HCM Full Data Sync to FSCM not publishing data - peoplesoft

I am setting up Integration Broker messaging from HCM 9.2 to FSCM 9.2 using the PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC service operation (the delivered process) to sync data from HCM to FSCM. I have activated the service operation, handler, queue, and routing on both sides, however when I run the Full Data Publish process, it runs to No Success with the following error:
Fetching array element 0: index is not in range 1 to 3.
(180,252) EOL_PUBLISH.PUBDTL.GBL.default.190 0-01-01.Step05.OnExecute PCPC:16088 Statement:266
I had initially run this process, and it ran to success, however it did not publish any new data in PS_PERSONAL_DATA in FSCM, so I updated the service operation version in HCM from 'INTERNAL' to 'VERSION_1', as the corresponding service operation in FSCM only had the 'VERSION_1' version available. But after I change the version so they match, and run the process it goes to No Success.
If I set the version of the service operation in HCM back to 'INTERNAL' and run the process, then it is successful but no data gets published in PS_PERSONAL_DATA. Any thoughts on what I should look at?

Sounds like a service op. routing problem. Confirm the routing directions and ensure that any alias' that are set don't cause issues. Service Ops on each side need to be the same.


CloudFoundry App instances - EF Core database migration

I've written a .NET Core Rest API which does migrate/ update the database (using Entity Framework Core) in Startup.cs. Currently, only one instance is running in the production environment. It seems to be recommended to run 2 instances in production.
What happens while executing the cf push command? Are both instances stopped automatically or do I need to execute cf stop?
In addition, how do I prevent both instances from updating the database?
I've read about the CF_INSTANCE_INDEX environment variable. Is it OK to only start the database migration when CF_INSTANCE_INDEX is 0? Or does CloudFoundry provide the next mechanism: start the first instance and when this one is up-and-running, the second instance will be started?
What happens while executing the cf push command? Are both instances stopped automatically or do I need to execute cf stop?
Yes, your app will stop. The new code will stage (i.e. buildpacks run) and produce a droplet. Then the system will bring up all the requested instances using the new droplet.
In addition, how do I prevent both instances from updating the database? I've read about the CF_INSTANCE_INDEX environment variable. Is it OK to only start the database migration when CF_INSTANCE_INDEX is 0?
You can certainly do it that way. The instance number is guaranteed to be unique and the zeroth instance will always exist, so if you limit to the zeroth instance then it's guaranteed to only run once.
Another option is to run your migration as a task (i.e. cf run-task). This runs in its own container, so it would only run once regardless of the number of instances you have. This SO post has some tips about running a migration as a task.
Or does CloudFoundry provide the next mechanism: start the first instance and when this one is up-and-running, the second instance will be started?
It does, it's the --strategy=rolling flag for cf push.
See https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/rolling-deploy.html
I'm not sure that this feature would work for ensuring your migration runs only once. According to the docs (See "How it works" section at the link above), your new and old containers could overlap for a short period of time. If that's the case, running the migration could potentially break the old instances. It'll be a short period of time, just until they get replaced with new instances, but maybe something to consider.

Batch Jobs Not Running When Set to Waiting on My Dev Server

My level of experience with the product is basic at best, but I'm expected to be a developer; I have a basic understanding of many things.
Right now my job is to investigate canceling lines in Purchase Orders. We have a workflow set up to handle those, and I'm trying to duplicate the scenario in my dev instance. Whenever a user cancels a line, the workflow is supposed to engage, and I've found that a batch job is what triggers that workflow to work (maybe that's the case with all workflows, but I don't know that for sure).
I've set up my personal Dev AX Instance under System Configuration => System => Server Configuration to use my personal Dev AOS server that my client is also running under, but when I go to System Configuration => Batch Jobs => Batch Jobs, then find the Batch Job I've been looking for and set the status to Waiting, the Batch Job never runs.
On our Test instance, the jobs is configured exactly the same way, except they use the AOS Server allotted for it.
I did a SQL script to change the batch job to use my personal Dev AOS Server, then did a restart of the Dynamics AX Servers.
There must be something I'm doing wrong for my personal dev instance. I've been reading some things from here about what may be going on and following down the list, but I'm pretty sure the problem is even stupider => https://www.daxrunbase.com/2017/07/02/troubleshooting-batch-jobs-in-ax/
First of all, do you have all 3 workflow jobs set up?
Workflow message processing
Workflow due date processing
Workflow line-item notifications
They can be set up from System administration > Setup > Workflow > Workflow infrastructure configuration.
Secondly, it is OK for the periodic batch jobs to have status Waiting. They will be in status Executing for a short time and then they will be Waiting for the next run. If the Scheduled start date/time value in this batch job is in the past, that could be a problem. Otherwise everything is OK.
Lastly, if you have already ticked the Is batch server check-box in System administration > Setup > System > Server configuration, please also make sure to move the workflow batch group in the Batch server groups section in the same form from Remaining groups to Selected groups.
The batch jobs should start at Scheduled start date/time - or a bit later, you'd need to wait a minute and refresh the grid.

Jenkins - How to stall a job until a notification is received?

Is there anyway that a Jenkins job can be paused until a notification is received. Ideally with a payload as well?
I have a "test" job which does a whole bunch of remote tests and I'd like it to wait until the test are done where I send a HTTP notification via curl with a payload including a test success code.
Is this possible with any default Jenkins plugins?
If Jenkins 2.x is an option for you, I'd consider taking a look at writing a pipeline job.
See https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/
Perhaps you could create a pipeline with multiple stages, where:
The first batch of work (your test job) is launched by the first pipeline stage.
That stage is configured (via Groovy code) to wait until your tests are complete before continuing. This is of course easy if the command to run your tests blocks, but if your tests launch and then detach without providing an easy way to determine when they exit, you can probably add extra Groovy code to your stage to make it poll the machine where the tests are running, to discover whether the work is complete.
Subsequent stages can be run once the first stage exits.
As for passing a payload from one stage to another, that's possible too - for exit codes and strings, you can use Groovy variables, and for files, I believe you can have a stage archive a file as an artifact; subsequent stages can then access the artifact.
Or, as Hani mentioned in a comment, you could create two Jenkins jobs, and have your tests (launched by the first job) use the Jenkins API to launch the second job when they complete successfully.
As you suggested, curl can be used to trigger jobs via the API, or you can use a Jenkins API wrapper package for to your preferred language (I've had success using the Python jenkinsapi package for this sort of work: http://pythonhosted.org/jenkinsapi/)
If you need to pass parameters from your API client code to the second Jenkins job, that's possible by adding parameters to the second job using the the Parameterized Build features built into Jenkins: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Parameterized+Build

BizTalk 2006 Event Log Warnings - Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dta_MessageFieldValues' with unique index 'IX_MessageFieldValues'

We have been seeing the following 'warnings' in the event log of our BizTalk
machine since upgrading to BTS 2006. They seem to occur
randomly 6 or 8 times per day.
Does anyone know what this means and what needs to be done to clear it up?
we have only one BizTalk server which is running on only one machine.
I am new to BizTalk, so I am unable to find how many tracking host instances running for BizTalk server. Also, can you please let me know that we can configure only one instance for one server/machine?
Source: BAM EventBus Service
Event: 5
Warning Details:
Execute batch error. Exception information: TDDS failed to batch execution
of streams. SQLServer: bizprod, Database: BizTalkDTADb.Cannot insert
duplicate key row in object 'dta_MessageFieldValues' with unique index
The statement has been terminated..
I see you got a partial answer in your MSDN Post
go to BizTalk Admin Console ,check in Platform Settings -> Hosts, in the list of hosts on the right, confirm that only a single Host has the Tracking column marked as Yes.
As to your other question. Yes you can run a Single Host Instance on a Single Server. Although when your server starts to come under a bit of load you may want to consider setting up some more so you can balance the workload better.

build queue issues in CC.net

Having a question on how the build queue is configured in CC.net.
I believe we have an issue , when trying to “force” build a scheduled project, the server tries to run several builds at the same time and fails
Most of them except the one that started first.
We need to get to a state when regardless how many builds are scheduled or how many we “force” start in about the same time, all build requests are placed in to a build queue and
executed one after finishing another in the order they were placed, and no extra request are generated.
Build Failed email is sent but the build was actually successful.
In short,The erroneous email is likely due to an error in the build server’s build scheduler/queue, trying to run 2 builds instead of one when asked for a “forced” build, as a result the first one is successful and the second one fails.
How to correct/resolve this issue....?
To specify your projects' queue you need to set the queue property like this :
<project name="MyFirstProject" queue="Q1" queuePriority="1">
The default value is a queue per project. If you manually set the same queue (for example Q1) for all you project then, you will have a unique queue.
As for the queuePriority, the project (not yet started) in the queue are ordonned by queuePriority, low queuePriority projects start first.
It's all described in the cc net documentation which is now offline due to a problem at sourceforge.
