Passing values between windows forms - windows-forms-designer

I have a GameSelection form and when a specific buttons is been hit, the GameSelection form will become hidden and the game form will start. When the game form has been closed, the GameSelection form will be shown again without creating a new one through FormClosedEventHandler. My question is: How would I make the game form pass a value to the GameSelection form, such as score for example?
Here is some of my code:
private void PanOptionsClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button Temp = sender as Button;
if(Temp != null)
if (PreTag == "FirstGame")
case "Easy":
OddsAndEvensGame g1 = new OddsAndEvensGame(15, new Vector2(1, 30));
g1.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(OddsAndEvens_Closed);
case "Hard":
OddsAndEvensGame g2 = new OddsAndEvensGame(20, new Vector2(1, 60));
g2.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(OddsAndEvens_Closed);
case "Insane":
OddsAndEvensGame g3 = new OddsAndEvensGame(25, new Vector2(1, 120));
g3.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(OddsAndEvens_Closed);
case "InHuman":
OddsAndEvensGame g4 = new OddsAndEvensGame(25, new Vector2(1, 1000));
g4.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(OddsAndEvens_Closed);

You can add a class, by going project add class, and name it something like GlobalVariables. Write variables with 'public static'.
So with your example:
public static int Score;
From you other forms you can now access and change this variable by calling the global variables form and the score:
GlobalVariables.Score = 3;
using 3 as the example here


How do I create a dynamic object in Blazor WebAssembly?

The code below is one of the Blazor WebAssembly example.
#code {
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
string _baseURL = "";
int caseSwitch = new Random().Next(1, 4);
switch (caseSwitch)
case 1:
_baseURL = "";
case 2:
_baseURL = "";
_baseURL = "";
dynamic? items = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<dynamic>(_baseURL);
and when I did a breakpoint on the items variable, it is null. How do I create a dynamic object so that when any of the Rest API is called, it can fit into the object dynamically without me needing to create 3 different classes with it own different properties? Thanks

ASP.NET| checkbox's "checked=true" is not setted in the right checkbox

I'm working on a simple multi-staged registration page for a site I'm building, and I give the user the choice of choosing programs/programming languages he knows using checkboxes:
but when I hit the "next" button, in order to go to the next stage, the checkbox I checked isn't set to true, but checkbox no. 18 is set to true(although I didn't check it)
I'm certain it has something to do with the stage before this one, in which I'm building dynamically radio buttons in which the user is choosing his profession (such as Artist, singer and etc').
there are 17 radio buttons, and they are somehow interfering with the next stage, in which the checkbox's checked values are only starting from checkbox no. 18 as I mentioned earlier.
here is some of the code:
else if (int.Parse(ViewState["DivID"].ToString()) == 2)
// save the Birthday Date, Language and country of the user.
ViewState["year"] = int.Parse(DropDownYear.SelectedValue);
ViewState["month"] = int.Parse(DropDownMonth.SelectedValue);
ViewState["day"] = int.Parse(DropDownDay.SelectedValue);
ViewState["Language"] = int.Parse(langDropDown.SelectedValue);
ViewState["Country"] = int.Parse(CountryDropDown.SelectedValue);
// ---------------------------------------------
// change from part 2 of the registration to part 3
registrationP2.Visible = false;
BindProfessions(radios, Page);
registrationP3.Visible = true;
radios.Visible = true;
else if (int.Parse(ViewState["DivID"].ToString()) == 3)
// change from part 3 of the registration to part 4
ViewState["Profid"] = CheckRadio(radios);
registrationP3.Visible = false;
BindKnowledge(CheckboxCon, Page);
registrationP4.Visible = true;
CheckboxCon.Visible = true;
// ---------------------------------------------
//next.Visible = true;
else if(int.Parse(ViewState["DivID"].ToString()) == 4)
List<int> v = GetCheckBox(CheckboxCon);
ViewState["Knowids"] = GetCheckBox(CheckboxCon);
Binding methods:
public static void BindProfessions(HtmlControl ctrl, Page thispage)
List<Profession> Plist = Profession.GetProfessionList();
foreach (Profession p in Plist)
HtmlInputRadioButton rd_button = new HtmlInputRadioButton();
const string GROUP_NAME = "Professions";
rd_button.Name = GROUP_NAME;
string LinkID = "P" + p.ProfessionID.ToString();
rd_button.Attributes["id"] = LinkID;
RegisterUserControl userprofession = (RegisterUserControl)thispage.LoadControl("~/RegisterUserControl.ascx");
userprofession.imgP = p.ProfPath;
userprofession.fieldName = p.ProfName;
userprofession.IDnum = p.ProfessionID;
userprofession.RadioName = LinkID;
userprofession.EnableViewState = false;
rd_button.EnableViewState = false;
rd_button.Value = p.ProfessionID.ToString();
public static void BindKnowledge(HtmlControl ctrl, Page thispage)
List<Knowledge> Plist = Knowledge.RetKnowledgeList();
foreach (Knowledge p in Plist)
HtmlInputCheckBox rd_button = new HtmlInputCheckBox();
const string GROUP_NAME = "knowledge";
rd_button.Name = GROUP_NAME;
string LinkID = "Know" + p.ProgramID.ToString();
rd_button.Attributes["id"] = LinkID;
rd_button.Value = p.ProgramID.ToString();
RegisterUserControl userprofession = (RegisterUserControl)thispage.LoadControl("~/RegisterUserControl.ascx");
userprofession.imgP = p.ProgPath;
userprofession.fieldName = p.PName;
userprofession.IDnum = p.ProgramID;
userprofession.RadioName = LinkID;
userprofession.EnableViewState = false;
rd_button.EnableViewState = false;
checking methods for both radios and checkbox :
public static int CheckRadio(HtmlControl ctrl)
int counter = 0;
int id = -1;
foreach (Control rdButton in ctrl.Controls)
if (rdButton is HtmlInputRadioButton)
HtmlInputRadioButton bu = (HtmlInputRadioButton)rdButton;
if (bu.Checked)
id = int.Parse(bu.Value);
if (counter > 1)
return -1;
return id;
catch (Exception e)
return -1;
public static List<int> GetCheckBox(HtmlControl ctrl)
List<int> id_list = new List<int>();
foreach (Control rdButton in ctrl.Controls)
if (rdButton is HtmlInputCheckBox)
HtmlInputCheckBox bu = (HtmlInputCheckBox)rdButton;
if (bu.Checked)
return id_list;
when debugging you can see, that if I choose the first 3 professions, the values returned to me in the List<int> v are 18, 19, and 20
photo: debugging photo
I should mention that after I create the dynamic usercontrols and checkbox/radion buttons, I'm creating them again at postback in protected void Page_Load.
I'm stuck on this for days, and I don't know from where the problem emanates, is it because of ViewState, or the way I'm creating the controls... I really don't know.
Thanks in advance, Idan.
I played with it a bit, and have found out that when I disable the Binding of the professions which I have initiated earlier in Page_load it does work correctly, page load code look at the second if statement :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
IsPageRefresh = false;
if (!IsPostBack)
ViewState["DivID"] = 1;
ViewState["postids"] = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Session["postid"] = ViewState["postids"].ToString();
if (ViewState["postids"].ToString() != Session["postid"].ToString())
IsPageRefresh = true;
Session["postid"] = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
ViewState["postids"] = Session["postid"].ToString();
if (int.Parse(ViewState["DivID"].ToString()) == 3)
//BindProfessions(radios, Page);
else if(int.Parse(ViewState["DivID"].ToString()) == 4)
BindKnowledge(CheckboxCon, Page);
the problem is that I still need to initiate it again after hitting the button in order to get the checked value, how can I fix this thing, and why this is happening? your help would very much be appreciated.
The problem happens because the page recognize that I added 17 new checkbox's, and than when I go over them the first 17 are not checked until the 18'th(the first one of the ones that I checked) what ends up not checking the right checkbox....
And to make it clears I add the other radio buttons to a different div on the page, I don't know what is happening here
for anyone who has the same problem.
I ended up creating the object in Page_PreInit() and it solved the problem, it is recommended(by things I read) to create dynamic objects in Page_PreInit, before anything else is happening to the page.
protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack && Session["DivID"] == null)
Session["DivID"] = 1;
if ((int)Session["DivID"] == 3)
else if ((int)Session["DivID"] == 4)
InitBindKnowledge and InitBindProfessions are just like BindKnowledge and BindProfession but without adding usercontrols to the control tree

How to refresh a ChoiceBox in JavaFX?

I would like to refresh the choice box after I added a new value it should be shown there.
I read all the topics about this that I found on stackoverflow but none of these worked.
public void setNamesChoiceBoxes() {
ArrayList<Worker> workers = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
workers = db.getWorkers();
for (Worker i : workers) {
String tmp = i.getName() + " (" + i.getID() + ")";
ArrayList<String> searchNames = new ArrayList<>(names);
searchNames.add(0, "All");
ObservableList<String> search = FXCollections.observableList(searchNames);
ArrayList<String> addNames = new ArrayList<>(names);
addNames.add(0, "");
ObservableList<String> add = FXCollections.observableList(addNames);
public ArrayList<Worker> getWorkers() {
ArrayList<Worker> workers = new ArrayList<>();
String sql = "select * from names";
try {
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {
int id = rs.getInt("id");
String name = rs.getString("name");
workers.add(new Worker(id, name));
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception in class \"DB\" (\" public ArrayList<Worker> getWorkers()\" failed): " + ex);
return workers;
public void addNewWorkerButton(ActionEvent event) {
String name = workerNameTextField.getText();
I get the worker names from the database when I start the program, it works perfectly. When I add a new name to the DB, and call the "setNamesChoiceBoxes" method (to refresh the choicebox from DB), it gives alot of errors, although the new name is in the Choice Box list, but the "searchNameChoiceBox" value should be "All" but it is "".
After I added a new name choice box looks like this:
It should be like this... (since I set the value to "All" in method...):
I think i understood that you want a particular item to be selected and shown in your ChoiceBox?
If so, I would recommend to remove this line(and analoguous for the other Box):
And use instead a real selection for the Item to show. This selects the first Item:
Alternativly there is a seperate method that also selects the first Item:
And then again you may want to select the Item shown by value:
addNameChoiceBox.getSelectionModel().select("All"); //or whatever value you want to select.
I hope this helps you at least with a part of your problem.

Report localization in Telerik self hosted service (.trdx)

I have telerik REST web API(ASP.NET ) which is working fine. Now I need to localize the reports (report are in .trdx extension).
From documentation of telerik I found the code which have place in my BaseTelerikReportsController but this also not working, and even not show any error.
Telerik Localization Documentation
public class BaseTelerikReportsController : ReportsControllerBase
static readonly Telerik.Reporting.Services.ReportServiceConfiguration ConfigurationInstance;
static BaseTelerikReportsController()
var resolver = new CustomReportResolver();
//Create new CultureInfo
var cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("aa-iq"); //<-- Line 1
// Set the language for static text (i.e. column headings, titles)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = cultureInfo; //<-- Line 2
var reportsPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Reports");
ConfigurationInstance = new Telerik.Reporting.Services.ReportServiceConfiguration
HostAppId = "TBReportApp",
ReportResolver = resolver,
// ReportResolver = new ReportFileResolver(reportsPath),
Storage = new Telerik.Reporting.Cache.File.FileStorage(),
public BaseTelerikReportsController()
ReportServiceConfiguration = ConfigurationInstance;
There is a similar question but don't guide me to any right direction Here
Update 1
I have added below function in Global.asax.cs.
protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Create new CultureInfo
var cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ar");
// Set the language for static text (i.e. column headings, titles)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = cultureInfo;
// Set the language for dynamic text (i.e. date, time, money)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cultureInfo;
After above line (see image) data under red mark is localize but i need to localize yellow one(i.e heading)
I figure out how to localize the report header. Following are the some summarized steps.
Add App_GlobalResources folder and .resx accordingly your languages (See the figure 1-1).
Send language attribute from 'HTML5 Viewer'.
var viewer = $("#report-viewer").data("telerik_ReportViewer");
var model = {
//other attributes
Language: this.selectedLanguage //Here value may be ,en Or ar
report: reportSettings,
parameters: model
On server side based on that attribute change label accordingly.
private static void Localization(ref Report reportInstance)
ResourceManager currentResource = null;
switch (_language)
case "en":
currentResource = new ResourceManager("Resources.en", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
case "ar":
currentResource = new ResourceManager("", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
// var MyResourceClass = new ResourceManager("", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
ResourceSet resourceSet = currentResource.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in resourceSet)
string key = entry.Key.ToString();
string value = entry.Value.ToString();
var items = reportInstance.Items.Find(key,true);
foreach (var singleItem in items)
var singleItemType = singleItem.GetType();
//if (singleItem.GetType().FullName == "") ;
if (singleItemType.FullName == "Telerik.Reporting.TextBox")
var castItem = (Telerik.Reporting.TextBox) singleItem;
castItem.Value = value;
On Telerik Standalone Report Designer
Change your report(.trdx) Textbox value which matches your .resxname value pair.
Resource file values

SharePoint Web Part Custom Properties Don't Take Effect Until Page Reload

I am developing a sharepoint 2007 web part that uses custom properties. Here is one:
[Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User), WebDisplayName("Policy Update List Name")]
[WebDescription("The name of the SharePoint List that records all the policy updates.\n Default value is Policy Updates Record.")]
public string PolicyUpdateLogName
get { return _PolicyUpdateLogName == null ? "Policy Updates Record" : _PolicyUpdateLogName; }
set { _PolicyUpdateLogName = value; }
The properties work fine except that the changes are not reflected in the web part until you leave the page and navigate back (or just click on the home page link). Simply refreshing the page doesn't work, which makes me think it has something to do with PostBacks.
My current theory is that the ViewState is not loading postback data early enough for the changes to take effect. At the very least, the ViewState is involved somehow with the issue.
Here is more relevant code:
protected override void CreateChildControls()
// This function returns true if the settings are formatted correctly
if (CheckWebPartSettingsIntegrity())
protected void InitGlobalVariables()
this.Title = "Employee Activity Tracker for " + PolicyUpdateLogName;
policyColumnHeader = new Literal();
confirmedColumnHeader = new Literal();
pendingColumnHeader = new Literal();
employeesForPolicy = new List<SPUser>();
confirmedEmployees = new List<SPUser>();
pendingEmployees = new List<SPUser>();
// uses the PolicyUpdateLogName custom property to load that List from Sharepoint
private void FetchPolicyUpdateLog_SPList()
site = new SPSite(siteURL);
policyUpdateLog_SPList = site.OpenWeb().GetList("/Lists/" + PolicyUpdateLogName);
protected void InitListBoxControls()
// Init ListBoxes
policies_ListBox = new ListBox(); // This box stores the policies from the List we loaded from SharePoint
confirmedEmployees_ListBox = new ListBox();
pendingEmployees_ListBox = new ListBox();
// Postback & ViewState
policies_ListBox.AutoPostBack = true;
policies_ListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(OnSelectedPolicyChanged);
confirmedEmployees_ListBox.EnableViewState = false;
pendingEmployees_ListBox.EnableViewState = false;
private void LoadPoliciesListBox()
foreach (SPListItem policyUpdate in policyUpdateLog_SPList.Items)
// Checking for duplicates before adding.
bool itemExists = false;
foreach (ListItem item in policies_ListBox.Items)
if (item.Text.Equals(policyUpdate.Title))
itemExists = true;
if (!itemExists)
policies_ListBox.Items.Add(new ListItem(policyUpdate.Title));
Do some reading up on the Sharepoint web part life cycle. Properties are not updated until the OnPreRender event.
