Index Specific entry located in connected database [IDOL Indexing server] - hp-idol-ondemand

I have a problem. I have a database and the entries of it, indexes at a specific time in IDOL indexing server. The problem is that a speficic entry has not been indexed for reason. Is there any way to force index it? Ideally, for a URL action call. I know that DREREGENERATE may be what I want but I don't understand how to specify my entry ID.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Manually create the IDX for the entry and use DREADD action to add the entry to the IDOL content DB. Easily achievable using a python script and HTTP Post.
The following document shows the various parameters which can be used in DREADD action.


Wildcard searches

Our MarkLogic based web-application mostly uses cts.jsonPropertyValueQuery to access needed information.
We want to provide the possibility of wildcard searches against specific JSON properties.
What is the best way to do it?
Turning on one of the wildcard indexes for the whole database is not an option.
I figured out that adding a "wildcarded" parameter to the query itself may solve the problem:"inventor", "R?th", ["wildcarded", "whitespace-sensitive"]));
But it may work slow due to the absence of indexes. Is there any way to create wildcard indexes only for that specific JSON property?
You could create a Path Field with an XPath to the inventor JSON field (and even for //inventor) and configure the field to have wildcard indexes, and then use a field query: cts.fieldValueQuery or cts.fieldWordQuery.

Where to find condition value when using Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2 in Azure powershell?

I am very new to Azure and currently looking for assistance to help me start my project. Recently I am trying to automate the process of adding alerts for our Azure CosmosDB.
After some research, it looks like I can use Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2 to add alerts through powershell. According to MS online document I will need to pass $condition to add the rule to the existing ResourceGroup. Where can I get all the existing conditions that I can add to the rule so I can sort out the one that is needed? Some people use New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria to assign the value that need to be passed to $condition. And I can see some example from MS website:
However the above document from MS is not clear to me where I can find the whole list of the name spaces along with the existing criterias that I can add. For example, if I want to add an alert when a new cosmos DB is created on one of the existing ResourceGroup using powershell, where can I check what is the name space I can use to add the new criteria? In another word, where can I find out all the existing conditions with the name space along with them? Thanks,
For cosmos DB, the metric namespace will be Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts.

Wordpress deleted file info "UPDATE wp_options SET option_value"

I am working on a forensics course, with which I have been looking into an attack on a blog server. I have found a number of deleted Wordpress files, and I have managed to figure out which ones contained blog posts.
The one file I cannot figure out contains information beginning with the following:
wordpress#UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = 'O:9:\"MagpieRSS\":19:{s:6:\"parser\";i:0;s:12:\"current_item\";a:0:{}s:5:\"items\";a:10:{i:0;a:9:{s:5:\"title\";s:37:\"India Vs Pakistan: Now Cyber Terror? \";s:6:\"author\";s:8:\"chinchak\";s:4:\"link\";s:59:\"\";s:4:\"guid\";s:74:\"\";s:11:\"description\";s:182:\"The India-Pakistan relations could very well be termed the greatest mystery ever of mankind.\";s:7:\"pubdate\";s:31:\"Tue, 21 Aug 2012 00:03:41 +0000\";s:8:\"category\";s:51:\"PoliticsAssam ViolenceCyber TerrorIndia Vs Pakistan\";s:10:\"feedburner\";a:1:{s:8:\"origlink\";s:74:\"\";}
It continues in this way for a while, but I haven't had too much luck trying to use Google to tell me what the "wp_options" means. It looks like someone was trying to spam the blog with commments but I can't be sure without a source which can confirm my view is correct. Can anybody help please?
The wp_option table stores key-value information in the columns option_name and option_value. When storing arrays they get serialized, to decode them you can use PHP's unserialize function. It looks like you're dealing with an SQL injection that tries to mess with Wordpress' user options. The purpose is not obvious, because they are rarely displayed. Just used internally. If there's a where clause somewhere in that SQL statement that tells you which option name it's trying to edit you could perhaps match it using this list:

passing values to a custom script in wordpress via url

I m customizing cforms plugin in wordpress and i have added a report that fetch all records from database and display them in a table. This is how reports link look like.
Now i want to make a link for each record in each row to delete a record. for this i have passed record's id to my script like this.
Also tried this
in both cases i get this on clicking delete link.
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
Kindly tell me how can i GET values in my script from url.
anyone looking forward to this kind of silly question can get help from this answer lols.. all you have to do is
and you can get id in your script.. This was a very basic mistake and i could not figure out for hours.

Drupal - Rules Condition that node has been updated more than once?

Is it possible to have a Rules Condition that a node has been updated more than once?
I need different email alerts for when content is created and when its updated. The issue is that im using the Multistep module:
The Multistep module breaks the node creation form into 2 or more separate pages. One the first page the node is created but unpublished. When you finish all the steps the node is updated and published. I need the email to be sent after the node has had all the steps filled in, as the CCK fields are used in the email. Therefore I cant use Rules inbuilt event of 'After saving new content' and 'After updating existing content'.
How can I differentiate in Rules from when the node is first fully filled in, and when its subsequently updated? One way to do this would be to have different conditions for weather the node has been updated once or more than once. Is this possible and if so, is it the best solution?
I think the easiest way to do this would be too look at the URL or referrer like mentioned here, You'd have to use the Execute PHP functionality and have some knowledge of how to write a short script though.
How to test for the number of times a node has been modified.
Include a "counter" field in the CCK that is hidden from the user (via CSS) and auto-incremented each time the node is accessed. Then use the value of this counter in rules conditions.
(See e.g., for more details)
How to treat a node differently based on whether it is being 'added' for the first time, or 'updated'.
Create a path rule that is conditional on node type.
Trigger the path rule for the node/add page of the specific node type.
Pre-populate fields on the node/add page using the elementdefaults module.
