Allow access to kafka via nginx - nginx

Good day,
I want to connect to my kafka server from the internet. Kafka installed on the virtual server and all servers hidden behind a nginx.
I updated kafka settings (
Added: listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092
I can connect to kafka server from local network via ip address, but unable connect from internet by domain name.
Response from kafka: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Topic test-topic not present in metadata after 60000 ms.
Nginx: [26/Nov/2019:12:38:25 +0100] "\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x12\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" 400 166 "-" "-" "request_time=1.535" "upstream_response_time=-" "upstream_connect_time=-" "upstream_header_time=-"
nginx conf:
server {
listen 9092;
# Max Request size
client_max_body_size 20m;
location / {
Does anyone know what the problem is?

Kafka doesn't use http protocol for communication, so it can't be fronted by an HTTP reverse proxy.
You'll have to use nginx stream definition blocks for TCP proxying
(I've not tried this personally)
unable connect from internet by domain name.
Sounds like an issue with your advertised.listeners configuration. Note that there is no clear way to "hide" Kafka behind a proxy since your clients are required to communicate directly with each broker individually (therefore defeating the purpose of having
Ngnix unless you want to use one Nginx server or open a new port, per broker), and would therefore also require Kafka to know that it would need to "advertise" the proxy rather than its own address.
If you really want to expose Kafka to the public web, you should really be using SSL/SASL listeners, not PLAINTEXT
If you want to use HTTP, then you can install Kafka REST Proxy, then put Nginx in front of that. Then your clients would use http rather than standard kafka libraries


Putting NGINX in front of kafka

I have elasticsearch, filebeat and kibana behind NGINX server and all three of them uses ssl and basic authentication of Nginx reverse proxy. I want to place kafka behind NGINX as well. Kafka is communicating with filebeat. Is there any possible way that filebeat (with ssl) and kafka (without ssl) can communicate?
I mean is there any exception kind of thing that we can add in NGINX configuration?
There's not much benefit to using Nginx with Kafka beyond the initial client connection. In other words, yes, you can use stream directive, in theory, and point bootstrap.servers at it, but Kafka will return its advertised.listeners after that, and clients then bypass Nginx to communicate directly with individual brokers (including authentication)
Allow access to kafka via nginx

NGINX Forwarding a request

I have an NGINX Server set up, I'd like to take a request and forward it to another application on a TCP port.
Let's say I have the following JSON payload
"someKey1": 1234,
"someKey2": "a string"
This is sent inside query parameters like the following
Is there a way to forward that JSON payload to TCP port 1234 natively with NGINX?
Additionally, can I do any pre-processing of the above payload prior to it being forwarded to TCP port 1234. For example, I'd like to covert the above JSON to
someKey1=1234,someKey2="a string"
And then forward this data to TCP port 1234
I understang I'd have to create some sort of REST endpoint using something like springboot to do this, but I'd really like to try and accomplish the above natively with NGINX if possible.
Nginx's primary purpose is HTTP server/proxy.
It can be scripted via ngx_http_lua_module, but for your task it is much simpler to make an app/microservice that will listen HTTP and forward your custom protocol, or modify your app that listens mentioned port to understand HTTP.
When your endpoint talks HTTP - nginx can then be used for routing:
location /some_path/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1234/;
location /some_other_path/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1235/;
NGINX is simple web-server, which accepts HTTP requests and forwards them to configured location (may be application server, or any other web-server), and responds back on HTTP to the requester. Data can't be processed inside NGINX.
You can configure forwarding rules in default file under sites-available directory in NGINX installation directory.
Here is the nice tutorial of NGINX configuration which might help you.

Reverse proxy Elasticsearch transport port

In my environment, elasticsearch sits on a server that only has standard ports (80, 443, etc.) open. All the other ports are firewalled off. I currently have a reverse proxy on port 80 that reroutes all the elasticsearch HTTP requests to elasticsearch's http port.
I would also like to reroute TCP requests to elasticsearch's transport port, so that my local client can directly query elasticsearch as a client node. Nginx 1.9.0 recently allowed TCP load balancing, which is what I would like to utilize for this, but I'm having some trouble getting my system to work. Here is my nginx.conf file (removed the HTTP context to isolate the issue):
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
stream {
server {
listen 80;
My client node is set up to talk to, so it should ideally be routing all traffic to the internal transport port. However, I am getting a the following exceptions: org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available
Is there something else I need to configure on my client node or the tcp proxy?
Some additional information. I changed Elasticsearch's transport port from 9300 to 8030, which is a port that is open. When I correspondingly changed my nginx.conf to proxypass to my local client node started working, and got appropriate responses to my queries.
So the issue seems to be that if I'm proxy pass to an already open port, it works, but if the port is closed (9300), the proxy pass fails. Does anyone know why this would be and how to fix it? I'd prefer to stick to using port 9300 if possible.

nginx non http port redirection

Theres a server in a customer that runs a nginx, a salt master daemon from saltstack and a secret web app that does secret things.
In this scenario, theres only one ip, only one server and multiple DNS records available;
I have nginx running in port 80;
And salt master running in 6453;
A binding to that IP, exposing my nginx 80 port, that points to the secret webapp; binding to the same IP, exposing my nginx 80 port, that I want to use to proxy salt port.
That customer has a machine in other place, that does need to connect to the salt and the internet connection is provided by a secret organization and they only allow connections to port 80, no negotiation possible.
My question:
Is possible to use nginx to redirect the 80 port to the 6453 port? I tried the following:
server {
listen 80;
But that doesn't work as expected. It is possible? There's some way to do this using nginx?
The error I got from log was:
"proxy_pass" directive is not allowed here
proxy_pass needs to be specified within a location context, and is fundamentally a Web Thing. It only comes into play after the web headers are sent and interpreted.
Things like what you're trying to accomplish are commonly done using HAProxy in tcp mode, although there is a tcp proxy module that also does similar things.
However, I don't think you're going to be very successful, as ZMQ does not participate in the protocol (HTTP Host: headers) that easily allows you to tell the web requests apart from the non-web requests (that come in on the same port).
My recommendation is to either find some way to use another port for this, a second IP address, or write a tricky TCP proxier that'll identify incoming HTTP and/or ZMQ connections and transparently forward them to the correct local port.

How to use nginx or apache to process tcp inbound traffic and redirect to specific php processor?

This is the main idea, I want to use NGINX or Apache webservers as a tcp processor, so they manage all threads and connections and client sockets, all packets received from a port, lets say, port 9000 will be redirected to a program made on php or python, and that program will process each request, storing the data in a database. The big problem is also that this program needs to send data to the client or socket that is currently connecting to the NGINX or Apache server, I've been told that I should do something like this instead of creating my own TCP server, which is too difficult and is very hard to maintain since the socket communication with huge loads could lead in memory faults or even could crash down the server. I have done it before, and in fact the server crashed.
Any ideas how to achieve this ??
apache/ nginx is web server and could be used to provide static content service to your cusomter and forwarding the application service requests to other application servers.
i only knows about django and here is sample configuration of nginx from Configuration for Django, Apache and Nginx
location / {
# proxy / requests to apache running django on port 8081
proxy_redirect off;
location /media/ {
# serve static media directly from nginx
root /srv/anuva_project/www/;
expires 30d;
Based on this configuration, the nginx access local static data for url under /media/*
and forward requests to django server located at localhost port 8018.
I have the feeling HAProxy is certainly a tool better suited for your needs, which have to do with TCP and not HTTP apparently. You should at least give it a try.
