Is it possible to detect missing Object.freeze() with Flow? - flowtype

Flow has $ReadOnly utility type [1] that represents a read-only view of T. Unfortunately, as Flow allows to assign a mutable T to its read-only version, it cannot be used to model the usage of Object.freeze(). In particular, it cannot detect missing calls to the latter. For example, given
type Foo = { field: string };
// frozen is assumed to be immutable with no way to change it
type WithFrozenFoo = { +frozen: $ReadOnly<Foo> }
Flow type-checks the following code:
let foo = { field: "test" };
foo.field = "new value";
let bar = { frozen: foo };
foo.field = "changed"; // Also changes bar.frozen.field
when the correct code should be:
let foo = { field: "test" };
foo.field = "new value";
let bar = { frozen: Object.freeze(foo) };
foo = {, field: "changed" }
Ideally Flow should have provided a separated $Frozen which instances can only be assigned from T via Object.freeze().
But given the lack of this, is it possible to model it in a different way even if this would involve a utility function that uses any internally?
[1] -

It turned out just by using read-only fields we can solve the problem which also made frozen unnecessary. The drawback is cloning objects on updates, but as Object.freeze() can be slower then object creation [1], this was a useful compromise.
type Foo = { +field: string };
let foo: Foo = { field: "test" };
foo = {, field: "new value"};
let bar = { frozen: foo };
// Now flow complain
foo.field = "changed";
[1] -


Higher-order function returning generic function

So in this basic example (tryflow):
// basic identity function example with generic type
type Foo = { prop: number};
type Bar = { prop: string };
const foo: Foo = { prop: 1 };
const bar: Bar = { prop: 'a' };
function identity<T>(same: T): T {
return same;
// here identity acts as (Foo) => Foo
const foo2: Foo = identity(foo);
// and here it's (Bar) => Bar
const bar2: Bar = identity(bar);
My identity function, using generics, takes whatever type is given to it. As arguments are bound to it, T becomes first Foo and then Bar.
What I want is a higher-order function which returns a generic function. I can write a higher-order function which uses generics (tryflow):
type IdentityFunction = <T>(self: T) => T;
// error here
const baseId: IdentityFunction = (same) => same;
// ^ Cannot assign function to
// `baseId` because `T` [1] is
// incompatible with `T` [2] in
// the return value.
type Foo = { prop: number};
type Bar = { prop: string };
const foo: Foo = { prop: 1 };
const bar: Bar = { prop: 'a' };
function makeIdentity(func: IdentityFunction): IdentityFunction {
return func;
const identity: IdentityFunction = makeIdentity(baseId);
const foo2: Foo = identity(foo);
const bar2: Bar = identity(bar);
For me, this approach makes the most sense. I'm honestly not sure why I get this error. How can T be incompatible with itself? Is it because a type is never explicitly applied to T? It's somehow indeterminate so it just can't be used for anything? But then, isn't that the whole point of generics? Anyway, I'm sure I'm just missing some subtle point of the type system, or maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. Any help appreciated.
You need to generically type your baseID function so Flow knows what you expect as argument and return type. It seems like Flow doesn't use the type of IndentityFunction when trying to figure out what the baseId function is really doing.
type IdentityFunction = <T>(self: T) => T;
// no more error
const baseId: IdentityFunction = <S>(same: S): S => same;
type Foo = { prop: number};
type Bar = { prop: string };
const foo: Foo = { prop: 1 };
const bar: Bar = { prop: 'a' };
function makeIdentity(func: IdentityFunction): IdentityFunction {
return func;
const identity: IdentityFunction = makeIdentity(baseId);
const foo2: Foo = identity(foo);
const bar2: Bar = identity(bar);
You can simplify the instantiation of baseId to:
const baseId = <S>(same: S): S => same;
And flow still understands what's going on here.
This behavior is a little confusing and I wonder if there is a good reason for it. You would think that it could take what's on the lefthand side and apply it to the function on the right (especially in simple cases like this one). Maybe it has to do with how flow sees the righthand expression? If anyone else has an idea, I'd love to hear it.
Either way, I tend to avoid declaring the type of functions on the lefthand side of declarations. Not as a rule, I just rarely want to declare the type of a function somewhere besides the function itself.

"TypeError: Cannot set property 'VibrantImg' in RactiveJS adaptor

I'm trying to create a simple Ractive adaptor to parse a value from the Color Thief ( into a template with a defined mustache. (I know there may be better ways to achieve this, but there is a reason for why I'm using the adaptor route!)
I've set up a demo of what I have so far here - this the Ractive code part:
var colorThief = new ColorThief();
var img2 = document.getElementById('ctimage');
var imgColor;
Ractive.adapt.CTImg = {
filter: function ( object ) {
return object instanceof img2;
wrap: function ( ractive, img2, keypath, prefixer ) {
// Setup
return {
teardown: function(){
get: function(){
imgColor = colorThief.getColor(img);
set: function(property, value){
ractive.set('mainColor', imgColor);
reset: function(value){
var ractive = new Ractive({
target: '#container',
template: '#template',
adapt: [ 'CTImg' ],
data: {
mainColor: "rgb(97, 79, 112)" // this is what should be returned
My aim is to get the prominent color from the image given in the Codepen (above), pass it into Ractive (and to Color Thief by the adaptor), then output the resulting color on screen in the relevant mustache.
I can display a hard coded color OK in the template, so I know that the data keypath / reference is OK. However, my issue is getting the color back from Color Thief via the adaptor - the error I'm getting is Uncaught "TypeError: Cannot set property 'CTImg' of undefined".
I've checked through SO and the Ractive Github site to see if I can figure out what is going wrong, but my head is starting to spin!
Can anyone please help me to at least get the color to come back from Color Thief via the adaptor?
So adapt and adaptors are two different config objects. adaptors is a registry of adaptor definitions and adapt tells the component/instance what adaptors to use. There's no global adapt property.
For global registration of an adaptor, you need Ractive.adaptors.
Ractive.adaptors.CTImg = {...}
The next problem is actually how you use the adaptor. Adaptors require you to put the non-POJO data into the instance. The filter is run on the data and determines if the data needs to be adapted, and if so, does the setup. Then, it's the usual adaptor setup. get returns the value to Ractive, set sets the value to your custom object, etc.
Here's an updated example:
Ractive.adaptors.CTImg = {
filter: function ( object ) {
// Detect if the data is an image element
return object instanceof HTMLImageElement;
wrap: function ( ractive, object, keypath, prefixer ) {
// Set up color thief for this piece of data because it's an image
var colorThief = new ColorThief();
return {
teardown: function(){
get: function(){
// Return the replacement data
return colorThief.getColor(object);
set: function(property, value){
// We're not setting to color thief, leave empty
reset: function(value){
// Always replace the data when the data is changed
return false;
var ractive = new Ractive({
target: '#container',
template: '#template',
adapt: [ 'CTImg' ],
data: {
dominant: null
onrender: function(){
// set image on data. adaptor will capture it.
this.set('dominant', this.find('#ctimage'))

How to flowtype cover this code in a function with dereferenced object fields

I'm new to flow, any trying to cover some of my functions, however often I have these snippets where I extract fields form an object based on some condition. But I'm struggling to cover them with flow.
const _join = function ( that: Array<Object>, by: string, index: number) {
that.forEach((thatOBJ: {[string]: any}, i: number)=>{
let obj: {[string]: any} = {};
for (let field: string in thatOBJ) {
if (field !== by) {
obj[`${index.toString()}_${field}`] = thatOBJ[field]; // NOT COVERED
} else {
obj[field] = thatOBJ[field]; // NOT COVERED
that[i] = obj;
The array that in this code is a data array so can really be in any format of mongodb data.
Any ideas on what to add to make the two lines which are not covered by flow covered?
A few notes...
This function has a "side effect" since you're mutating that rather than using a transformation and returning a new object.
Array<Object> is an Array of any, bounded by {}. There are no other guarantees.
If you care about modeling this functionality and statically typing them, you need to use unions (or |) to enumerate all the value possibilities.
It's not currently possible to model computed map keys in flow.
This is how I'd re-write your join function:
// #flow
function createIndexObject<T>(obj: { [string]: T }, by: string, index: number): { [string]: T } {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((newObj, key) => {
if (key !== by) {
newObj[`${index}_${key}`] = newObj[key]
} else {
newObj[key] = obj[key]
return newObj
}, {})
const test1: { [string]: string | number } = createIndexObject({ foo: '', bar: 3 }, 'foo', 1)
const test2: { [string]: string | boolean } = createIndexObject({ foo: '', bar: 3 }, 'foo', 1)

How to set a DynamoDB Map property value, when the map doesn't exist yet

How do you "upsert" a property to a DynamoDB row. E.g. SET address.state = "MA" for some item, when address does not yet exist?
I feel like I'm having a chicken-and-egg problem because DynamoDB doesn't let you define a sloppy schema in advance.
If address DID already exist on that item, of type M (for Map), the internet tells me I could issue an UpdateExpression like:
SET #address.#state = :value
with #address, #state, and :value appropriately mapped to address, state, and MA, respectively.
But if the address property does not already exist, this gives an error:
ValidationException: The document path provided in the update expression is invalid for update
So.. it appears I either need to:
Figure out a way to "upsert" address.state (e.g., SET address = {}; SET address.state = 'MA' in a single command)
Issue three (!!!) roundtrips in which I try it, SET address = {}; on failure, and then try it again.
If the latter.... how do I set a blank map?!?
Ugh.. I like Dynamo, but unless I'm missing something obvious this is a bit crazy..
You can do it with two round trips, the first conditionally sets an empty map for address if it doesn't already exist, and the second sets the state:
UpdateExpression: 'SET #a = :value',
ConditionExpression: 'attribute_not_exists(#a)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":value": {},
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#a': 'address'
}, ...);
UpdateExpression: 'SET #a.#b = :v',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#a': 'address',
'#b': 'state'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':v': 'whatever'
}, ...);
You cannot set nested attributes if the parent document does not exist. Since address does not exist you cannot set the attribute province inside it. You can achieve your goal if you set address to an empty map when you create the item. Then, you can use the following parameters to condition an update on an attribute address.province not existing yet.
var params = {
TableName: 'Image',
Key: {
Id: 'dynamodb.png'
UpdateExpression: 'SET address.province = :ma',
ConditionExpression: 'attribute_not_exists(address.province)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':ma': 'MA'
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW'
docClient.update(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) ppJson(err); // an error occurred
else ppJson(data); // successful response
By the way, I had to replace state with province as state is a reserved word.
Another totally different method is to simply create the address node when creating the parent document in the first place. For example assuming you have a hash key of id, you might do:
Item: {
id: 42,
address: {}
}, ...);
This will allow you to simply set the address.state value as the address map already exists:
UpdateExpression: 'SET #a.#b = :v',
AttributeExpressionNames: {
'#a': 'address',
'#b': 'state'
AttributeExpressionValues: {
':v': 'whatever'
}, ...);
Some kotlin code to do this recursively regardless how deep it goes. It sets existence of parent paths as condition and if condition check fails, recursively creates those paths first. It has to be in the library's package so it can access those package private fields/classes.
fun Table.updateItemByPaths(hashKeyName: String, hashKeyValue: Any, updateActions: List<UpdateAction>) {
val parentPaths = { it.pathOperand.path.parent() }
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.toSet() // to remove duplicates
try {
val builder = ExpressionSpecBuilder()
updateActions.forEach { builder.addUpdate(it) }
if (parentPaths.isNotEmpty()) {
var condition: Condition = ComparatorCondition("=", LiteralOperand(true), LiteralOperand(true))
parentPaths.forEach { condition = condition.and(attribute_exists<Any>(it)) }
this.updateItem(hashKeyName, hashKeyValue, builder.buildForUpdate())
} catch (e: ConditionalCheckFailedException) {
this.updateItemByPaths(hashKeyName, hashKeyValue, { M(it).set(mapOf<String, Any>()) })
this.updateItemByPaths(hashKeyName, hashKeyValue, updateActions)
private fun String.parent() = this.substringBeforeLast('.', "")
Here is a helper function I wrote in Typescript that works for this a single level of nesting using a recursive method.
I refer to the top-level attribute as a column.
await setKeyInColumn('customerA', 'address', 'state', "MA")
// Updates a map value to hold a new key value pair. It will create a top-level address if it doesn't exist.
static async setKeyInColumn(primaryKeyValue: string, colName: string, key: string, value: any, _doNotCreateColumn?:boolean) {
const obj = {};
obj[key] = value; // creates a nested value like {address:value}
// Some conditions depending on whether the column already exists or not
const ConditionExpression = _doNotCreateColumn ? undefined:`attribute_not_exists(${colName})`
const AttributeValue = _doNotCreateColumn? value : obj;
const UpdateExpression = _doNotCreateColumn? `SET ${colName}.${key} = :keyval `: `SET ${colName} = :keyval ` ;
const updateParams = {
TableName: TABLE_NAME,
Key: {key:primaryKeyValue},
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":keyval": AttributeValue
ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW",
const resp = await docClient.update(updateParams).promise()
if (resp && resp[colName]) {
return resp[colName];
//if the column already exists, then rerun and do not create it
if(ex.code === 'ConditionalCheckFailedException'){
return this.setKeyInColumn(primaryKeyValue,colName,key, value, true)
console.log("Failed to Update Column in DynamoDB")
return undefined
I've got quite similar situation. I can think of only a one way to do this in 1 query/atomically.
Extract map values to top level attributes.
Given I have this post item in DynamoDB:
"PK": "123",
"SK": "post",
"title": "Hello World!"
And I want to later add an analytics entry to same partition:
"PK": "123",
"SK": "analytics#december",
"views": {
// <day of month>: <views>
"1": "12",
"2": "457463",
// etc
Like in your case, it's not possible to increment/decrement views days counters in single query if analytics item nor views map might not exist (could be later feature or don't want to put empty items).
Proposed solution:
"PK": "123",
"SK": "analytics#december",
// <day of month>: <views>
"1": "12", // or "day1" if "1" seems too generic
"2": "457463",
// etc
Then you could do something like this (increment +1 example):
UpdateExpression: "SET #day = if_not_exists(#day, 0) + 1",
AttributeExpressionNames: {
'#day': "1"
if day attribute value doesn't exist, set default value to 0
if item in database doesn't exist, update API adds a new one

How to get prototype of a registered webcomponent without instantiating it

Consider the following code in a javascript library;
document.registerElement('my-component', { prototype: { foo: true }});
It seems registerElement returns a function which can be used as a constructor.
How can I get a reference to this function later ?
var tempDom = document.createElement('my-component')
Seems working but it requires creating an instance first.
I think you just need to save the return from registerElement() in a variable, and then use that variable later. If you do not save the return then I believe it is lost.
// Save the return in a variable
var mycomp = document.registerElement('my-component');
// Use the var to create the element
document.body.appendChild(new mycomp());
// Then you can do things with the new tag
var mytag = document.getElementsByTagName("my-component")[0];
mytag.textContent = "I am a my-component element.";
prototype method will give you an expected result.
var mc = document.registerElement(
'my-component', { prototype: { foo: true }}
//⇒ my-component {foo: true}
Hope it helps.
