writing .Rmd files in Geany IDE - r

I've been using Geany under Linux to write R scripts for years. Now I want to use R Notebook and R Markdown.
So, what should I do to make Geany recognize .Rmd files used by R? Is it possible?
I did not find a proper plugin or documentation for .Rmd files in Geany.


Creating TeX file from RMarkdown without LaTeX installed on PC

This maybe a duplicate but couldn't find the question here.
For some reason I cannot have LaTeX installed on my PC. I am hoping to run my .Rmd code and generating .tex file (using keeptex true in YAML) which I can use on another PC to generate pdf.
I haven't tried this yet but would this work?
Have you tried installing/using the tinytex package?
This will allow you to create PDFs from LaTeX without having a full LaTeX installation

Convert a Jupyter Notebook into a R studio script

Good morning,
I am using Jupyter Notebook but my file has already 9MB and it requires too much time to run it. Given this, I want to use R studio from now on.
I tried to download my notebook as a R file, but when I open it in R studio it does not show any code...
Is there any way of converting the notebook into a script readable in R studio? Or is my procedure correct and the file is only loading (I uploaded it to R studio and I am waiting for more than 45 minutes)?
Thank you for the help.
Maybe you might want to use convert_ipynb function from rmarkdown package.
You use it as:
convert_ipynb(input, output), where input is the .ipynb file path.
It converts your notebook to a as a .Rmd file, which is much easier to deal with.
For more info, check the documentation here: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/rmarkdown/versions/2.6/topics/convert_ipynb

JuliaPro: import Jupiter notebook

I usually use Jupyter to have my interactive environment with Julia, now I am switching to JuliaPro, as they claim it is the fastest and easiest way of Julia programming. But, I cannot upload my .ipynb notebooks on JuliaPro. Are they compatible with each other? How can I work with my notebooks on JuliaPro? Thanks!
As was explained in the comments, the .ipynb file format was designed to be rendered in a browser, while Juno/Atom is a text editor that expects a plain text file for display. In general therefore you wouldn't be able to directly use an .ipynb file in Juno.
There is however an option to convert your notebooks to .jl scripts, which is exactly what Juno is expecting: in your Jupyter notebook click on File > Download as > Julia (.jl) (see below)
There's also an answer here that discusses a command line option if you need to batch convert a lot of files.
Also note that your choice of editor / programming environment is unrelated to the version of Julia you're using - while JuliaPro ships with Juno as standard (or potentially the Julia VS Code extension in future), nothing's keeping you from just doing using Pkg; Pkg.add("IJulia"); using IJulia; notebook() in your JuliaPro installation and continuing to work on your notebooks in Jupyter.

Programmatically load file into Rstudio

I'm developing R code whose output is an R script, is it possible to automatically load the generated file in a RStudio tab?
So far I've checked the rstudioapi, but I don't find any suitable function.
I've already tried:
but file.show open the file using an external editor.
You can use source("path/to/script.R") to run an R script, and load all the data/variables into the global R environment
In order to just open the file in RStudio, without running it, you can use rstudioapi::navigateToFile("path/to/file.R")

Making R package and includes Jar files in

I use RStudio to make my package. The idea is one of the functions in my R file runs a jar file using System(). it works fine using Rstudio. The problem comes with distribution. when I use devtools::install_github("package on github"). it ignores my jar file, and it doesn't download it with the rest of the package files.
I appreciate if anyone can help.
