on the web service side I am applying
StoreRequestParameters parameters = new StoreRequestParameters(this.Context);
string condition= parameters.GridFilters.ToString();
//I ma sending this to the methot "List<Ks> Get(....)"
to get the gridfilter parameters.
inside the other methot ,trying to get the selected gridfilters values like this.
public List<Ks> Get(int start, int limit, string sort, string terssiralama, string condition, out int totalrow)
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(condition);
foreach (FilterCondition cnd in fc.Conditions)
Comparison comparison = cnd.Comparison;
string fi = cnd.Field;
FilterType type = cnd.Type;
switch (cnd.Type)
case FilterType.Date:
switch (comparison)
case Comparison.Eq:
field1 = cnd.Field;
cmp1 = "=";
value1 = cnd.Value<string>();
but I failed getting the values like this
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(condition);
I couldnt pass the string values .
should I serializes or deserilized first ?
StoreRequestParameters parameters = new StoreRequestParameters(this.Context);
instead of using this, string condition= parameters.GridFilters.ToString();
I use this
string obj = this.Context.Request["filter"];
and pass it to the
FilterConditions fc = new FilterConditions(obj);
It can be reach all filter condition in fc filtercondition variable.
I am trying to get the values that i inserted in the database dynamically but I can't get the value.
here my code
String[] SchoolName = request.getParameterValues("shoolname");
String[] DateFrom = request.getParameterValues("Dateform");
String[] DateTo = request.getParameterValues("Datato");
String[] DiscriptDetails = request.getParameterValues("Dscript");
this for insert data and its working well.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SchoolName.length;++i ) {
educatiodetails edu = new educatiodetails();
EducatiIMP education = new EducatiIMP();
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
//here I am trying to get values
educatiodetails educat =education.geteducatiodetails(SchoolName[i]);
//here my session just get the first value
I am using Entity Framework. I have the following query in which I get data using two tables Application and Employee connected by a foreign key EmployeeID in Application Table. The tables have 1-1 relationship .
Is there a way to simplify the following code and get rid of the DTO Employee1
which is the same as auto generated Employee class
public List<Employee1> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();
var data = (from a in context.Applications
join e in context.Employees on a.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeID
a.ApplicationID == ApplicationID
select new Employee1
EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID,
SecondEmail = e.SecondEmail,
EmailID = e.EmailID,
Title = e.Title,
Name = e.Name,
Rank = e.Rank,
POBox = e.POBox,
Phone = e.Phone,
JoinDate = e.JoinDate,
Status = e.Status,
DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID.Value,
NameString = e.NameString,
Department = e.Department,
ParentDept = e.ParentDept,
DepartmentAr = e.DepartmentAr,
NameAr = e.NameAr,
NameStringAr = e.NameStringAr,
TitleAr = e.TitleAr
return data;
If you need to return list of Employees, just select e which refers to Employee and don't use Employee1 as a DTO.
public List<Employee> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();
var data = (from a in context.Applications
join e in context.Employees on a.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeID
a.ApplicationID == ApplicationID
select e).ToList();
return data;
Another way is this, which I would prefer because of readability:
public List<Employee> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();
var data = context.Applications.Where(p=>p.ApplicationID == ApplicationID).Select(p=>p.Employee).ToList();
return data;
I'm simply trying to do this, so later on when I save my values in the database they should be set to null incase the textfield is empty.
int? DeliveryAdrID = null;
int.TryParse(TextBoxDeliveryAdrID.Text, out DeliveryAdrID);
But I'm having an error parsing it along.
The above solution should later on make it possible to save empty textbox values in the database as "NULL" instead of 0.
The whole solution:
int parsedValue;
int? DeliveryAdrID = int.TryParse(TextBoxDeliveryAdrID.Text, out parsedValue) ? parsedValue : (int?)null;
int id = Convert.ToInt32(GridViewData.SelectedValue.ToString());
var data = tf.DBTable.Where(a => a.ID == id).FirstOrDefault();
if (data == null)
DBTable mt = new DBTable();
mt.Customer = TextBoxCustomer.Text;
mt.Country = TextBoxCountry.Text;
mt.DeliveryAdrID = parsedValue;
data.Customer = TextBoxCustomer.Text;
data.Country = TextBoxCountry.Text;
data.DeliveryAdrID = parsedValue;
You cannot give a nullable int to int.TryParse. It must be an int. What you are trying to do can be accomplished like so:
int parsedValue;
int? DeliveryAdrID = int.TryParse(TextBoxDeliveryAdrID.Text, out parsedValue) ? parsedValue : (int?) null;
i try to parse this link : http://agent.bronni.ru/Result.aspx?id=c7a6a33a-174e-426d-b127-828ee612c36e&account=27178&page=1&pageSize=50&mr=true
but i can t get the result table because as i see in fiddler there are lazyloading method with json result.
My code is :
HtmlWeb hw = new HtmlWeb();
HtmlDocument doc = hw.Load("http://agent.bronni.ru/Result.aspx?id=c7a6a33a-174e-426d-b127-828ee612c36e&account=27178&page=1&pageSize=50&mr=true");
// Get all tables in the document
HtmlNodeCollection tables = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table");
// Iterate all rows in the first table
HtmlNodeCollection rows = tables[0].SelectNodes(".//tr");
var data = rows.Skip(1).ToList().Take(10).ToList().Select(x => new TableRow()
Price = x.SelectNodes(".//td").ToList()[4].InnerText,
Operator = x.SelectNodes(".//td").ToList()[15].InnerText,
DepartureDate = x.SelectNodes(".//td").ToList()[6].InnerText,
DestinationRegion = x.SelectNodes(".//td").ToList()[7].InnerText
Second site :
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Headers.Add("Referer", "http://sletat.ru/");//MUST BE THIS HEADER
string result = wc.DownloadString("http://module.sletat.ru/Main.svc/GetTours?cityFromId=832&countryId=35&cities=&meals=&stars=&hotels=&s_adults=1&s_kids=0&s_kids_ages=&s_nightsMin=6&s_nightsMax=16&s_priceMin=0&s_priceMax=¤cyAlias=RUB&s_departFrom=25%2F06%2F2012&s_departTo=31%2F07%2F2012&visibleOperators=&s_hotelIsNotInStop=true&s_hasTickets=true&s_ticketsIncluded=true&debug=0&filter=0&f_to_id=&requestId=19198631&pageSize=20&pageNumber=1&updateResult=1&includeDescriptions=1&includeOilTaxesAndVisa=1&userId=&jskey=1&callback=_jqjsp&_1340633427022=");
result = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("{"), result.LastIndexOf("}") - result.IndexOf("{") + 1);
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
dynamic json = js.DeserializeObject(result);
var prices = json["GetToursResult"]["Data"]["aaData"] as object[];
// var operators = ((object[])json["result"]["prices"]).Cast<Dictionary<string, object>>();
var temp = prices.ToList().Take(20).Select(x => new TableRow
Operator = (x as object[])[40].ToString(),
//Price = x["operatorPrice"].ToString(),
//DepartureDate = x["checkinDate"].ToString(),
//DestinationRegion = ((Dictionary<string, object>)x["country"])["englishName"].ToString()
string str = "";
foreach (var tableRow in temp)
str += tableRow.Operator + "<br />";
In this way i try all works ok but the problem is that this link works for roughly 30minutes and then i need to put other link again.Is any way to fix this?(only the second site has it)
THanks again,
The data is really coming from here:
With the exception that the page=# and pageSize=# can be adjusted dynamically.
So instead of parsing HTML, you could just get the JSON data from the URL and parse it. For example:
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string result =wc.DownloadString("http://beta.remote.bronni.ru/LazyLoading.ashx/getResult?jsonp=jQuery17207647891761735082_1340131755603&id=c7a6a33a-174e-426d-b127-828ee612c36e&page=1&pageSize=1000&_=1340131756631");
result = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("{"),result.LastIndexOf("}")-result.IndexOf("{")+1);
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
dynamic json = js.DeserializeObject(result);
var prices = ((object[])json["result"]["prices"]).Cast<Dictionary<string,object>>();
var data = from p in prices
select new
OperatorID = p["operatorID"],
Price = p["operatorPrice"],
Country = ((Dictionary<string,object>)p["country"])["englishName"],
CheckinDate = p["checkinDate"]
On my LinqPad program, produces something like:
OperatorID Price Country CheckinDate
0 1,27 Greece 2012-06-28
0 55,90 Greece 2012-06-28
0 67,34 Greece 2012-06-28
And many more rows, depending on how much you ask for...
Note: the reason for the result = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("{"),result.LastIndexOf("}")-result.IndexOf("{")+1); line is that the jsonp result has this garbage in the beginning:
Ending with }) which makes the JavascriptSerializer choke when it tries to parse it; hence the need to remove it.
Interestingly, the ASHX handler that returns the data seems to require a Referer Header in the request; otherwise, the response will not include the operator information. The Referer required cannot be anything you want, it seems that it's actually looking for http://agent.bronni.ru in particular.
Basically, all you need to do is the following:
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Headers.Add("Referer","http://agent.bronni.ru");//MUST BE THIS HEADER
string result =wc.DownloadString("http://beta.remote.bronni.ru/LazyLoading.ashx/getResult?jsonp=jQuery17207647891761735082_1340131755603&id=c7a6a33a-174e-426d-b127-828ee612c36e&page=1&pageSize=1000&_=1340131756631");
result = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("{"),result.LastIndexOf("}")-result.IndexOf("{")+1);
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
dynamic json = js.DeserializeObject(result);
var prices = ((object[])json["result"]["prices"]).Cast<Dictionary<string,object>>();
var data = from p in prices
select new
OperatorID = p["operatorID"],
Price = p["operatorPrice"],
Country = ((Dictionary<string,object>)p["country"])["englishName"],
Hotel = ((Dictionary<string,object>)p["hotel"])["englishName"],
Operator = ((Dictionary<string,object>)p["operator"])["englishName"],//OPERATOR
CheckinDate = p["checkinDate"]
OperatorID Price Country Hotel Operator CheckinDate
19681 1,27 Greece Julia Hotel Mouzenidis Travel 2012-06-28
19681 1,27 Greece Forest Park Mouzenidis Travel 2012-06-28
19681 1,27 Greece Kassandra Mare (ï-îâ Êàññàíäðà) Mouzenidis Travel 2012-06-28
I decided to compare the performance of the out-of-the-box Javascriptserializer vs JSON.NET serializer and in all my tests with different record sizes (50,1000,3000) JSON.NET was at least twice faster than the Javascriptserializer and in some cases even 10 times faster on smaller record-sets.
If you decide to use the JSON.NET library, here's the code that will get you the same results as above code:
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string result =wc.DownloadString("http://beta.remote.bronni.ru/LazyLoading.ashx/getResult?jsonp=jQuery17207647891761735082_1340131755603&id=c7a6a33a-174e-426d-b127-828ee612c36e&page=1&pageSize=50&_=1340131756631");
result = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("{"),result.LastIndexOf("}")-result.IndexOf("{")+1);
JObject o = JObject.Parse(result);
var data = from x in o["result"]["prices"]
select new
OperatorID = x["operatorID"],
Price = x["operatorPrice"],
Country = x["country"]["englishName"],
Hotel = x["hotel"]["englishName"],
Operator = x["operator"]["englishName"],
CheckinDate = x["checkinDate"]
i have written the following query and it is giving error Unable to cast object of type
System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery'[ITClassifieds.Models.Viewsearch]' to type 'ITClassifieds.Models.Viewsearch'.
my code is as follows
if (zipcode.Contains(","))//opening of zipcode conatins comma
zipcode = zipcode.Replace(" ", " ");
zipcode = zipcode.Replace(", ", ",");
} while (zipcodecity.Contains(" "));
char[] separator = new char[] { ',' };
string[] temparray = zipcode.Split(separator);
var zipcd = (from u in db.ZipCodes1
where u.CityName == temparray[0] && u.StateAbbr == temparray[1] && u.CityType == "D"
select new Viewsearch
Zipcode = u.ZIPCode
Viewsearch vs = (Viewsearch)zipcd;
if (zipcd.Count() > 0)
zipcode = vs.Zipcode;
locations = "";
tempStr = "";
zipcode = "";
You need to do
If it will always exist:
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.First()
If not use, and then check for null before using
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.FirstOrDefault()
You could also use Single if there will always be 1 or None.
The Distinct method returns an enumerable collection (in your case, and ObjectQuery<T>, which may contain more than one element. You can't typecast that directly to an item in the collection, you need to use one of the IEnumerable methods to get it:
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.SingleOrDefault();
if ( vs != null )
zipcode = vs.Zipcode;
locations = String.Empty;
zipcode = String.Empty;
tempStr = String.Empty;
SingleOrDefault will throw an exception if there is more than one item in the collection; if that's a problem, you can also use FirstOrDefault to grab the first item, as one example.
Also, unrelated to your question, but you don't need the temporary array variable for your string separators. The parameter to the Split method is a params array so you can just call it like this:
string[] temparray = zipcode.Split(',');
Replace the zipcd query with:
var cityName = temparray[0];
var stateAbbr = temparray[1];
Viewsearch vs = new Viewsearch {
Zipcode = db.ZipCodes1.Where(u.CityName == cityName && u.StateAbbr == stateAbbr && u.CityType == "D").First().ZIPCode