Index name already exists Kibana importing csv - kibana

Good morning! I am trying to import a csv into an index that already exists, manually using "kibana>machinelearning>datavisualizer/importcsv", but it asks me to insert a new index pattern when I don't want to use it, I want to overwrite an existing index. Why won't he allow me to do it? Do I need to set something up to do it? Thank you very much in advance


Index Specific entry located in connected database [IDOL Indexing server]

I have a problem. I have a database and the entries of it, indexes at a specific time in IDOL indexing server. The problem is that a speficic entry has not been indexed for reason. Is there any way to force index it? Ideally, for a URL action call. I know that DREREGENERATE may be what I want but I don't understand how to specify my entry ID.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Manually create the IDX for the entry and use DREADD action to add the entry to the IDOL content DB. Easily achievable using a python script and HTTP Post.
The following document shows the various parameters which can be used in DREADD action.

How to change this value name in Firebase Databse? [duplicate]

I am using Firebase-Unity beta tool for real time data in my app. I want to change node names in the tree without override its children. For example:
IFirebase firebase;
firebase = Firebase.CreateNew ("");
In this kind of tree is it possible to change the names of "ChildOne" without override it's value.
The Firebase Database has no way to rename an existing node.
Most developers accomplish a rename by inserting a copy of the node with the new name and then deleting the old node.

How to find if file has been imported in Access database or created within it?

In my access database there is a dataset which I need to know how it has been created. I tried to backtrack and reached to a table for which I am not able to find any source data. I am pretty much sure that it has been imported from some where. I checked in "View" option there is not "SQL" view for that table. It only has "Datasheet" view and "Design View".
In access database is there any way to check that whether a file has been imported or has been created using SQL query within access database? Is there any "flag" raised or something like that?
No. Once data is persisted in a table, that's it.
If you need further info, you can have a Timestamp field with a default value of:
or, if a higher resolution than one second is needed:
Date() + Timer() / 86400
or another custom field where you record session info as you like during the import or creation of data.

How can wordpress themes save and retrieve settings?

I'm programming a wordpress theme and need to make it save data, how should I have it do this? Is there a wordpress function or would I have to connect to the database on my own?
Are you just trying to store simple name -> value pairs?
You could check for $_POST data in your theme then use update_option($name,$value) to save the data.
update_option will create the row in the DB if it doesn't exist. And get_option($name) will retrieve it.
Or are you trying to store something more complex?
It depends on what kind of data you're trying to save, how you want it saved, and what you want to do with it later. Can you be more specific?

Drupal: update filesystem path in the database

how can I change my Drupal filesystem root in the database ?
I moved Drupal to another path. I'm looking for this value to update in the database.
<EDIT>if you want to change it in the database (why?), you can do it by changing the value of file_directory_path in the variable table:
UPDATE variable SET file_directory_path = 's:5:"files";';
values in the variable table are stored as serialized php variables. the serialized value in the example above means file_directory_path is a string (s) of length 5 with the value files. you have to adapt this to your specific value.
also note that Drupal variables are cached (in the cache table, under the cid variables). for your change in the database to take effect, you have to clear that cache, like DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid = 'variables';.</EDIT>
if you mean the File system path: it's at Administer > Site configuration > File system, or
You could also do the following:
//Get the path of the files folder (ex. sites/default/files)
$files_dir = variable_get('file_directory_path', '');
//To set a new path programmatically
variable_set('file_directory_path', 'sites/new-path/files');
Funny, I just had to do that yesterday.
Since i have phpmyadmin available to me, I used that to export the files table, then do some search/replace routines, then import the table, overwriting the data.
But had I not had phpmyadmin to help, I would have created an SQL query to replace the outdated paths...
Funny, I just moved my drupal to another folder, and it was working. Probably I didn't explain my question very well..
