tcp connection never establishes - tcp

to undestand how tcp/ip works i'we wrote my implementation of the tcp/ip stack, i can successfully get IP address from DHCP server, can ping, but can't get TCP to work.i'm trying to connect to port 80 on microcontroller with MII PHY using chrome browser on win8. my log can be downloaded by link
for my knowledge of how TCP packet should look... tcp SYN/ACK responce is correct, wireshark colored it as green,but anyway i think the issue appearing when i'm composing tcp SYN/ACK packet, can anybody check whats wrong? the packet looks OK, all field correctly filled.
littlebit offtopic - browser always sends packets with corrupted checksum is it normal, trouble with win8 or chrome browser?


How can I prevent Windows10 from sending a TCP RST to a particular IP nad PORT?

I have been analyzing packets sent out from my IP to a game server.
The connection to the server was getting reset for some reason and after packet capture, I could see that there are TCP RST packets sent at the time of the disconnection.
I have tried to use advance firewall to specifically only restrict the TCP RST packets to the game server to see if that will prevent this disconnection. However I am unable to specify the flag level details in the rules.
How can I accomplish this configuration?
Is there any third party firewall that can do this?
Thank you

Wireshark doesnt show UDP packets

I have checked this UDP packets not displayed in Wireshark and this UDP Packet not captured by Wireshark, but is captured by UDP application , but couldnt solve my issue.
I am using Wireshark to observe traffic on an adapter I have connected to some network device- no other traffic than the one I issue is there.
Then I am using Packet Sender application to send a UDP packet to an IP address I know is on the other side of the adapter (i.e. I am, the other device is
I can correctly ping the other device and ICMP packets are visible in Wireshark. I can sent TCP or SSL packets and see them in Wireshark. Whenever I send UDP packet, it is not seen in Wireshark- I cannot figure out why. All my settings are default ones.
The other thing I suspect that the UDP packet is not sent by the Packet Sender application, but I am not sure how to validate that.
The case was not about Wireshark, but about Packet sender. Binding the IP address as described here solved my problem:

Unable to capture a UDP protocol packet with Wireshark by visiting any website

I am using wireshark, and for an exercise we need to capture a UDP packet with wireshark by visiting any website, and then analyze the information within that packet.
I have tried numerous times and all websites appear to send packets with TCP protocol. I have looked at Wireshark documentation, as well as looked online and am stumped.
What am I doing wrong, and how can I get a UDP packet by visiting a website?
Thats the main question. A side question is: how do I filter the captured packets to only those packets referring to requests and responses from websites over the network? Currently there appear to be a bunch of low-level captured packets that I need to scroll through.
Thanks in advance!
Because websockets/HTTP is over TCP.
And in Wireshark,if you are intending to see packets corresponding to a particular client/server, click on the packet and do "Follow TCP/UDP stream"
You will never see a UDP packet in a WEB connection. Never never never. The Web's connection is in HTTP protocol and HTTP is encapsulated in TCP.
If you need see UDP packets en wireshark you can generate UDP sockets from your host. You can:
Make a connection with a TFTP server.
Renew your IP you will see the DHCP protocol.
You search, what protocols are encapsulated in UDP and use it.
Make a program with UDP sokects.

What happens when we send a random byte via UDP to an opened TCP port at another machine?

What happens when we send a random byte via UDP to an opened TCP port at another machine? Does received PC turns back to sender with any byte or bytes? Also what happens when we try to send a packet to a non opened TCP port at another PC?
The operation you describe is impossible. You can't send a UDP datagram to a TCP port at all, whether . Ergo nothing can possibly happen.
Open and closed has nothing to do with it, and neither does local or remote.

TCP handshaking through router

I'm connecting an embedded device to a remote server via TCP/IP using HTTP. I have two layers of routers, and am having issues connecting to the remote server if both layers are in place. My upper most router is 10.0.0.X, and my lower (local) router is 192.168.1.X.
If I bypass the 192.168.1.X router, and put my device and laptop on a hub connected to the 10.0.0.X router, my device completes the handshaking sequence to the server correctly. I see my SYN go out, the server responds with a SYN/ACK, to which I respond with an ACK. HTTP takes over from there.
If I plug my device and laptop into the 192.168.1.X router, and plug this router into the 10.0.0.X router, then I still see my SYN request go out, but I get no response from the server.
It seems to me that my 192.168.1.X router is blocking either my request from leaving, or the response from getting back in. I checked the (192) router settings, and the firewall is off (wide open).
I have Wireshark available on my laptop, and have considered sniffing the other side of the 192 router, but I don't know if I can the traffic, since I would expect the 10.0.0.X router won't pass them back down to other ports, even if they're there.
My questions:
Any ideas how I can debug this to see where the breakdown is occurring? Will Wireshark pick up those packets if the laptop is connected to another port on the router?
Why would one router pass the packets in both directions, while the other is blocking them one way or the other? It seems if I can answer this philosophical question, I might be able to deduce the real problem.
