Large number of SYN - RST-ACK - tcp

The below screenshot shows the relevant packets I am analysing on my laptop. I am confused as to why source port number is increasing by 1. And also I am not sure what and why this large number of SYC/RSTs are coming from.
wireshark print screen

Port 9229 is the default node.js debugging port.
When you open DevTools in your browser, it automatically starts trying to connect to port 9229. If you are not running a node debug server then the debugger client fails to form a TCP connection.
The large number of [SYN] / [RST, ACK] packets are basically the debugging client trying to connect. For each new connection request, the browser requests from a new port increasing it by 1.
In a TCP connection, the [RST] flag is set to reset the connection. It indicates that the receiver should delete the connection without further interaction (source: TCP RFC). Here, the [RST] flag signifies that port 9229 is not accepting any TCP connections.
You can fix it by closing all the DevTools windows in your browser.
You can also try to run a simple HTTP server in node with the command node --inspect server.js and then launch the DevTool window to check that these [RST, ACK] packets are gone and the DevTools window has a made a successful TCP connection.


TCP Retransmission after Reset RST flag

I have around 20 clients communicating together with a central server in the same LAN. The clients can make transaction simultaneously with the server. The server forward each transaction to external appliance in the network. Sometimes it works, sometimes my application shows a "time out" message in a client screen (randomly)
I mirrored all traffic and found TCP Retransmission after TCP Reset packets for the first TCP Sequence. I immediately thought about packet loss but all my cables/NIC are fine, and I do not see DUP ACK in the capture.
It seems that RST packets may have different significations.
What causes those TCP Reset?
Where should I focus my investigation: network or application design ?
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
Judging by the capture, I assume your central server is What's happening is the clients are initiating a connection to the server with a SYN packet and the server responds with a RST. This is typical if the server has no application listening on that particular port e.g. the webserver application isn't running and a client tries to connect to port 80.
The clients are all connecting to different ports on the server, which is unusual for an central server, but not unheard of. The destination ports the clients are connecting to on the server are: 11007, 11012, 11014, 11108, and 11115. Is that normal for the application? If not, the clients should be connecting to whatever port the application server is listening on.
The reason for the retransmits is that instead of giving up on the connection upon receiving a RST from the server, the client tries to initiate the connection again so Wireshark considers it a retransmission.

tcp connection never establishes

to undestand how tcp/ip works i'we wrote my implementation of the tcp/ip stack, i can successfully get IP address from DHCP server, can ping, but can't get TCP to work.i'm trying to connect to port 80 on microcontroller with MII PHY using chrome browser on win8. my log can be downloaded by link
for my knowledge of how TCP packet should look... tcp SYN/ACK responce is correct, wireshark colored it as green,but anyway i think the issue appearing when i'm composing tcp SYN/ACK packet, can anybody check whats wrong? the packet looks OK, all field correctly filled.
littlebit offtopic - browser always sends packets with corrupted checksum is it normal, trouble with win8 or chrome browser?

what does this wireshark info refer to

I am new to wireshark and to networking in general, but I am monitoring the traffic of my application and I can filter on it so I can see when it is actively transfering data that it is supposed to with the server but wireshark shows this:
protocol = TCP
length = 54
info = 56705 > ms-wbt-server [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=61 Win=252 Len=0
being fired every second from my app to my app server. Why does my application keep sending these packets every second?
It is a c# .net app if that is of any assistance.
It's a TCP keepalive packet, containing no data but with the ACK flag set. Just tells the other end you are still there, and keeps the connection open.
There's a good overview here:
ms-wbt-server is port 3389, and is used for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), do you have a remote desktop connection open to your server by any chance?

firefox ipv6 connection failed while tcp layer connected

I am trying to connect to an http server via IPv6 link-local address from Windows xp sp3 with firefox 6.
Although connecting by IPv4 address of serve worked well, IPv6 failed with connection failed error.
By Wireshark, the sequence is observed as:
direction protocol port transmission
1. client -> server: tcp 1061-> 80 [syn]
2. server -> client: tcp 80->1061 [syn, ack]
3. client -> server: tcp 1061->80 [ack]
4. client -> server: http [get /]
5. server -> client: http [200 OK]
In the 5th transmission, requested html file is included.
But the browser shows connection failed.
It seems tcp layer received the messages and cannot deliver it to http layer or browser.
I disabled firewall, and the result is the same.
Can someone give a clue or hint to pursue.
Thank you.
I suspect that it's not the whole response in packet 5.
Usually problems like this are caused by broken Path MTU Discovery. If there is a tunnel in the path then the MTU is probably smaller than 1500 bytes, i.e. 1480 bytes. All the packes that are smaller than 1480 bytes get through. When the server sends a 1500 byte packet it will be too big for the tunnel. The tunnel router sends back a Packet-too-big ICMP error, and the server sends the data in 1480-byte chunks. If the ICMP error is never generated or a firewall blocks the ICMP packet then the server never learns that it should send smaller packets, it keeps sending large packets, and they never arrive...
Most of the time such problems are caused by misconfiured firewalls. Sometimes it's broken hardware or software.

How do I interpret 'netstat -a' output

Some things look strange to me:
What is the distinction between,, and [::]?
How should each part of the foreign address be read (part1:part2)?
What does a state Time_Wait, Close_Wait mean?
Could someone give a quick overview of how to interpret these results? usually refers to stuff listening on all interfaces. = localhost (only your local interface)
I'm not sure about [::]
TIME_WAIT means both sides have agreed to close and TCP
must now wait a prescribed time before taking the connection
CLOSE_WAIT means the remote system has finished sending
and your system has yet to say it's finished.
I understand the answer has been accepted but here is some additional information:
If it says on the Local Address column, it means that port is listening on all 'network interfaces' (i.e. your computer, your modem(s) and your network card(s)).
If it says on the Local Address column, it means that port is ONLY listening for connections from your PC itself, not from the Internet or network. No danger there.
If it displays your online IP on the Local Address column, it means that port is ONLY listening for connections from the Internet.
If it displays your local network IP on the Local Address column, it means that port is ONLY listening for connections from the local network.
Foreign Address - The IP address and port number of the remote computer to which the socket is connected. The names that corresponds to the IP address and the port are shown unless the -n parameter is specified. If the port is not yet established, the port number is shown as an asterisk (*). (from wikipedia)
What is the distinction between,, and [::]? indicates something that is listening on all interfaces on the machine. indicates your own machine.
[::] is the IPv6 version of
My machine also shows *:\* for UDP which shows that UDP connections don't really have a foreign address - they receive packets from any where. That is the nature of UDP.
How should each part of the foreign address be read (part1:part2)?
part1 is the hostname or IP addresspart2 is the port is your loopback address also known as 'localhost' if set in your HOSTS file. See here for more info: means that an app has bound to all ip addresses using a specific port. MS info here:;en-us;175952
'::' is ipv6 shorthand for ipv4
Send-Q is the amount of data sent by the application, but not yet acknowledged by the other side of the socket.
Recv-Q is the amount of data received from the NIC, but not yet consumed by the application.
Both of these queues reside in kernel memory.
There are guides to help you tweak these kernel buffers, if you are so inclined. Although, you may find the default params do quite well.
This link has helped me a lot to interpret netstat -a
A copy from there -
TCP Connection States
Following is a brief explanation of this handshake. In this context the "client" is the peer requesting a connection and the "server" is the peer accepting a connection. Note that this notation does not reflect Client/Server relationships as an architectural principal.
Connection Establishment
The client sends a SYN message which contains the server's port and the client's Initial Sequence Number (ISN) to the server (active open).
The server sends back its own SYN and ACK (which consists of the client's ISN + 1).
The Client sends an ACK (which consists of the server's ISN + 1).
Connection Tear-down (modified three way handshake).
The client sends a FIN (active close). This is a now a half-closed connection. The client no longer sends data, but is still able to receive data from the server. Upon receiving this FIN, the server enters a passive close state.
The server sends an ACK (which is the clients FIN sequence + 1)
The server sends its own FIN.
The client sends an ACK (which is server's FIN sequence + 1). Upon receiving this ACK, the server closes the connection.
A half-closed connection can be used to terminate sending data while sill receiving data. Socket applications can call shutdown with the second argument set to 1 to enter this state.
State explanations as shown in Netstat:
State Explanation
SYN_SEND Indicates active open.
SYN_RECEIVED Server just received SYN from the client.
ESTABLISHED Client received server's SYN and session is established.
LISTEN Server is ready to accept connection.
NOTE: See documentation for listen() socket call. TCP sockets in listening state are not shown - this is a limitation of NETSTAT. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
134404  NETSTAT.EXE Does Not Show TCP Listen Sockets
FIN_WAIT_1 Indicates active close.
TIMED_WAIT Client enters this state after active close.
CLOSE_WAIT Indicates passive close. Server just received first FIN from a client.
FIN_WAIT_2 Client just received acknowledgment of its first FIN from the server.
LAST_ACK Server is in this state when it sends its own FIN.
CLOSED Server received ACK from client and connection is closed.
For those seeing [::] in their netstat output, I'm betting your machine is running IPv6; that would be equivalent to, i.e. listen on any IPv6 address.
