uniroot gives multiple answers to equation with 1 unknown - r

I want to create a column in a data frame in which each row is the solution to an equation with 1 unknown (x). The other variables in the equation are provided in the other columns. In another Stack Overflow question, #flodel provided a solution, which I have tried to adapt. However, the output data frame omits some observations entirely, and others have "duplicates" with two different solutions to the same equation.
Sample of my data frame:
Code with the equation I want to solve. I have simplified the equation, but the issue relates to this simple equation too.
df <- adply(df, 1, summarize,
x = uniroot.all(function(x) V1 * ((V4-V3)/(x-V3)) - V2,
interval = c(-10,10)))
How can I achieve this? If possible, it would be great to do this in an efficient manner, as my actual data frame has >1,000,000 rows

The previous answer by #StefanoBarbi was pointing in the right direction.
Here are the plots of the functions implied by each row of your example data frame, with the solution superimposed as a red vertical line (so that we can see that yes, you're right that there is a root in the interval ...) [code below]
The problem is that the algorithm underlying uniroot() is only guaranteed to find the root of a function that is continuous on the interval. Your functions have discontinuities/singularities. (Even for a continuous function I'm sure that the algorithm could be broken with a function that was sufficiently weird to cause problems with floating-point math ...)
Even a bisection algorithm, which is more robust than Brent's method (the algorithm underlying uniroot) since it makes fewer assumptions about continuity of the derivative, could easily fail on this kind of discontinuous function. (It could be made to work for a function that is discontinuous but monotonic, but your example is neither continuous nor monotonic ...)
Obviously your real problem is more complex than this (or you would just be using easy analytical solution you referred to); what this means is that you need to find some way to "tame" your function. In this example, if you rearrange the function to avoid dividing by x-V3 (but without completely solving the equation) then uniroot() should work ...
f1 <- function(L) with(L, (V1/V2)*(V4-V3) + V3)
par(mfrow = c(2,3), bty = "l", las = 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
curve(V1 * ((V4-V3)/(x-V3)) - V2,
from = -10, to = 10,
ylab = "", xlab = ""))
abline(v=f1(df[i,]), col = 2)
abline(h=0, col = 4)


How to smooth a curve in R?

location diffrence<-c(0,0.5,1,1.5,2)
plot(location diffrence,Power)
The guy which has written the paper said he has smoothed the curve using a weighted moving average with weights vector w = (0.25,0.5,0.25) but he did not explained how he did this and with which function he achieved that.i am really confused
Up front, as #MartinWettstein cautions, be careful in when you smooth data and what you do with it (infer from it). Having said that, a simple exponential moving average might look like this.
# replacement data
x <- seq(0, 2, len=5)
y <- c(0, 0.02, 0.65, 1, 1)
# smoothed
ysm <-
zoo::rollapply(c(NA, y, NA), 3,
function(a) Hmisc::wtd.mean(a, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25), na.rm = TRUE),
partial = FALSE)
# plot
plot(x, y, type = "b", pch = 16)
lines(x, ysm, col = "red")
the zoo:: package provides a rolling window (3-wide here), calling the function once for indices 1-3, then again for indices 2-4, then 3-5, 4-6, etc.
with rolling-window operations, realize that they can be center-aligned (default of zoo::rollapply) or left/right aligned. There are some good explanations here: How to calculate 7-day moving average in R?)
I surround the y data with NAs so that I can mimic a partial window. Normally with rolling-window ops, if k=3, then the resulting vector is length(y) - (k-1) long. I'm inferring that you want to include data on the ends, so the first smoothed data point would be effectively (0.5*0 + 0.25*0.02)/0.75, the second smoothed data point (0.25*0 + 0.5*0.02 + 0.25*0.65)/1, and the last smoothed data point (0.25*1 + 0.5*1)/0.75. That is, omitting the 0.25 times a missing data point. That's a guess and can easily be adjusted based on your real needs.
I'm using Hmisc::wtd.mean, though it is trivial to write this weighted-mean function yourself.
This is suggestive only, and not meant to be authoritative. Just to help you begin exploring your smoothing processes.

Advise a Chemist: Automate/Streamline his Voltammetry Data Graphing Code

I am a chemist dealing with a significant amount of voltammetry data recently. Let me be very clear and give some research information. I run scans from a starting voltage to an ending voltage on solid state conductive films. These scans are saved as .txt files (name scheme: run#.txt) in a single folder. I am looking at how conductance changes as temperature changes. The LINEST line plotting current v. voltage at a given temperature gives me a line with slope = conductance. Once I have the conductances (slopes) for each scan, I plot conductance v. temperature to see the temperature dependent conductance characteristics. I had been doing this in Excel, but have found quicker ways to get the job done using R. I am brand new to R (Rstudio) and recognize that my coding is not the best. Without doubt, this process can be streamlined and sped up which would help immensely. This is how I am performing the process currently:
# Set working directory with folder containing all .txt files for inspection
# Add all .txt files to the global environment
for(i in 1:length(allruns))assign(allruns[i],read.table(allruns[i]))
Since the voltage column (a 1x1000 matrix) is the same for all runs and is in column V1 of each .txt file, I assign a x to be the voltage column from the first folder
All currents (these change as voltage changes) are found in the V2 column of all the .txt files, so I assign y# to each. These are entered one at a time..
# ...
So that I can get the eqn for each LINEST (one LINEST for each scan and plotted with abline later). Again entered one at a time:
# ...
To obtain a single graph with all LINEST (one for each scan ) on the same plot, without the data points showing up, I have been using this pattern of coding to first get all data points on a single plot in separate series:
plot(x,y1,col="transparent",main="LSV Solid Film", xlab = "potential(V)",ylab="current(A)", xlim=rev(range(x)),ylim=range(c(y3,yn)))
plot(x,y2,col="transparent",main="LSV Solid Film", xlab = "potential(V)",ylab="current(A)", xlim=rev(range(x)),ylim=range(c(y3,yn)))
plot(x,y3,col="transparent",main="LSV Solid Film", xlab = "potential(V)",ylab="current(A)", xlim=rev(range(x)),ylim=range(c(y1,yn)))
# ...
plot(x,yn,col="transparent",main="LSV Solid Film", xlab = "potential(V)",ylab="current(A)", xlim=rev(range(x)),ylim=range(c(y1,yn)))
#To obtain all LINEST lines (one for each scan, on the single graph):
abline(run1,col=””, lwd=1)
# ...
# Then to get each LINEST equation:
# ...
Each time I use summary(), I copy the slope and paste it into an Excel sheet- along with corresponding scan temp which I have recorded separately. I then graph the conductance v temp points for the film as X-Y scatter with smooth lines to give the temperature dependent conductance curve. Giving me a single LINEST lines plot in R and the conductance v temp in Excel.
This technique is actually MUCH quicker than doing it all in Excel, but it can be done much quicker and efficiently!!! Also, if I need to change something, this entire process needs to be reexecuted with whatever change is necessary. This process takes me maybe 5 hours in Excel and 1.5 hours in R (maybe I am too slow). Nonetheless, any tips to help automate/streamline this further are greatly appreciated.
There are plenty of questions about operating on data in lists; storing a list of matrix or a list of data.frame is fast, and code that operates cleanly on one can be applied to the remaining n-1 very easily.
(Note: the way I'm showing it here is one technique: maintaining everything in well-compartmentalized lists. Other will suggest -- very justifiably -- that combing things into a single data.frame and adding a group variable (to identify from which file/experiment the data originated) will help with more advanced multi-experiment regression or combined plotting, such as with ggplot2. I'm not going to go into this latter technique here, not yet.)
It is long decried not to do for(...) assign(..., read.csv(...)); you have the important part done, so this is relatively easy:
allruns <- sapply(list.files(pattern = "*.txt"), read.table, simplify = FALSE)
(The use of sapply(..., simplify=FALSE) is similar to lapply(...), but it has a nice side-effect of naming the individual list-ified elements with, in this case, each filename. It may not be critical here but is quite handy elsewhere.)
Extracting your invariant and variable data is simple enough:
allLMs <- lapply(allruns, function(mdl) lm(V2 ~ V1, data = mdl))
I'm using each table's V1 here instead of a once-extracted x ... though you might wonder why, I argue keeping it like for two reasons: (1) JUST IN CASE the V1 variable is ever even one-row-different, this will save you; (2) it is very easy to construct the model like this.
At this point, each object within allLMs is an lm object, meaning we might do:
Plotting: I think I understand why you are using par=NEW, and I have to laugh ... I had been deep in R for a while before I started using that technique. What I think you need is actually much simpler:
xlim <- rev(range(allruns[[1]]$V1))
ylim <- range(sapply(allruns, `[`, "V2"))
# this next plot just sets the box and axes, no points
plot(NA, type = "na", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
# no need to plot points with "transparent" ...
ign <- sapply(allLMs, abline, col = "") # and other abline options ...
Copying all models into Excel, again, using lists:
out <- do.call(rbind, sapply(allLMs, function(m) summary(m)$coefficients[,1]))
This will now be a single data.frame with all coefficients in two columns. (Feel free to use similar techniques to extract the other model summary attributes, including std err, t.value, or Pr(>|t|) (in the $coefficients); or $r.squared, $adj.r.squared, etc.)
write.csv(out, file="clipboard", sep="\t")
and paste into Excel. (Or, better yet, save it to a CSV file and import that, since you might want to keep it around.)
One of the tricks to using lists for this is to persevere: keep things in lists as long as you can, so that you don't have deal with models individually. One mantra is that if you do it once, you shouldn't have to type it again, just loop/apply/map/whatever. Don't extract too much from the lists before you have to.
Note: r2evans' answer provides good general advice and doesn't require heavy package dependencies. But it probably doesn't hurt to see alternative strategies.
The tidyverse can be quite handy for this sort of thing, here's a dummy example for illustration,
# creating dummy data files
dummy <- function(T) {
V <- seq(-5, 5, length=20)
I <- jitter(T*V + T, factor = 1)
write.table(data.frame(V=V, I = I),
file = paste0(T,".txt"),
row.names = FALSE)
purrr::walk(300:320, dummy)
# reading
lf <- list.files(pattern = "\\.txt")
read_one <- function(f, ...) {cbind(T = as.numeric(gsub("\\.txt", "", f)), read.table(f, ...))}
m <- purrr::map_df(lf, read_one, header = TRUE, .id="id")
ggplot(m, aes(V, I, group = T)) +
facet_wrap( ~ T) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE)
models <- m %>%
split(.$T) %>%
map(~lm(I ~ V, data = .))
coefs <- models %>% map_df(broom::tidy, .id = "T")
ggplot(coefs, aes(as.numeric(T), estimate)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~term, scales = "free")

Manipulating contrast etc within a vector of colours

I'm seeking any efficient way to perform simple manipulations on colour vectors in R, such as brightness and contrast. I have a hacky method that converts hex-string to numerical values and adjusts these by, for example, increasing/decreasing values for lightness, or rescaling them for lightness contrast, before converting back to hex. It works but is too slow to run interactively, and I can't see any libraries (e.g. colorspace) that have this functionality. Does anyone know of an alternative method? Thanks in advance.
This illustrates the flow for darkening (the simplest manipulation):
cols = rainbow(100)
d = data.frame(x = 1:100, y0=rep(0,100), y1=rep(100,100))
plot_cols = function(colours){
plot.new(); plot.window(xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,100))
segments(d$x, d$y0, d$x, d$y1, col=colours, lwd=5)
cols_num = t(col2rgb(cols))/255
plot_cols( rgb(cols_num * .5) )
Contrast effects require standard deviation sd which is I think the bottleneck.

Graphing a polynomial output of calc.poly

I apologize first for bringing what I imagine to be a ridiculously simple problem here, but I have been unable to glean from the help file for package 'polynom' how to solve this problem. For one out of several years, I have two vectors of x (d for day of year) and y (e for an index of egg production) data:
e=c(0,0,0.006839425,0.027323127,0.024666883,0.005603878,0.016599262,0.002810977,0.00560387 8,0,0.002810977,0.002810977)
I want to, for each year, use the poly.calc function to create a polynomial function that I can use to interpolate the timing of maximum egg production. I want then to superimpose the function on a plot of the data. To begin, I have no problem with the poly.calc function:
3216904000 - 173356400*x + 4239900*x^2 - 62124.17*x^3 + 605.9178*x^4 - 4.13053*x^5 +
0.02008226*x^6 - 6.963636e-05*x^7 + 1.687736e-07*x^8
I can then simply
But when I try to use the lines function to superimpose the function on the plot, I get confused. The help file states that the output of poly.calc is an object of class polynomial, and so I assume that "egg1996" will be the "x" in:
lines(x, len = 100, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...)
But I cannot seem to, based on the example listed:
lines (poly.calc( 2:4), lty = 2)
Or based on the arguments:
x an object of class "polynomial".
len size of vector at which evaluations are to be made.
xlim, ylim the range of x and y values with sensible defaults
Come up with a command that successfully graphs the polynomial "egg1996" onto the raw data.
I understand that this question is beneath you folks, but I would be very grateful for a little help. Many thanks.
I don't work with the polynom package, but the resultant data set is on a completely different scale (both X & Y axes) than the first plot() call. If you don't mind having it in two separate panels, this provides both plots for comparison:
d <- c(169,176,183,190,197,204,211,218,225,232,239,246)
e <- c(0,0,0.006839425,0.027323127,0.024666883,0.005603878,
egg1996 <- poly.calc(d,e)
plot(d, e)

Reinitializing variables in R and having them update globally

I'm not sure how to pose this question with the right lingo and the related questions weren't about the same thing. I wanted to plot a function and noticed that R wasn't udpating the plot with my change in a coefficient.
a <- 2
x <- seq(-1, 1, by=0.1)
y <- 1/(1+exp(-a*x))
a <- 4
plot(x,y) # no change
y <- 1/(1+exp(-a*x)) # redefine function
plot(x,y) # now it updates
Just in case I didn't know what I was doing, I followed the syntax on this R basic plotting tutorial. The only difference was the use of = instead of <- for assignment of y = 1/(1+exp(-a*x)). The result was the same.
I've actually never just plotted a function with R, so this was the first time I experienced this. It makes me wonder if I've seen bad results in other areas if re-defined variables aren't propagated to functions or objects initialized with the initial value.
1) Am I doing something wrong and there is a way to have variables sort of dynamically assigned so that functions take into account the current value vs. the value it had when they were created?
2) If not, is there a common way R programmers work around this when tweaking variable assignments and making sure everything else is properly updated?
You are not, in fact, plotting a function. Instead, you are plotting two vectors. Since you haven't updated the values of the vector before calling the next plot, you get two identical plots.
To plot a function directly, you need to use the curve() function:
f <- function(x, a)1/(1+exp(-a*x))
curve(f(x, 1), -1, 1, 100)
curve(f(x, 4), -1, 1, 100)
R is not Excel, or MathCAD, or any other application that might lead you to believe that changing an object's value might update other vectors that might have have used that value at some time in the past. When you did this
a <- 4
plot(x,y) # no change
There was no change in 'x' or 'y'.
Try this:
curve( 1/(1+exp(-a*x)) )
a <- 10
curve( 1/(1+exp(-a*x)) )
