How to track every PHP file located in a folder with Tailwind CSS - tailwind-css

I am using Tailwind CSS in my projects and I want to include all of my PHP files in tailwind.config.js file. I want to use wildcards, but it doesn't seem to work.
This works:
module.exports = {
content: [
This doesn't:
module.exports = {
content: [
I use Laravel Mix for asset compilation, Tailwind is of course included in webpack.min.js file and it works well if I specify the file path in Tailwind's config - wildcards don't work however.
Is it possible?

The solution seems to be using some third-party library that can search for those files, like fast-glob (glob library for Node.js).
module.exports = {
content: require('fast-glob').sync([


Tailwind cdn and isntallation npm not constistant

To quickly start learning how to use tailwind, I added CDN link to my project. Once I had understood the basics, I decided to configure tailwind with webpack.
I created everything from scratch with all the configuration files and pasted the html code from the previous attempt. When I ran the code, it turned out that the pages do not look identical, after configuring some classes are missing and some elements have different property values.
In both cases I use newest version.
/* with cdn */
html {
line-height: 1.5;
body {
margin: 0;
.p-2\.5 {
padding: .625rem;
/* with configuration */
html {
line-height: 1;
body {
margin: 8px;
.p-2\.5 { /* doesn't exist */ }
My tailwind config file look like this, there is rather not many things that I can made wrong:
/* tailwind.config.js */
module.exports = {
future: {
removeDeprecatedGapUtilities: true,
purgeLayersByDefault: true,
purge: [
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {},
plugins: [],
I also tried with file generated by command, but the result was the same - difference in both pages.
npx tailwindcss init --full
Why there are differences between CDN and configuration. Can I somehow configure my project to make it look like the one using CDN?
Using Tailwind via CDN
Before using the CDN build, please note that many of the features that make Tailwind CSS great are not available without incorporating Tailwind into your build process.
You can't customize Tailwind's default theme
You can't use any directives like #apply, #variants, etc.
You can't enable additional variants like group-focus
You can't install third-party plugins
You can't tree-shake unused styles
To get the most out of Tailwind, you really should install it as a PostCSS plugin.

Tailwind class doesn't take effect

I created a react setup for a little project and decided to add tailwind. It was successful but when I add the class to the components, I don't see any change.
This is the link to the repository
Everything seems fine. Once delete the node modules and package.lock.json file and install node modules then start the server.
Also, there is no need to import tailwind.css in App.js.
Just main.css is enough as we are already appending all the styles to main.css (check scripts in package.json)
I found the problem. It was from my webpack config for CSS loader. I noticed when I added my own stylesheet, not all the rules were applied.
loader: "css-loader",
options: {
modules: true,
importLoaders: 1,
sourceMap: true
I had to remove all the options. I don't even know why I added it at first. Tailwind CSS now works.
If you know that you've configured Tailwind and added the right settings and presets, maybe you need to add this:
module.exports = {
content: [
'./public/index.html', <-
or this, if you're using ReactJS:
module.exports = {
content: [
// ...
Within your tailwind.config.js file.
You also can learn/read more about it on:, that worked perfectly for me!

How does NuxtJS css extraction work for generated static websites?

I am trying to generate a static website out of my (minimal) code with Nuxt. In that code, I integrate in particular the tailwindcss toolkit as well as vue2-leaflet. Upon
nuxt generate
I get two css files, one for the tailwindcss css and the other for the leaflet css. While the former file is fine and contains everything I need, the latter is pretty sparse:
.leaflet-tile-pane{z-index:200}#-webkit-keyframes leaflet-gestures-fadein{to{opacity:1}}#keyframes leaflet-gestures-fadein{0%{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}
Of course, that makes my map render in a pretty strange way, because most of the css is missing. Here's my current nuxt.config.js:
module.exports = {
mode: 'universal',
head: {
meta: [
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
{ hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: pkg.description }
link: [
{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }
css: [
plugins: [
{ src: '~plugins/leaflet.js', mode: 'client' }
buildModules: [
modules: ['#nuxtjs/apollo', 'nuxt-purgecss', ['nuxt-i18n', i18n]],
build: {
extractCSS: true,
Getting rid of the extractCSS ends up incorporating all the relevant css into the index.html. It works, but then I get the following error:
ERROR Webpack mode only works with build.extractCSS set to *true*. Either extract your CSS or use 'postcss' mode
I'm not sure I understand how that whole css extraction works. Could someone enlighten me? Why is it not working with extractCSS: true? How can I make it work? Why is it working in SPA mode but not in static mode?
You are using nuxt-purgecss which is using purgecss to strip unused CSS.
purgecss do scan HTML (or vue) files for CSS classes in use and then strip unused classes from final CSS bundle.
You can take a look at default purgecss configuration used by nuxt-purgecss here. The paths lists the paths purgecss will scan for CSS usage.
Because you are not using most of the leaflet css directly (in your components), its is necessary to configure purgecss to don't remove leaflet's css.
You can do that by whitelisting (btw not sure if "comment" method will work in Vue\Nuxt)
You can read more here and here
Not tested!!
// nuxt.config.js
purgeCSS: {
whitelistPatterns: [/leaflet/, /marker/]
Regarding the error message
Error message is from nuxt-purgecss module - it is clearly documented here
I don't have deep knowledge of Nuxt build process. So I just assume from the docs that extractCSS: true will use extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin to extract all CSS to separate CSS file, while (default) extractCSS: false will use PostCSS to extract all CSS and put it directly into the <style> tag of rendered page.
All of that doesn't matter IMHO because the root problem is the use of purgecss and the solution is to configure it correctly to whitelist leaflet CSS classes....

ExtractTextWebpackPlugin always outputs file, even if there are no changes

I have a project that bundles the client-side files using Webpack. We are bundling the CSS using the ExtractTextWebpackPlugin. The problem is when I edit a javascript file the CSS bundle always gets re-built despite there being absolutely no changes to the CSS state.
How can I bundle CSS but only when there are changes to the CSS files?
Extracted from my webpack config:
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
use: 'css-loader'
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin(isDebug ? '[name].css' : '[name].[chunkhash].css')
whenever ExtractTextPlugin sees a import statement with css extension it will automatically extract the text contant of that css file whethere it changes or not
if you are using it to debug then use style-loader and HMR(Hot Module Replacement) for better experence something like this
? {
test: /\.css$/,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"]
: {
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
use: "css-loader"
if you want to use current configration and don't want ExtractTextPlugin to build css file and you are importing them in your javascript file using import then somehow you have to remove import statement for css files when there is no change in that css file
and if you are adding css file in your webpack config entry section then it would be easy because webpack allow custom command argument and you can do this by exporting a function in your webpack config file insted of object
module.exports = function(env) {
return {
entry: {
main: env.includeCss
["./src/index.js", "./src/main.css"] //build with css
: ["./src/index.js"] //build without css
you can pass env.includeCss by command argument like this
webpack --config ./ --env.includeCss
//notice --env.includeCss witch will set env.includeCss as true
run with --env.includeCss normally and without --env.includeCss when you dont want to compile css file
Not directly related to your question but I noticed you use [chunkhash] for extracted CSS. This will make your css name change even if you haven't change content in you CSS files.
Use [contenthash] instead.
If you are using ExtractTextPlugin, you should use [contenthash]. This way the generated assets get invalidated only if their content changes.

With Webpack, is it possible to generate CSS only, excluding the output.js?

I'm using Webpack with the extract-text-webpack-plugin.
In my project, I have some build scripts. One of the build scripts is supposed to bundle and minify CSS only. As I'm using Webpack for the other scripts, I found it a good idea to use Webpack even when I only want to bundle and minify CSS.
It's working fine, except that I can't get rid of the output.js file. I don't want the resulting webpack output file. I just want the CSS for this particular script.
Is there a way to get rid of the resulting JS? If not, do you suggest any other tool specific for handling CSS? Thanks.
There is an easy way, no extra tool is required.
There is an easy way and you don't need extra libraries except which you are already using: webpack with the extract-text-webpack-plugin.
In short:
Make the output js and css file have identical name, then the css file will override js file.
A real example (webpack 2.x):
import path from 'path'
import ExtractTextPlugin from 'extract-text-webpack-plugin'
const config = {
target: 'web',
entry: {
'one': './src/one.css',
'two': './src/two.css'
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, './dist/'),
filename: '[name].css' // output js file name is identical to css file name
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
fallback: 'style-loader',
use: 'css-loader'
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].css') // css file will override generated js file
Unfortunately, that is currently not possible by design. webpack started as a JavaScript bundler which is capable of handling other "web modules", such as CSS and HTML. JavaScript is chosen as base language, because it can host all the other languages simply as strings. The extract-text-webpack-plugin is just extracting these strings as standalone file (thus the name).
You're probably better off with PostCSS which provides various plugins to post-process CSS effectively.
One solution is to execute webpack with the Node API and control the output with the memory-fs option. Just tell it to ignore the resulting js-file. Set the output.path to "/" in webpackConfig.
var compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);
var mfs = new MemoryFS();
compiler.outputFileSystem = mfs;, stats) {
if(stats.hasErrors()) { throw(stats.toString()); }
mfs.readdirSync("/").forEach(function (f) {
if(f === ("app.js")) { return; } // ignore js-file
fs.writeFileSync(destination + f, mfs.readFileSync("/" + f));
You can clean up your dist folder for any unwanted assets after the done is triggered. This can be easily achieved with the event-hooks-webpack-plugin
plugins: [
new EventHooksPlugin({
'done': () => {
// delete unwanted assets
Good Luck...
