IIS shuts itself down. It returns 500 - asp.net

I have API in IIS. API works great. but when I send 40-90 queries in 10-15 seconds, API throws The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error exception.
If I don't send the API a few queries per second it works fine.
At first my suspicion was related to SQL. Because at the same time, table select and table update operations were carried out from the same table.
How can I prevent IIS itself from throwing 500 after a while?

Although the source of the error is not clearly known, manual renewal over IIS brings the API to itself. That's why an API will refresh itself exactly in per 1 minute, not Manual.
Step 1
İİS => Application Pools => Select own API => Advanced Settings
Like image
Step 2
Recycling Panel => Regular time interval => default value is 1740
Now is great Working.


IIS sending 1 less second in last-modified reaponse header parameter

We have an IIS server with having web service setup. When user call the web service, We are fetching a value from DATETIME field from database. It's something like
After fetching value from database, the c# code is converting it with below code
LastModified = DateTime.SpecifyKind(rs.GetDateTime(1), DateTimeKind.Utc) // Here rs.GetDateTime(1) = 2022-04-06 11:46:45.000
The code is then adding this value to the response. header.last-modified parameter. When we call this API from the client end, it shows 2022-04-06 11:46:44.000 GMT (1 less second)
Checked everything but did not find anything. Even server time is also up to date, no issues on IIS setup, timezone is UTC and seems to be synced.
Even we have the same setup on another server where its working fine without 1 less second issue.
When I run the command from the server, It's showing the correct time. That means I doubt that in between may be IIS in reducing the time by 1 second from that header parameter called last-modified.

HCM Full Data Sync to FSCM not publishing data

I am setting up Integration Broker messaging from HCM 9.2 to FSCM 9.2 using the PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC service operation (the delivered process) to sync data from HCM to FSCM. I have activated the service operation, handler, queue, and routing on both sides, however when I run the Full Data Publish process, it runs to No Success with the following error:
Fetching array element 0: index is not in range 1 to 3.
(180,252) EOL_PUBLISH.PUBDTL.GBL.default.190 0-01-01.Step05.OnExecute PCPC:16088 Statement:266
I had initially run this process, and it ran to success, however it did not publish any new data in PS_PERSONAL_DATA in FSCM, so I updated the service operation version in HCM from 'INTERNAL' to 'VERSION_1', as the corresponding service operation in FSCM only had the 'VERSION_1' version available. But after I change the version so they match, and run the process it goes to No Success.
If I set the version of the service operation in HCM back to 'INTERNAL' and run the process, then it is successful but no data gets published in PS_PERSONAL_DATA. Any thoughts on what I should look at?
Sounds like a service op. routing problem. Confirm the routing directions and ensure that any alias' that are set don't cause issues. Service Ops on each side need to be the same.

Access denied due to invalid subscription key error

My app has been working fine since I changed my free account to a Pay-As-You-Go account but yesterday I started receiving the Access denied due to invalid subscription key error
I haven't changed anything. What can be the source of this error?
Microsoft CRIS servers were experiencing down time starting from ~ 10 pm GMT (according to my observation) on Wednesday 04/19 till 9 am GMT Thursday 14/20. I've experienced problems with log in, deployment access. But some of their servers went back and I was able to log in console. However all my deployments weren't accessible including newly created one. So, as their system went down, you might have problems accessing your deployment. Even if error description is related to invalid subscription key, it might be that issue. It's a new service and I still see 500 Internal errors in console often. If issue is still reproducing, I recommend you to contact their support team crservice#microsoft.com. They are very helpful. However they respond during European working hours.
I have experienced similar issues when we hit the API limits. It would not be a bad idea to check if either the number of requests per second or the volume has been reached ( in case of bootstrap keys it is 1000 hits)

run oracle reports from pl/sql procedure

I'm refactoring a very old reports generating function in an ORACLE web application. It used JavaScript to construct a URL, sending to the reports server to run a reports. What I want to do is processing it in the database, in PL/SQL procedures(invoked through mod_pl/SQL). I tried to use utl_http.begin_request to do that, but sometimes when the output file is large(PDF format, about 20 pages, 1.5M), I received an error:
ORA-29259: end-of-input reached.
The test codes for sending requests are quite simple:
--------upgraded 2013/08/27----------------------------------------------------------
--some params setting....
myIdent := SRW.RUN_REPORT(myPlist); --here raise the exception(ORA-29273:request_failed; ORA-29259: end-of-input reached.) and procedure stoped.
r_stat := SRW.report_status(myIdent,myPlist);
#ThinkJet, Thanks for your help.
I logon the report server, found that the report still running after I got this exception in my program, and finally finished succefully.I tested for many times, and found everytime I got the exception just 5 minutes after I started request,no matter what kind of reports I was running and what size it was (sure, all big size,running for over 5mins).I'm wondering if it's something about configuration on oracle application server?
Does anyone have idea about this? Many Thanks.
ORA-29259 while SRW.RUN_REPORT
is ias 10g , this is cause by httpd.conf timeout parameter configuration
1.edit $ORACLE_HOME /Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
change "Timeout" great than your report running time
2.restart http server and test it.
opmnctl restartproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
It take a time on Oracle Reports side to produce a big reports so a timeouts can occur sometime. Try to increase timeout with utl_http.set_ransfer_timeout procedure before originate a request and look if it helps.

Long query: Does anyone know what this error is all about?

Currently, I am doing a query to a sql server database which has 6 million records.
A date range is specified in the query in order to filter the result. When the date range is short, i.e. 2 hours, the application displays the result with no problems.
But if the date range is a bit longer, i.e. a week, the application displays the following errors:
Finally, after I have accepted the two previous errors, and I click in any other section of the application I get the following error:
Strangely, this behaviour only happens in the live server (running on iis7), whereas in the localhost (casini) the applications displays the query results regardless the data range value.
Any thoughts on how to get around the problem will be greatly appreciated.
For your first problem, read following article here
When an error occurs on the server while the request is being processed, an error response is returned to the browser and a PageRequestManagerServerErrorExceptionobject is created by using the Error.create function. To customize error handling and to display more information about the server error, handle the AsyncPostBackError event and use the AsyncPostBackErrorMessage and AllowCustomErrorsRedirect properties. For an example of how to provide custom error handling during partial-page updates, see Customizing Error Handling for ASP.NET UpdatePanel Controls.
For second problem, may be you can get solution here
Solution: Our web server could not resolve the URL of the back-end website. We needed to add a hosts file entry on our server to resolve the issue.
