How to download an image from url to use in ILLUSTRATOR scripting (ExtendScript Toolkit) - adobe

To place an image into Adobe Illustrator using the ExtendScript Toolkit is well documented:
var placedItem = doc.placedItems.add();
placedItem.file = new File("~/Desktop/xxx.jpg");
placedItem.position = [100,370];
Does anyone know how to place an image from URL into Adobe Illustrator. For example:
In Photoshop one can use app.system(curl -o .....) as explanined here (How to download an image from url to use in Photoshop scripting (ExtendScript Toolkit)). But in Illustrator app.system() seems not to be available. Maybe do.script() is the right way to go but did not figure out how so far....

JSXGetURL is meant to work with any Adobe Creative Cloud application that has ExtendScript support – InDesign, InDesign Server, InCopy, Illustrator, Photoshop…
JSXGetURL is implemented as an ExtendScript DLL/framework, written in C/C++.
This DLL allows you to access URLs (including https: or ftp:) straight from ExtendScript.
There is nothing to install – all you need to do is //#include a .jsx file which then loads the DLL.
Disclosure: I am the author of JSXGetURL.


Display CHM file in JavaFX app

Is there a way to display Compiled Help manual CHM in a javaFX app, without using java.awt.Desktop from AWT ?
Calling A CHM reader using Runtime.getRuntime().exec(help.chm) is an option, but to make it cross platform, this would require every user in mac, win and linux to have a CHM reader installed.
What's the best option for a cross platform solution ? should I extract it to HTML and display it in javafx.scene.web.WebView ?
Given your wish to be platform independent, I'd advise to go to the HTML route as you yourself suggested. I don't know your reason for converting CHM to HTML if you also control the source, in that case I'd either use HTML directly or markdown to HTML.
You should try this. It's works for me!

Spotify Preview API CSS Resources

I can't see a reference to the api.css, adam.css and eve.css files in the Preview API, nor can I find any reference to the buttons and icons they would like the app to use.
Is there a page I'm missing?
I've tried:
Here and here
(incompatible with Preview API)
There is also this but it doesn't provide much help (other than help to decode the horrific JSDoc site)
The monolithic api.css file have been split into separated stylesheets, each of them corresponding to a certain views module. Thus, you only need to include the CSS files for the modules you use.
Right now, these are the files:
You can see them in action in the Views tutorial preview, and some of them are also used in the Apps Tutorial on GitHub.

Using PDF In .Net App

Can someone point me to some code/tutorial on how to upload pdf files and store them, then moreover how to use a pdf reader to display the file as read only in an application.
Is there a PDF reader already in the visual studio toolbox?
The approach I would use in this situation is to upload the PDF as you would any other file, then use a tool like GhostScript to convert the PDF pages into image files that you can show in ASP .Net.
Here's a tutorial doing that in C#
Adobe provides (on a free service which provides you with the ability to upload pdf (and also other types like doc...) and then embed a nice flash interface for displaying the files on your page.
It's pretty helpful as you can store some 5 gigs of files here.
But if you want to let the users upload their own files then this won't help you.
PDF is a final format file, ie its is read-only for the most part and can be embedded into the page via the <object> tag, except if you mean downloadable by the user.
Displaying PDF is generally done by rasterising to an image format for display (ie as an image on the page or via a richer interface (with zooming etc) through flash/silverlight etc.
You can use [GhostScript][1] to interpret PDF files and convert them to an image.
[1]: http://www.GhostScript .com
Uploading a PDF is just like any other file. Use the ASP.NET file uploader control:
In order to view the PDF in an ASP.NET application, you could either depend on Acrobat being there or use a PDF Viewer control.
The company I work for, Atalasoft, sells a PDF Reader add-on to our web viewer controls. You can learn more here:

java tomcat: what library should i use to convert images to jpg and create thumbnails on-the-fly?

I have a form that accepts image file, i want to be able to convert this image from any common format to jpg and to create a thumbnail. what's the recommended method to achieve such a thing?
Working with latest apache-tomcat on a gentoo linux server.
Imagemagick is a pretty solid library that a lot of people use for such a purpose.

Bitmap image are visible in Qt Designer but I can't see them after compiling in QDevelop IDE

In qt-designer I loaded bitmap images and in preview I am able to view the images. But after compiling in qdevelop IDE, I could not see the images at all.
Is there any procedure to load the bitmaps in to qdevelop.
Thanks in advance
I think you'll be wanting to add the bitmaps to a resource file, using Qt's resource system, if you want to be able to use them in Designer and also have them work in your compiled application correctly. I've not used it, but the examples look fairly straightforward, and it appears QDevelop supports the resource system to some extent.
Have you configured Qt to use required images plugins?
[-no-gif] [-qt-gif] [-no-libtiff] [-system-libtiff] [-no-libpng] [-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-no-libmng] [-qt-libmng] [-system-libmng] [-no-libjpeg] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg]
