Converting string to chemical formula - formula

convert a string "C11H15NO3" into chemical formula in Nuxt Js
var string = 'C11H15NO3',
result = string
.map((s, i) => i % 2 ? `<sub>${s}</sub>` : s)
Out Put :
But I need out put like : C11H15NO3

That is just the output of console.log() because it is still just a string. If you write to the document it will load into the DOM and render as html.
var string = 'C11H15NO3',
result = string
.map((s, i) => i % 2 ? `<sub>${s}</sub>` : s)


After encoding UTF-16, the string is broken if I want to use in iTextSharp

Firstly I am getting some informations from a text file, later these informations are added to pdf files' meta data. In the "Producer" section an error was occured about Turkish characters as ğ, ş. And I solved the problem via using UTF-16 like this:
write.Info.Put(new PdfName("Producer"), new PdfString("Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (AÜHFD), C.59, S.2, y.2010, s.309-334.", "UTF-16"));
Here is the screenshot:
Then, I am getting all pdf files with foreach loop and reading meta data and insert into SQLite database file. The problem occurs right here. Because when I want to get from pdf file and set to database file UTF-16 encoded string (Producer data), it arises strange characters like this:
I don't understand, why it occurs error.
EDIT: Here is my all codes. The following codes get meta data from text file and insert pdf files' meta meta section:
var articles = Directory.GetFiles(FILE_PATH, "*.pdf");
foreach (var article in articles)
var file_name = Path.GetFileName(article);
var read = new PdfReader(article);
var size = read.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1);
var doc = new Document(size);
var write = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(TEMP_PATH + file_name, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
// Article file names like, 1.pdf, 2.pdf, 3.pdf....
// article_meta_data.txt file content like this:
//1#Article 1 Tag Number#Article 1 first - last page number#Article 1 Title#Article 1 Author#Article 1 Subject#Article 1 Keywords
//2#Article 2 Tag Number#Article 2 first - last page number#Article 2 Title#Article 2 Author#Article 2 Subject#Article 2 Keywords
//3#Article 3 Tag Number#Article 3 first - last page number#Article 3 Title#Article 3 Author#Article 3 Subject#Article 3 Keywords
var pdf_file_name = Convert.ToInt32(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(article)) - 1;
var line = File.ReadAllLines(FILE_PATH + #"article_meta_data.txt");
var info = line[pdf_file_name].Split('#');
var producer = Kunye(info); // It returns like: Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (AÜHFD), C.59, S.2, y.2010, s.309-334.
var keywords = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info[6]) ? "" : info[6];
write.Info.Put(new PdfName("Producer"), new PdfString(producer, "UTF-16"));
var cb = write.DirectContent;
for (var page_number = 1; page_number <= read.NumberOfPages; page_number++)
var page = write.GetImportedPage(read, page_number);
cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, 0);
File.Move(TEMP_PATH + file_name, FILE_PATH + file_name);
And the following codes get data from files and insert SQLite database file. For database operation, I am using Devart - dotConnect for SQLite.
var files = Directory.GetFiles(FILE_PATH, "*.pdf");
var connection = new Linq2SQLiteDataContext();
var i = 1;
foreach (var file in files)
var read = new PdfReader(file);
var title = read.Info["Title"].Trim();
var author = read.Info["Author"].Trim();
var producer = read.Info["Producer"].Trim();
var file_name = Path.GetFileName(file)?.Trim();
var subject = read.Info["Subject"].Trim();
var keywords = read.Info["Keywords"].Trim();
var art = new article
id = i,
title = (title.Length > 255) ? title.Substring(0, 255) : title,
author = (author.Length > 100) ? author.Substring(0, 100) : author,
producer = (producer.Length > 255) ? producer.Substring(0, 255) : producer,
filename = file_name != null && (file_name.Length > 50) ? file_name.Substring(0, 50) : file_name,
subject = (subject.Length > 50) ? subject.Substring(0, 50) : subject,
keywords = (keywords.Length > 500) ? keywords.Substring(0, 500) : keywords,
createdate = File.GetCreationTime(file),
update = File.GetLastWriteTime(file)
Instead of:
new PdfString(producer, "UTF-16")
new PdfString(producer, PdfString.TEXT_UNICODE)
UTF-16 is a specific way to store Unicode values but you don't need to worry about that, iText will take care of everything for you.

dealing with a null date field

I have a date field on an XPage, this control may contain a date or be blank. In a repeat control I have this code:
var doc:NotesDocument = detailData.getDocument();
var sDate = doc.getItemValue("ACAutoStart");
return "Start Date = " + sDate
If ACAutoStart contains a date then it is displayed as [10/10/2013 12:34:15 AM MDT] if it is blank it displays as []. As I understand it the [] indicates that the result is an array but if I try using sDate[0] there is an error. I can't use getItemValueDateTime as it does not like the null return. How do I get this into a simple string value?
Replace your last line with return "Start Date = " + sDate.firstElement().
doc.getItemValue() returns an object of class java.util.Vector. As it is not an Array you get the first element with firstElement() instead of [0] .
As you mentioned in your comment it has to work also for empty values and you added try:
var sDate = "";
try {sDate = doc.getItemValue("ACAutoStart").firstElement()} catch (e) {};
return "Start Date = " + sDate
...just as another way (returns converted NotesDateTime to Date):
function getJavaDateData(doc:NotesDocument, field:string)
var item:NotesItem = doc.getFirstItem(field);
if (item != null){
var dt:NotesDateTime = item.getDateTimeValue();
if (dt != null){
return dt.toJavaDate();
return null;
Off-course need to be adapted for your logic...

StoreRequestParameters,get the values issue

on the web service side I am applying
StoreRequestParameters parameters = new StoreRequestParameters(this.Context);
string condition= parameters.GridFilters.ToString();
//I ma sending this to the methot "List<Ks> Get(....)"
to get the gridfilter parameters.
inside the other methot ,trying to get the selected gridfilters values like this.
public List<Ks> Get(int start, int limit, string sort, string terssiralama, string condition, out int totalrow)
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(condition);
foreach (FilterCondition cnd in fc.Conditions)
Comparison comparison = cnd.Comparison;
string fi = cnd.Field;
FilterType type = cnd.Type;
switch (cnd.Type)
case FilterType.Date:
switch (comparison)
case Comparison.Eq:
field1 = cnd.Field;
cmp1 = "=";
value1 = cnd.Value<string>();
but I failed getting the values like this
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(condition);
I couldnt pass the string values .
should I serializes or deserilized first ?
StoreRequestParameters parameters = new StoreRequestParameters(this.Context);
instead of using this, string condition= parameters.GridFilters.ToString();
I use this
string obj = this.Context.Request["filter"];
and pass it to the
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(obj);
It can be reach all filter condition in fc filtercondition variable.

How can I GetFiles only of 2 types?

string[] arrFileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(MapPath("..\\Pictures\\"), "*.jpg", "*.png");
The closest match to the overloaded method System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (string, string, System.IO.SearchOption) has some invalid arguments
You try below code using linqu:-
var files = Directory.GetFiles(MapPath("..\\Pictures\\"), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.Where(s => s.EndsWith(".jpg") || s.EndsWith(".png"));
try the following.......get data in two array and merge them
string[] array1 = Directory.GetFiles(#"C:\", "*.jpg");
string[] array2 = Directory.GetFiles(#"C:\", "*.png");
string[] newArray = new string[array1.Length + array2.Length];
Array.Copy(array1, newArray, array1.Length);
Array.Copy(array2, 0, newArray, array1.Length, array2.Length);

Action Script 3.0 : How to extract two value from string.?

I have a URL
var str:String = "conn=rtmp://"
var str:String = "fileId=myfile.flv&conn=rtmp://"
The str might be like this, But i need to get the value of "conn" and "fileId" from the string.
how can i write a function for that.
I'm guessing that you're having trouble with the second '=' in the string. Fortunatly, ActionScript's String.Split method supports splitting on strings, so the following code should work:
var str:String = "conn=rtmp://";
var conn:String = (str + "&").Split("conn=")[1].Split("&")[0];
var str:String = "fileId=myfile.flv&conn=rtmp://";
var fileId:String = (str + "&").Split("fileId=")[1].Split("&")[0];
Note: I'm appending a & to the string, in case the string didn't contain any url parameters beyond the one we're looking for.
var str:String = "fileId=myfile.flv&conn=rtmp://"
var fa:Array = str.split("&");
for(var i:uint=0;i<fa.length;i++)
fa[i] = fa[i].split('=');
That's how the "fa" variable be in the end:
fa =
var url:String = "fileId=myfile.flv&conn=rtmp://";
var strArray:Array = url.split(/=/);
trace(strArray[0]) //Just to test
returns an array, with the word 'conn or fileid' in index 0 - 2 (anything even), alternatives of 1, 3 is the information within.
Or was it something else you needed?
