Convert a Jupyter Notebook into a R studio script - r

Good morning,
I am using Jupyter Notebook but my file has already 9MB and it requires too much time to run it. Given this, I want to use R studio from now on.
I tried to download my notebook as a R file, but when I open it in R studio it does not show any code...
Is there any way of converting the notebook into a script readable in R studio? Or is my procedure correct and the file is only loading (I uploaded it to R studio and I am waiting for more than 45 minutes)?
Thank you for the help.

Maybe you might want to use convert_ipynb function from rmarkdown package.
You use it as:
convert_ipynb(input, output), where input is the .ipynb file path.
It converts your notebook to a as a .Rmd file, which is much easier to deal with.
For more info, check the documentation here:


How can I open an R Markdown file from GitHub in Google Colab?

I´d like to create links for R markdown files (.Rmd) in a GitHub repo so that these directly open in Google Colab.
I can do this with Python Jupyter notebooks. However, I haven't found any way to achieve the same with R Markdown files.
How can I do this?
Thanks for any help or pointer in the right direction.
PS: One of the few hints I found online mentions this link format, which unfortunately doesn't work:<GITHUB ACCOUNT NAME>/<REPO NAME>/blob/master/example.Rmd
Colab yields this error message:
Notebook loading error
The file has been corrupted or is not a valid notebook file.
However, the notebooks that I tested work properly on any other platform, e.g. RStudio etc.

writing .Rmd files in Geany IDE

I've been using Geany under Linux to write R scripts for years. Now I want to use R Notebook and R Markdown.
So, what should I do to make Geany recognize .Rmd files used by R? Is it possible?
I did not find a proper plugin or documentation for .Rmd files in Geany.

JuliaPro: import Jupiter notebook

I usually use Jupyter to have my interactive environment with Julia, now I am switching to JuliaPro, as they claim it is the fastest and easiest way of Julia programming. But, I cannot upload my .ipynb notebooks on JuliaPro. Are they compatible with each other? How can I work with my notebooks on JuliaPro? Thanks!
As was explained in the comments, the .ipynb file format was designed to be rendered in a browser, while Juno/Atom is a text editor that expects a plain text file for display. In general therefore you wouldn't be able to directly use an .ipynb file in Juno.
There is however an option to convert your notebooks to .jl scripts, which is exactly what Juno is expecting: in your Jupyter notebook click on File > Download as > Julia (.jl) (see below)
There's also an answer here that discusses a command line option if you need to batch convert a lot of files.
Also note that your choice of editor / programming environment is unrelated to the version of Julia you're using - while JuliaPro ships with Juno as standard (or potentially the Julia VS Code extension in future), nothing's keeping you from just doing using Pkg; Pkg.add("IJulia"); using IJulia; notebook() in your JuliaPro installation and continuing to work on your notebooks in Jupyter.

No code displayed when I open the compiled R notebook

I am using R Studio V 1.1.423. I create and save R Notebook files but once I open the .rmd files in R Studio I only get a completely blank page with no code displayed.
However the html files work fine when opened in the browser.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
This seems to be a bug in RStudio: It happens every once in a while. It usually helps to delete the R Notebook output (the .nb.html file) and to recompile it from scratch.
You might also have to clear the cache, which can be found (on Unix-like systems) in ~/.rstudio-desktop/notebooks:
Close RStudio.
Find the subfolder corresponding to your notebook and delete it. The subfolder contains a quasi-random hexadecimal prefix, followed by your notebook name; for instance: A88D397F-notebook.
Reopen RStudio and recompile your notebook from scratch.

Where does RStudio store the temporary R script files before saved?

I've just had RStudio crash on me unexpectedly, and on re-starting, contrary to what I've come to expect, the R script I had been tinkering around with was nowhere to be found.
I've managed to track down the Rhistory file so I'll be able to piece together all the commands, which is reassuring.
However, I am curious if there's somewhere I might try looking to find the temporary unsaved file on the off chance that might be cached somewhere (after all, it is usually cached somewhere that RStudio apparently knows to look). Is there a particular file extension/format I should be searching for?
Currently running R 3.3.1 through RStudio 0.99.903 on Linux Mint 17.3 (over Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS).
I've tried running grep on the command line to find some of the more recently updated lines of code; I may be out of luck. I found two files:
Which appears to basically be a more centralized .Rhistory for RStudio
This looks JSON-like and also appears to basically be an Rhistory. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
As indicated by #KevinUshey from RStudio:
RStudio stores autosave data as part of the JSON 'blobs' within the sdb folder. You should see the document serialized as a long 'string', with newlines embedded.
Use packages such as jsonlite to parse this and best of luck.
if you used Rstudio on linux, the temporary R script files were stored in .rstudio/sources folder, and you can open all of the script files directly.
Good luck
In Rstudio if you saved or not a script but you ran this code, you can check the history off the app, this is the "telemetric data" that Rstudio has about you.
In windows, this is the path,
you should use "visual studio code" or something similar to see it.
