V(index)); % Maximum of "reasonable" values
I would not sort then difference. If you have some reason to expect continuity or bounded change (the vector is of consecutive sensor readings), then sorting will destroy the time information (or whatever the vector index represents). Filtering by detecting large spikes isn't a bad idea, but you would want to compare the spike to a larger neighborhood (2nd difference effectively has you looking within a window of +-2).
You need to describe formally the expected information in the vector, and the type of noise.
You need to know the frequency and distribution of errors and non-errors. In the simplest model, the elements in your vector are independent and identically distributed, and errors are all or none (you randomly choose to store the true value, or an error). You should be able to figure out for each element the chance that it's accurate, vs. the chance that it's noise. This could be very easy (error data values are always in a certain range which doesn't overlap with non-error values), or very hard.
To simplify: don't make any assumptions about what kind of data an error produces (the worst case is: you can't rule out any of the error data points as ridiculous, but they're all at or above the maximum among non-error measurements). Then, if the probability of error is p, and your vector has n elements, then the chance that the kth highest element in the vector is less or equal to the true maximum is given by the cumulative binomial distribution -
First, pick your favorite method for identifying outliers...
If you expect the numbers to come from a normal distribution, you can use a say 2xsd (standard deviation) above the mean to determine your max.
Do you have access to bounds of your noise-free elements. For example, do you know that your noise-free elements are between -10 and 10 ?
In that case, you could remove noise, and then find the max
max( v( find(v<=10 & v>=-10) ) )
