In my app we are getting ANR due to parser = new ConfigXmlParser(); attaching code snippe - mfp

We are using below code in our project
private ConfigXmlParser parser;`parser = new ConfigXmlParser();
public Boolean hasCordovaSplashscreen() {
ArrayList<PluginEntry> plugins = parser.getPluginEntries();
for (PluginEntry plugin : plugins) {
if (plugin.pluginClass.equals("org.apache.cordova.splashscreen.SplashScreen")) {
return true;
return false;


Detect jailbroken bypass in Xamarin forms

My Xamarin based iOS application should not run in jailbroken devices. This is due to a IS audit. I have implemented the jailbroken detect mechanism. But I cannot find a way to detect whether someone using a jailbroken bypass method like for example A-bypass, shadow tweaks. Anyone with these tweaks can easily by pass the jailbroken detect code.
This is the class I used,
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(CheckHardware))]
namespace CustApp.iOS
public class CheckHardware : IHardwareSecurity
public CheckHardware()
public bool IsJailBreaked()
if (isPath() || canCreateFile() || isOpenLink())
return true;
return false;
private bool isPath()
bool res = false;
List<string> pathList = new List<string>
foreach (var fullPath in pathList)
if (File.Exists(fullPath))
res = true;
return res;
private bool canCreateFile()
File.WriteAllText("/private/jailbreak.txt", "This is a test.");
return true;
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
return false;
private bool isOpenLink()
if (UIApplication.SharedApplication.CanOpenUrl(NSUrl.FromString("cydia://package/com.example.package")))
return true;
return false;
public bool IsInEmulator()
bool isSimulator = Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR;
return isSimulator;

ASP .NET MVC - how to change view when thread will finished

I want to make ActionResult with run a thread. When thread are running I will return View with loading but when thread finished the ActionResult return the another View
My code look like:
private static void ExecuteScrapper()
ScriptEngine pythonEngine = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptSource pythonScript = pythonEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/PythonScript/"));
var searchPath = pythonEngine.GetSearchPaths();
var result = pythonScript.Execute();
private ScrapperEnum.ScrapperOperations scraperParam;
private Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ExecuteScrapper));
public ActionResult RunScrapper(ScrapperEnum.ScrapperOperations operation)
scraperParam = operation;
bool run = false;
run = true;
return View("ScrapperLoadingView");
return RedirectToAction("Scrapper");
I don't know exactly how to do that, because when in this code I return ScrapperLoginView it will break while so the function don't switch the View
You just need to add an else if I'm correct
run = true;
return View("ScrapperLoadingView");
return RedirectToAction("Scrapper");

QR detection using ZXing with Vuforia in Unity

We have implemented the QR detection functionality using ZXing.dll in Unity 5.3.4f1 with Vuforia Unity SDK 5.5.9. We have a QR detection script on GameObject which remains active throughout the app and using below mentioned (QRScanner.cs) code ( as mentioned on Unity Zxing QR code scanner integration ).
We are also using Vuforia for image detection (50 image targets) in the same scene where QR detection is expected. The Vuforia plugin is getting enabled / disabled multiple times as per our requirement. Both the image and QR detection is working perfectly for us on Android and iOS devices until the app is in focus. Whenever VuforiaBehaviour gets disabled and enabled, QR detection stops working after that. QRScanner script always receives null data after the app is resumed or AR camera is reloaded. We have tried keeping our QR detection script on AR camera prefab and also tried
callbacks every time AR camera starts but with no success. The QR detection stops working completely after pausing Vuforia plugin for any reason.
Does anybody have any idea how to fix this issue?
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Vuforia;
using System.Threading;
using ZXing;
using ZXing.QrCode;
using ZXing.Common;
/* ///////////////// QR detection does not work in editor //////////////// */
public class QRScanner : MonoBehaviour
private bool cameraInitialized;
private BarcodeReader barCodeReader;
public AppManager camScript;
void Start()
barCodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
private IEnumerator InitializeCamera()
// Waiting a little seem to avoid the Vuforia's crashes.
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3f);
var isFrameFormatSet = CameraDevice.Instance.SetFrameFormat(Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB888, true);
Debug.Log(String.Format("FormatSet : {0}", isFrameFormatSet));
// Force autofocus.
// var isAutoFocus = CameraDevice.Instance.SetFocusMode(CameraDevice.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUSAUTO);
// if (!isAutoFocus)
// {
// CameraDevice.Instance.SetFocusMode(CameraDevice.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_NORMAL);
// }
// Debug.Log(String.Format("AutoFocus : {0}", isAutoFocus));
cameraInitialized = true;
private void Update()
if (cameraInitialized)
var cameraFeed = CameraDevice.Instance.GetCameraImage(Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB888);
if (cameraFeed == null)
var data = barCodeReader.Decode(cameraFeed.Pixels, cameraFeed.BufferWidth, cameraFeed.BufferHeight, RGBLuminanceSource.BitmapFormat.RGB24);
if (data != null)
// QRCode detected.
Application.OpenURL (data.Text); // our function to call and pass url as text
data = null; // clear data
Debug.Log("No QR code detected !");
catch (Exception e)
i have this problem to
but i fix that with place code on ARcam
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Vuforia;
public class CameraSettings : MonoBehaviour
private bool mVuforiaStarted = false;
private bool mAutofocusEnabled = true;
private bool mFlashTorchEnabled = false;
private CameraDevice.CameraDirection mActiveDirection = CameraDevice.CameraDirection.CAMERA_DEFAULT;
#endregion //PRIVATE_MEMBERS
void Start () {
Debug.Log("CameraSettings Start");
VuforiaAbstractBehaviour vuforia = FindObjectOfType<VuforiaAbstractBehaviour>();
VuforiaARController.Instance.RegisterTrackablesUpdatedCallback (OnTrack);
public bool IsFlashTorchEnabled()
return mFlashTorchEnabled;
public void SwitchFlashTorch(bool ON)
if (CameraDevice.Instance.SetFlashTorchMode(ON))
Debug.Log("Successfully turned flash " + ON);
mFlashTorchEnabled = ON;
Debug.Log("Failed to set the flash torch " + ON);
mFlashTorchEnabled = false;
public bool IsAutofocusEnabled()
return mAutofocusEnabled;
public void SwitchAutofocus(bool ON)
if (ON)
if (CameraDevice.Instance.SetFocusMode(CameraDevice.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUSAUTO))
Debug.Log("Successfully enabled continuous autofocus.");
mAutofocusEnabled = true;
// Fallback to normal focus mode
Debug.Log("Failed to enable continuous autofocus, switching to normal focus mode");
mAutofocusEnabled = false;
Debug.Log("Disabling continuous autofocus (enabling normal focus mode).");
mAutofocusEnabled = false;
public void TriggerAutofocusEvent()
// Trigger an autofocus event
// Then restore original focus mode
public void SelectCamera(CameraDevice.CameraDirection camDir)
if (RestartCamera (camDir))
mActiveDirection = camDir;
// Upon camera restart, flash is turned off
mFlashTorchEnabled = false;
public bool IsFrontCameraActive()
return (mActiveDirection == CameraDevice.CameraDirection.CAMERA_FRONT);
#endregion // PUBLIC_METHODS
private void OnTrack() {
//Debug.Log("CameraSettings OnTrack");
private void BgEventHandler() {
//Debug.Log("CameraSettings BgEventHandler");
private void OnVuforiaStarted() {
//Debug.Log("CameraSettings OnVuforiaStarted");
mVuforiaStarted = true;
// Try enabling continuous autofocus
//RestartCamera (CameraDevice.CameraDirection.CAMERA_DEFAULT);
private void OnPaused(bool paused) {
bool appResumed = !paused;
//Debug.Log("CameraSettings OnPaused");
if (appResumed && mVuforiaStarted)
// Restore original focus mode when app is resumed
if (mAutofocusEnabled)
// Set the torch flag to false on resume (cause the flash torch is switched off by the OS automatically)
mFlashTorchEnabled = false;
private IEnumerator RestoreOriginalFocusMode()
// Wait 1.5 seconds
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);
// Restore original focus mode
if (mAutofocusEnabled)
private bool RestartCamera(CameraDevice.CameraDirection direction)
ObjectTracker tracker = TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker<ObjectTracker>();
if (tracker != null)
if (!CameraDevice.Instance.Init(direction))
Debug.Log("Failed to init camera for direction: " + direction.ToString());
return false;
if (!CameraDevice.Instance.Start())
Debug.Log("Failed to start camera for direction: " + direction.ToString());
return false;
if (tracker != null)
if (!tracker.Start())
Debug.Log("Failed to restart the Tracker.");
return false;
return true;
#endregion // PRIVATE_METHODS

ASP.NET Bundling and Minification removing license comments? [duplicate]

I have found this link:
It shows how to do this same thing for JavaScript and I have used it to make an attempt for StyleBundles, but I'm unsure if it's doing things correctly on the backend.
Is the source code available? If not does anyone know if this seems right? All I want to keep is comments that start with /*! so that licenses for open source projects like normalize get included properly in production.
Here is what I have so far:
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
// Allows us to keep /*! comments for licensing purposes
var cssBundleSettings = new CssSettings
CommentMode = CssComment.Important
public class ConfigurableStyleBundle : Bundle
public ConfigurableStyleBundle(string virtualPath, CssSettings cssSettings) :
this(virtualPath, cssSettings, null) { }
public ConfigurableStyleBundle(string virtualPath, CssSettings cssSettings, string cdnPath) :
base(virtualPath, cdnPath, new[] { new ConfigurableCSSTransform(cssSettings) })
// commented out from js concatenation token not sure if this one should have one
//base.ConcatenationToken = ";";
public class ConfigurableCSSTransform : IBundleTransform
private readonly CssSettings _cssSettings;
public ConfigurableCSSTransform(CssSettings cssSettings)
_cssSettings = cssSettings;
public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
if (response == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("response");
if (!context.EnableInstrumentation)
var minifier = new Minifier();
var content = minifier.MinifyStyleSheet(response.Content, _cssSettings);
if (minifier.ErrorList.Count > 0)
GenerateErrorResponse(response, minifier.ErrorList);
response.Content = content;
response.ContentType = "text/css";
internal static void GenerateErrorResponse(BundleResponse bundle, IEnumerable<object> errors)
var content = new StringBuilder();
content.Append("/* ");
content.Append("CSS MinifyError").Append("\r\n");
foreach (object current in errors)
content.Append(" */\r\n");
bundle.Content = content.ToString();
All of this is wrapped in public class BundleConfig and gets called from Global.asax.
I'm just wondering if CssComment.Important could have negative effects and remove too much and if this seems to be doing what I want it to? When I have tested it everything seems to look correct styling wise, but it doesn't hurt to get some eyes seeing as this is probably useful for a lot of other ASP.NET devs who use open source libraries.
I don't think you've done anything incorrectly. Though I would approach it using the IBundleBuilder interface, as this will also keep regular comments out of production from prying eyes who switch user agent, like specified in How to prevent User-Agent: Eureka/1 to return source code. I show some steps on how to test against this in this related blog post.
public class ConfigurableStyleBuilder : IBundleBuilder
public virtual string BuildBundleContent(Bundle bundle, BundleContext context, IEnumerable<BundleFile> files)
var content = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var file in files)
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(file.VirtualFile.VirtualPath));
CssSettings settings = new CssSettings();
settings.CommentMode = Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.CssComment.Important;
var minifier = new Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.Minifier();
string readFile = Read(f);
string res = minifier.MinifyStyleSheet(readFile, settings);
if (minifier.ErrorList.Count > 0)
res = PrependErrors(readFile, minifier.ErrorList);
content.Insert(0, res);
return content.ToString();
private string PrependErrors(string file, ICollection<ContextError> errors )
var content = new StringBuilder();
content.Append("/* ");
content.Append("CSS MinifyError").Append("\r\n");
foreach (object current in errors)
content.Append("Minify Error */\r\n");
return content.ToString();
private string Read(FileInfo file)
using (var r = file.OpenText())
return r.ReadToEnd();
public class BundleConfig
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
var cssBundle = new ConfigurableStyleBundle("~/Content/css");
I made a NuGet package for this (including a version for scripts) -

How can i use engine object in my console application

"How can i use engine in my console application"
I shouldn't use the ITemplate-interface and Transform-Method.
I am using Tridion 2011
Could anyone please suggest me.
You can't. The Engine class is part of the TOM.NET and that API is explicitly reserved for use in:
Template Building Blocks
Event Handlers
For all other cases (such as console applications) you should use the Core Service.
There are many good questions (and articles on other web sites) already:
If you get stuck along the way, show us the relevant code+configuration you have and what error message your get (or at what step you are stuck) and we'll try to help from there.
From a console application you should use the Core Service. I wrote a small example using the Core Service to search for items in the content manager.
var fullTextQuery = Console.ReadLine();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullTextQuery) || fullTextQuery.Equals(":q", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Console.WriteLine("SearchIn IdRef:");
var searchInIdRef = Console.ReadLine();
var queryData = new SearchQueryData
FullTextQuery = fullTextQuery,
SearchIn = new LinkToIdentifiableObjectData
IdRef = searchInIdRef
var results = coreServiceClient.GetSearchResults(queryData);
results.ToList().ForEach(result => Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", result.Title, result.Id));
Add a reference to Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client to your Visual Studio Project.
Code of the Core Service Client Provider:
public interface ICoreServiceProvider
CoreServiceClient GetCoreServiceClient();
public class CoreServiceDefaultProvider : ICoreServiceProvider
private CoreServiceClient _client;
public CoreServiceClient GetCoreServiceClient()
return _client ?? (_client = new CoreServiceClient());
And the client itself:
public class CoreServiceClient : IDisposable
public SessionAwareCoreServiceClient ProxyClient;
private const string DefaultEndpointName = "netTcp_2011";
public CoreServiceClient(string endPointName)
throw new ArgumentNullException("endPointName", "EndPointName is not specified.");
ProxyClient = new SessionAwareCoreServiceClient(endPointName);
public CoreServiceClient() : this(DefaultEndpointName) { }
public string GetApiVersionNumber()
return ProxyClient.GetApiVersion();
public IdentifiableObjectData[] GetSearchResults(SearchQueryData filter)
return ProxyClient.GetSearchResults(filter);
public IdentifiableObjectData Read(string id)
return ProxyClient.Read(id, new ReadOptions());
public ApplicationData ReadApplicationData(string subjectId, string applicationId)
return ProxyClient.ReadApplicationData(subjectId, applicationId);
public void Dispose()
if (ProxyClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
When you want to perform CRUD actions through the core service you can implement the following methods in the client:
public IdentifiableObjectData CreateItem(IdentifiableObjectData data)
data = ProxyClient.Create(data, new ReadOptions());
return data;
public IdentifiableObjectData UpdateItem(IdentifiableObjectData data)
data = ProxyClient.Update(data, new ReadOptions());
return data;
public IdentifiableObjectData ReadItem(string id)
return ProxyClient.Read(id, new ReadOptions());
To construct a data object of e.g. a Component you can implement a Component Builder class that implements a create method that does this for you:
public ComponentData Create(string folderUri, string title, string content)
var data = new ComponentData()
Id = "tcm:0-0-0",
Title = title,
Content = content,
LocationInfo = new LocationInfo()
data.LocationInfo.OrganizationalItem = new LinkToOrganizationalItemData
IdRef = folderUri
using (CoreServiceClient client = provider.GetCoreServiceClient())
data = (ComponentData)client.CreateItem(data);
return data;
Hope this gets you started.
