How to use OpenCL 2.0 kernel language in Qt Creator? - qt

Several days ago, when I started to learn OpenCL, I needed a good IDE to write OpenCL C kernel language, which provides some basic functions like syntax highlighting and static analysis. I was surprised to find out that Qt Creator is able to do the job.
Everything was fine until today I started to use some feature in OpenCL 2.0:
It looks like Qt Creator use libclang to do the parsing and libclang treats my source files as OpenCL 1.0. But My machine supports OpenCL 3.0 and the code was ok to compile and run. So I doubt it only supports OpenCL 1.0.
My questions are:
How to make Qt Creator (or the libclang plugin in it) support OpenCL 2.0?
How do you guys write OpenCL 2.0? Is there any better IDEs or editors?
Thank you guys, I am really a newbie here.
I tried to rename the file's postfix to ".cl2", but it doesn't work.
I read the OpenCL support documentation of LLVM, but failed to find out the solution.

QtCreator uses KDE syntax highlighting engine. The definitions are simple XML files. You can find them here, but opencl.xml doesn't look updated for 2.0/3.0 language. You can try to change it, and then put it into $HOME/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/generic-highlighter/syntax and it should pick it up.
In QtCreator, you can download newer definitions by going to Tools -> Options, select "Text editor" in left, then "Generic highlighter" tab. This will put the updated files in $HOME.local/share/org.kde.syntax-highlighting/


QT application on BeagleboneBlack

Hi I have a debian image on BBB I have already installed QT creator on B^3 but the problem is whenever I try to start a new project in qt creator, couldn't see any option of kit. Infact when i add qmake and compiler path the application throws error.
What can I do to solve the problem. Can i directly get the full pack of SDK from ?
You must compile Qt libraries for your device (BBB) on your own, using specified compiler. You can find more information on this topic, here:
Qt Cross-Compilation Options
As soon as you compile Qt libraries for your device, you must move them to appropriate directories (on your BBB).
First, I would suggest learning to cross-compile, it's much faster & more easily maintained when you want to move to new versions. There's a ton of documentation and community around doing this. Windows & Linux both of which are probably dated, but info is still relavent. I've heard it's much easier from a linux host, but that could be biased.
That being said, if you don't want to cross-compile I believe you can simply install the qt embedded libraries. This question may offer some good advice. Once you have the libraries installed, you should be able to use qmake directly to create the Makefile for your project, then you can use cmake, or g++, etc.. to do the actual compiling.
You're likely going to work in command line though, I'm not sure you can run QT Creator on the BBB directly. I could be wrong.

Where can I compile the opengl source to generate libraries?

Where can I find a program which can be executed on Visual studio to compile openGL sources and generate libraries like opengl32.lib, glut32.lib, etc. In fact I have a problem of version with QT. I want to execute opengl using QT but without QT Opengl API.
Here's the error message :
lnk2026 module unsafe for safeseh image opengl32.lib
I'm really lost.
Thanks in advance for your help.
OpenGL is a specification, not a library with a defined source code. OpenGL implementations are what you use, and most of them are propietary. Some of them are open source (such as MESA), but in general you do not have public access to the source code.
The "Open" in "OpenGL" refers to the nature of the specification, not to the concept of "open source". OpenGL is "Open" in that the specification is freely available and can be implemented by anyone (modulo patent claims).
So while you can compile free-standing implementations of OpenGL, what your operating system provides (in your case, via opengl32.lib and opengl32.dll) is not something you can compile yourself.

OpenGL program does not compile with QT 5.0

I followed this turial to create a very simple openGL program with QT.
I have QT 5.0. I created a new empty QT project, created all files as in the tutorial but the compilation failed. The cause is that certain methods like glShadeModel() are not recognized.
I tried include GL/glu.h (which include glShadeModel for instance) but this time there is a conflict with several openGL types. But according to the tutorial all opengl methods should be included in QtOpenGL. Maybe I have a too much recent version of QT. I'm lost.
Does anyone can help me ?
Qt5 is based on OpenGL ES 2.0, and this is a subset of desktop OpenGL, even some Qt tutorials are not adapted to this change yet. You will have to build Qt 5.0 with normal OpenGL if you wish to compile those tutorials.
i may only give you some points to check.
in .pro
*QT += opengl
*check your GPU for supporting the opengl version you are using, for example my laptop is only compatible with 2.1 opengl.
also please use "Qt" instead "QT", QT stands for quicktime by Apple.

Adding Qt Sources to QtCreator 2.4.1

I am currently using QtCreator 2.4.1 with Qt 4.7.4 development libraries (in Ubuntu) and am trying to track down a bug which after profiling with valgrind seems to occur internally within QGraphicsView::paintEvent(…) method
To help isolate this problem I would like to step into the Qt sources. Having done some searching through both the Qt forums and stack overflow and have not being able to find a way to integrate the sources with my version of QtCreator.
I have currently tried downloading the sources via the QtSDK manager and adding a “Source Path Mapping” within Tools->Options->Debugger. I am sure that this step is where I am making a mistake as I am unable to even switch to source when viewing internal Qt header files i.e. from QGraphicsView.h
I have so far tried adding the following Source Path Mappings
Source Path=/var/tmp/qt-src
Source Path=/var/tmp/qt-src
Neither works.
I have also tried building Qt directly from source, adding this to my "Qt versions" list within Qt Creator and creating a new project configuration using this version. This also did not work.
Likewise I have tried adding the src folders to my gdbinit file. This also fails to work.
I am completely lost with this.
Someone asked a similar question here: Need to step into Qt sources (my IDE is Qt Creator).
Someone else asked about Valgrind errors with Qt here: Suppression files for Qt memory leaks with Valgrind
And here is a little more info about Using Valgrind with Qt Creator along with some explanation about how to read the results. Its a little dated from late 2010.
Related Suggestions
I wouldn't debug the QGraphicsView class just because of all the effort to make it work or find the problem might be for nothing... Qt is moving to using the SceneGraph as the backend for QML and the rendering engine for QGraphicsView might become obsolete.
Updating to the latest stable build of the Qt libraries may make a big difference for QGraphicsView.
If you post the valgrind error you are getting to the Qt Trolls, someone might be able to explain what is going on for you.
There are other debugging techniques besides the traditional debugger. I've been programming in Qt in Windows (without valgrind) and with a large multi-threaded application, that loads a bunch of Dll's. I've had to put some faith into the Object Tree Model clean up and work on all the new calls I put in. Most of the time I just use QDebug to find errors. Then I am also using a combination of qInstallMessageHandler() with QDebug to implement decent logging for the hard to track bugs.
See also Qt Debugging Techniques.

How to get FreeRTOS on MSP430 using CCE?

I'd like to get FreeRTOS running on an MSP430 processor using Code Composer Essentials v3.1. I found an example of just this at Specifically I’m working with, the top one. When I try to open it with CCE I get an error that the workspace "was not created by this version of Code Composer". So I tried to import the project and I get an error "The Managed Make project could not be read because of the following error: Project type com.ti.ccstudio.managedbuild.ui.programTargetID not found. Managed Make functionality will not be available for this project."
I’m wondering what my problem is and how I can get the project to build, or should I go about this a different way?
FreeRTOS support many, many, many chips and many, many, many compilers. Anything that is not standard C code is kept in a port layer.
The next FreeRTOS release (V7, out in the next couple of weeks and already available in the SVN repository) includes a CCS4 port and demo for the MSP430F5438 (MSP430X core).
I was told that TI's CCS compiler suite (used in CCE/CCS) will not build the FreeRTOS sources because the FreeRTOS sources include stuff written in gnu assembler syntax (file extension .s is common between CCS asm and Gnu asm, but syntax is not the same). Until FreeRTOS is "ported" to the CCS compiler suite, your best bet is to use the full CCS with the GCC compiler instead of the CCS compiler.
reviving a zombie thread... not sure if CCE is even relevant now... you can get CCS 5.3 with code-size limited free MSP430 support.
I recently ported FreeRTOS to the CC430 using the new MP430Ware driver library from TI and Code Composer Studio 5.3, get it here:
