I use Gluon JavaFX to write mobile app.
Is there a way to retrieve user's contact list?
One of the requirements i have is to scan a barcode which is a built in feature in most modern phones. Thus, i just need to launch the camera app.
Is there a way to do that?
Using xamarin forms, is it possible to create an app that connects/disconnects to a wifi AP ? I am trying to avoid creating an iOS and Android project since my UI requirements are pretty simple.
I know it's bad to share links but here
I have written my mobile app in Xamarin.Forms and it works great in iOS and Android. My users are wanting to me to integrate a Flic button into the program. Flic is a bluetooth button that allows integration into your app. Click once and something in your app can happen. Click twice ... click and hold ... etc.
The sdk for Flic is quite good but they limit examples and information to just "raw" Android or iOS. Can anyone suggest how to integrate the sdk/dll files into xamarin.forms? I don't know much about bindings, etc.
how to integrate the sdk/dll files into xamarin.forms?
Fortunately, someone has already done it.You can add the binding library of iOS and Android from Nuget.
You can implement the method in iOS and Android .Then use the dependency service to call the method in forms.
If you want to learn more about how to bind native library or package in iOS and Android.
You can refer to iOS Document and Android Document.
I created iOS and Android app in the same project, however, I found the analytics data are not combined into a single dashboard view. I noticed the demo project support this functionality, how to do this?
I have a mobile apps that i applied my google analytics track IDs but when i create the google analytics app profiles i initially choose web app instead of mobile app. while exploring around the settings, I could not find a switch to convert it into mobile app. I have more than 10 app with different google analytics track id, so i don't think creating new profile is great solution, there might be switch to change it to mobile app.
Someone out there might have encounter this situation. please help.
What i did to solved this was create a new App, same name with the web one, then set it to mobile and then delete the web app.
The accepted answer is actually the incorrect. Specially if you have a existing web profile which as lots of historical data. Here is how to solve this by keeping your existing web property.
You add a profile view on your existing Web Property which can be a Mobile Ap Profile. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009714?hl=en
The big clue came from this Upgrade to Universal Analytics post https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/reference/mobile-sdk
"To get access to new app reports and features, you will need to upgrade to v2.x or higher of the SDK and create at least one app view (profile) in your reports to view the data. Any new data sent from your app will only be available in this new app view (profile), while your old data will continue to be available in the original web view (profile). Learn more about the latest version of the SDK for Android or iOS."
There is currently no way to change the type of tracking after the profile is created. You will have to create new profile IDs and update the apps.