Putting NGINX in front of kafka - nginx

I have elasticsearch, filebeat and kibana behind NGINX server and all three of them uses ssl and basic authentication of Nginx reverse proxy. I want to place kafka behind NGINX as well. Kafka is communicating with filebeat. Is there any possible way that filebeat (with ssl) and kafka (without ssl) can communicate?
I mean is there any exception kind of thing that we can add in NGINX configuration?

There's not much benefit to using Nginx with Kafka beyond the initial client connection. In other words, yes, you can use stream directive, in theory, and point bootstrap.servers at it, but Kafka will return its advertised.listeners after that, and clients then bypass Nginx to communicate directly with individual brokers (including authentication)
Allow access to kafka via nginx


How to make Kubernetes service load balance based on client IP instead of NGINX reverse proxy IP

I have configured NGINX as a reverse proxy with web sockets enabled for a backend web application with multiple replicas. The request from NGINX does a proxy_pass to a Kubernetes service which in turn load balances the request to the endpoints mapped to the service. I need to ensure that the request from a particular client is proxied to the same Kubernetes back end pod for the life cycle of that access, basically maintaining session persistence.
Tried setting the sessionAffinity: ClientIP in the Kubernetes service, however this does the routing based on the client IP which is of the NGINX proxy. Is there a way to make the Kubernetes service do the affinity based on the actual client IP from where the request originated and not the NGINX internal pod IP ?
This is not an option with Nginx. Or rather it's not an option with anything in userspace like this without a lot of very fancy network manipulation. You'll need to find another option, usually an app-specific proxy rules in the outermost HTTP proxy layer.

In-cluster nginx proxy (sidecar) in Kubernetes to re-write headers

I have an in-cluster Kubernetes pod/application that works fine when accessing it via an nginx-ingress ingress controller (requires specific Host HTTP header), but it cannot be accessed by other in-cluster pods/applications (i.e. for testing) due to the pods using different host names (e.g. service-name.namespace.svc.cluster.local) rather than the FQDN of the K8S master (in the LAN).
Plan So Far
I think the only way to (easily) resolve this is to setup an in-cluster forward-proxy nginx instance. Ideally, the service is either a side-car for the pod that needs to have headers re-written, or it needs to be a general in-cluster proxy that multiple services can access.
How would I setup an in-cluster nginx forward proxy service?
Should it be a sidecar, or a general service any pod can access?
Work So Far
The linked "similar" questions don't appear to be helpful for my use case (i.e. don't show how to configure an in-cluster proxy), or are focused on proxying to IPs external to the cluster (i.e. I need to proxy HTTP requests, and re-write their headers, to in-cluster resources).

Allow access to kafka via nginx

Good day,
I want to connect to my kafka server from the internet. Kafka installed on the virtual server and all servers hidden behind a nginx.
I updated kafka settings (server.properties).
Added: listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092
I can connect to kafka server from local network via ip address, but unable connect from internet by domain name.
Response from kafka: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Topic test-topic not present in metadata after 60000 ms.
Nginx: [26/Nov/2019:12:38:25 +0100] "\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x12\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" 400 166 "-" "-" "request_time=1.535" "upstream_response_time=-" "upstream_connect_time=-" "upstream_header_time=-"
nginx conf:
server {
listen 9092;
server_name site.name;
# Max Request size
client_max_body_size 20m;
location / {
Does anyone know what the problem is?
Kafka doesn't use http protocol for communication, so it can't be fronted by an HTTP reverse proxy.
You'll have to use nginx stream definition blocks for TCP proxying
(I've not tried this personally)
unable connect from internet by domain name.
Sounds like an issue with your advertised.listeners configuration. Note that there is no clear way to "hide" Kafka behind a proxy since your clients are required to communicate directly with each broker individually (therefore defeating the purpose of having
Ngnix unless you want to use one Nginx server or open a new port, per broker), and would therefore also require Kafka to know that it would need to "advertise" the proxy rather than its own address.
If you really want to expose Kafka to the public web, you should really be using SSL/SASL listeners, not PLAINTEXT
If you want to use HTTP, then you can install Kafka REST Proxy, then put Nginx in front of that. Then your clients would use http rather than standard kafka libraries

Visit Kubernetes dashboard through nginx proxy

I wanted to visit my dashboard on a local Kubernetes installation (using docker for mac). I was 'blocked'. I have to provide a token or my config which is normal since the RBAC updates.
Now I don't want to kubectl proxy or enable port forwarding every time I want to visit my dashboard so I installed an nginx proxy with a ingress (tls) which redirects me to https://kubernetes-dashboard.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:443.
This works fine but now I'm a bit confused because I can see the dashboard now, without facing the RBAC issue.
I read this here:
To make Dashboard use authorization header you simply need to pass
Authorization: Bearer in every request to Dashboard. This can
be achieved i.e. by configuring reverse proxy in front of Dashboard.
Proxy will be responsible for authentication with identity provider
and will pass generated token in request header to Dashboard. Note
that Kubernetes API server needs to be configured properly to accept
these tokens.
But it's still not very clear for me. Can someone explain we why I can see the dashboard when I create a proxy in front of it?
Proxy is usually needed to transfer data between different segments of the network without connecting them directly.
Each segment of the network is "talking" to proxy host without any knowledge of the existence of the other network segment.
The Proxy Server is responsible for all negotiations and operations concerning requests and response packets. So, to enable authentication, authorization, SSL termination and many other things you need to configure your proxy server according to your needs.
If you can see the kubernetes dashboard via proxy in front of it it just means that you did not configure any security on that proxy.
For example, to learn how to configure Nginx Ingress to protect a service with basic authentication in your cluster consider to read this article.
For more complex security setup read the article about securing Kubernetes services with Ingress, TLS and LetsEncrypt.

Nginx server behind Nginx-Ingress controller

We decided to move our apps from Service:LoadBalancer to Ingress, and I've chosen Nginx Ingress Controller, as I'm familiar with it, and because it's one of the most popular controllers in Kubernetes world
Previously we had Nginx => Uwsgi combination that stands behind ELB. We compile nginx from source, as we need some 3rd party modules and Lua support.
ELB => Nginx Server => UWSGI
ELB => Nginx Ingress (Load Balancer) => Nginx (Server) => UWSGI
My question is: is it okay to have 2 nginx in a proxy chain?
I understand that one plays the role of LoadBalancer, and another is a server itself. But for me it comes with a pain, like if I change some options in Server nginx.conf, like increase the size of client body to 8MB, I should do the same on Nginx-Ingress. Also I'm wondering how to set timeouts: as there is a timeout between ingress=>server and server=>uwsgi, and in general how to tune the performance while having 3 proxies before request hits the app?
Is it a good practice to remove Nginx Server, so Ingress Controller acts like a server and loadbalancer at the same time? What about 3rd party modules that we use?
There's nothing wrong in principle with having 2 or more nginx in a proxy chain, other than, as alluded to in the question and in the below, the extra complexity.
It is a pain to maintain consistent configuration across multiple proxies, and in particular to have upstream configuration bleed into ingress. It can get very complicated when the same ingress serves multiple upstreams each with different traffic requirements. But this is often nevertheless unavoidable.
Each hop will have its own distinct timeout and retry configuration, and managing them can be complicated, especially the downstream timeout when upstream has retries. One can wind up with very strange failure patterns.
It is not a good idea to bundle an application with an ingress controller. Ingress is about offering a stable entry point into the cluster for out-of-cluster traffic, and distributing that traffic to multiple upstream applications in the cluster. If there is only one upstream application, one really does not need ingress, so if possible much better to just expose it as a Service, either using NodePort or LoadBalancer, depending on circumstance.
